Symetra Stride Indexed Annuity

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Symetra Life Insurance Company

Protection and growth potential for your retirement




A quick product overview

Symetra Stride offers potential to take your retirement to a higher level.

What is Symetra Stride? Let’s break it down.

Symetra Stride is a single-premium fixed indexed annuity with our optional Signature Withdrawal Benefit, a guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit rider (withdrawal benefit).

Let’s take a closer look at what this means.

Growth potential based on the JPMorgan ETF Efficiente® 5 Index , Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Excess Return Index TM and the S&P 500® .

An optional guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit rider providing income for life .

Learn more on page 16.



An annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company. The idea is pretty simple. You put money in. It accumulates interest. It pays you back later. “Paying you back” can happen in several ways. One option is to take money out as a monthly payment for the rest of your life.

Your money can grow over time

And pays you back later

Fixed indexed

“Fixed indexed” describes how the annuity’s interest is calculated. This interest can be a fixed rate or based on the performance of a market index .

Fixed rate

Market index


You purchase the annuity with a single payment .

You make a single payment

Guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit rider (withdrawal benefit)

An optional feature , available at an extra cost, that provides guaranteed income for life in the form of regular withdrawals from your contract. It gives you predictable, reliable income that continues even if your annuity is withdrawn to $0.

Guaranteed income for life


Symetra Stride can help you with your retirement goals.

I want my money to have the potential to grow.

• S ymetra Stride offers nine different indexed account options and an optional fixed account. • A ny interest you earn is determined at the end of each interest term and will grow through compounding. The initial interest term begins the day your contract is issued. • If you select an indexed account option and the market index you choose goes up, your indexed account can be credited interest. The credited interest is determined by a participation rate (a percentage of the index’s performance) or is credited up

to a “cap” (a top percentage you can earn in any given interest term). • Y our money grows tax-deferred (it’s not taxed until you take it out).

I want access to my money if I need it.

• A fter the first year, you can withdraw 7% of your contract value without being charged. • Y ou can take out more than 7%, but the amount withdrawn may be subject to a market value adjustment or “MVA” (a positive or negative adjustment made to your contract) and a withdrawal charge. • Y ou can surrender your contract any time and get your money back (subject to MVAs and withdrawal charges, and minus any previous charges or withdrawals). The value you would receive is called the “cash surrender value.” • A ny withdrawals taken from the indexed account before the end of an interest term will not earn interest. • A fter the first 10 years of your contract, MVAs and withdrawal charges no longer apply. • T here may be other ways to access your money if your health changes. See page 12 for more details.

I don’t want to lose money.

• W e guarantee that you will get back the money you put in, plus any interest earned (subject to MVAs and withdrawal charges, and minus any previous charges or withdrawals). • If you die, your beneficiaries will receive any remaining contract value. • B ecause you’re not actually invested in the market, you will never lose money due to market declines.


A quick product overview

I don’t want to run out of money.

Lifetime income

• O ur Signature Withdrawal Benefit, which can be elected by those aged 50 and older at the time of purchase, can guarantee steady income payments for life. This is explained in more detail on pages 14-16. • If you elect the withdrawal benefit, you can access any remaining contract value if you have an unexpected need, but this will reduce the amount you can withdraw each year and charges (such as withdrawal and withdrawal benefit charges and MVAs) may apply. • If you elect the withdrawal benefit, the 7% penalty-free amount is no longer available after lifetime withdrawals begin. • T here is an annual charge for the withdrawal benefit. • Y ou can cancel the withdrawal benefit after five years. If you do, the benefits it provides go away and previous charges will not be refunded. You cannot re-elect the withdrawal benefit after it’s canceled. • P age 15 describes the “benefit base” used to determine your guaranteed withdrawal amount. This is not the same as your contract value and may be higher than your contract value. Your cash surrender value, not your benefit base, is the value you would receive if you surrendered your contract.

Principal protection

Growth potential

I don’t want any surprises. What else should I know?

Tax deferral

• F ixed interest rates, participation rates and caps are reset at the end of each account’s interest term, so they may vary from term to term. • T here may be interest terms where you earn no interest if the index you choose doesn’t increase or if it declines. • F ederal income taxes may apply to withdrawals, including an additional 10% tax if you withdraw money before age 59½. If you have questions, you should consult with an attorney or tax professional. • S ymetra Stride provides a “free-look period,” which means you can cancel your contract and receive a full refund within 30 days of the contract receipt.

Built for the long-term Fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) are built to be long-term insurance products. A FIA with a withdrawal benefit is meant for people who want guaranteed income in retirement.




You worked for your retirement. Now let it work for you.



Protect it, grow it, and fund your lifestyle

As your retirement approaches, you want to ensure that the savings you’ve worked for will support the retirement you envision.

Symetra Stride, with its optional Signature Withdrawal Benefit, can help you resolve these questions:

Can my retirement money continue to grow in retirement?

Will I run out of money while I still need it?

Let’s learn more.



How can Symetra Stride help my money grow? Your account choices Your index choices Symetra Stride allows you to choose from accounts linked to market indexes and an optional fixed account, providing opportunities to grow your money and maintain the lifestyle you want.

Indexed accounts Indexed accounts earn interest based on the

1 JPMorgan ETF Efficiente® 5 Index

This industry-leading, multi-asset-class index seeks to generate returns by utilizing a diverse array of exchange- traded funds (ETFs) and a cash index. In an attempt to dampen its up and down movements, the index rebalances monthly to create an asset mix with the best recent returns for a given level of risk.

performance of a market index. An index is a financial tool that tracks the value of a specific collection of securities. In other words, it is a measurement of investment value—not an investment itself. If the index value goes up from the beginning to the end of the interest term, you’ll receive interest based on a participation rate or up to a declared cap (upper limit). The participation rate credits your contract a percentage of the total index’s performance over a specified interest term. Fixed account The fixed account earns interest at a fixed rate that is declared at the beginning of each interest term.

1-year term (with participation rate or cap) or 2-year term (with participation rate)

2 Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Excess Return Index This dynamic index pursues attractive returns with a focus on managing volatility and avoiding unwanted surprises. It combines three kinds of assets: U.S. stocks with better risk-adjusted return potential than the market average, U.S. Treasury bonds for stability and diversification, and cash to mitigate downside risk. The index has rules that seek to manage risk. On a daily basis the index can flex and rebalance, targeting volatility centered around 5%.

Flexibility to transfer between accounts You can transfer money between your fixed account and/or any indexed accounts at the end of each 1- or 2-year interest term.

1-year term (with participation rate or cap) or 2-year term (with participation rate)

3 S&P 500 Index Widely regarded as the best single gauge of large-cap U.S. equities, this world-renowned index includes 500 of the top companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy.

1-year term (with participation rate or cap) or 2-year term (with participation rate)

Indexed interest crediting Interest credited to indexed accounts is determined by comparing the value of the index at the beginning of the 1- or 2-year interest term to its value at the end of the interest term. Interest is credited based on a participation rate or up to a cap, depending on which index you choose.

End date

Interest term start date

Chart is for illustrative purposes only.



Participation rates and caps

Participation rates and caps are set at the beginning of each interest term and may change at the start of each following term. They can be used to determine the amount of indexed interest that is credited to your contract, depending on your index choices.

PARTICIPATION RATES This interest crediting strategy credits your contract a percentage of the total index’s performance over a specified term. If the change in the index value from the beginning of the interest term to the end of the interest term is positive, you’ll receive a percentage of that return based on the participation rate. How the participation rate works: Index performance Participation rate Interest credited

CAPS Caps limit the amount of indexed interest that can be earned in each interest term. If the change in the index value from the beginning of the interest term to the end of the interest term is positive, you’ll receive interest up to the declared cap. How the cap works: Index performance Cap Interest credited

Index performance greater than cap Index performance less than cap




Positive index performance Positive index performance Negative index performance








50% 3.5%

Negative index performance







This hypothetical example shows how a Symetra Stride indexed account would be credited interest in hypothetical situations when index performance over the interest term was greater than the cap, less than the cap (but positive), or negative.

This hypothetical example shows how a Symetra Stride indexed account would be credited interest in hypothetical situations when index performance over the interest term was positive or negative. The amount of interest credited is the index performance multiplied by the participation rate.

Indexed interest is calculated and credited (if applicable) at the end of each interest term. Any amounts withdrawn from an indexed account before the end of the interest term will not receive interest for that term.



Putting your choices together You have a total of 10 account options: Nine indexed account options and a fixed account. You’ll tell us exactly how you want your money allocated at the time of purchase.

Allocating your purchase payment You’ll decide the percentage to allocate to each account, adding up to 100%. Choose between any combination of the nine indexed accounts and the fixed account. Indexed Account availability may vary by Distributor. Additional Indexed Account options may be available to you at the end of your interest term. Consult with your Financial Professional or Registered Representative for more information.

Indexed options

Fixed option

JPMorgan ETF Efficiente® 5 1-year




Fixed Account



Participation rate


Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Excess Return 1-year 2-year Cap %

• Your initial fixed account interest rate is declared for one year and is subject to change in subsequent years. • Your interest rate will never be lower than the



Participation rate

Total 100% Minimum purchase payment: $25,000

S&P 500



guaranteed minimum interest rate stated in your contract.





Participation rate

• Your initial cap or participation rate is declared for one or two years (depending on which option you choose) and is subject to change in the following interest terms. • Your cap will never be lower than the guaranteed minimum indexed interest cap stated in your contract. • Your participation rate will never be lower than the minimum participation rate stated in your contract.



Starting your interest term Your initial interest term begins the day your contract is issued.

Protection from market declines Your contract value is protected from losing value due to market performance. If the index value declines from the beginning of an interest term to the end of an interest term, you will receive no interest for that term, but your contract value won’t decline.

A word about taxes* In some instances, you won’t pay income taxes on any interest credited to your annuity until you actually take out money in the form of a withdrawal or annuity payments. You might be in a lower tax bracket at that time, helping you to keep more of what you earned. * Qualified and nonqualified annuities are subject to different tax treatment. Qualified annuities are subject to required minimum distribution rules. Consult your attorney or tax professional for more information.



What if I need access to my money sooner than expected?

While Symetra Stride is designed for the long term, we recognize that circumstances can change and you may still need access to your money.

Free annual withdrawals After the first year, you can withdraw up to 7% of your contract value each contract year without paying withdrawal charges or MVAs. If you withdraw more than 7% during the withdrawal charge period, a withdrawal charge and MVA may apply to the amount over 7%. The 7% penalty-free amount is no longer available after lifetime withdrawals begin if the withdrawal benefit is elected at purchase.

Nursing Home and Hospitalization Waiver If you’re confined to a nursing home or hospital for at least 30 consecutive days, we’ll waive your withdrawal charges and MVAs. We’ll also waive those charges and MVAs for up to 90 days after your release. Additional requirements are explained in the annuity contract. This waiver is not available in all states. Terminal Illness Waiver If you are diagnosed with a terminal illness after your contract is issued, we’ll waive withdrawal charges and applicable MVAs after your first contract year. Additional requirements are explained in your contract. This waiver is not available in all states. Annuitization Anytime after your first contract year and before your 96th birthday, you may convert your contract value to an income stream that pays you over a specific period of time or for your lifetime. If you elect the optional withdrawal benefit at the time of purchase, choosing to annuitize will terminate the withdrawal benefit and the charges no longer apply.



Market value adjustment 1

Other features and benefits

Withdrawal charge schedule The first 10 years of your contract are called the “withdrawal charge period.” During this time, if you withdraw more than the 7% free withdrawal amount, you will pay a withdrawal charge on the excess amount, unless a waiver applies. The withdrawal charge decreases during your contract term as follows:*

If you withdraw money from your contract during the withdrawal charge period, a market value adjustment (MVA) may apply. The MVA does not apply to the 7% free withdrawal feature or to the maximum withdrawal amount after optional lifetime withdrawals begin. • The adjustment will be either positive (a credit) or negative (a charge)—meaning the amount you receive will increase or decrease. The adjustment is based on the change in the Bloomberg U.S. Corporate Bond Index yield between the day the contract was issued and the day the withdrawal is taken. • After the withdrawal charge period, the MVA no longer applies. It may also apply upon death or annuitization, but only if it results in a cash surrender value that is higher than the contract value that would otherwise be paid. • A negative adjustment will never result in receiving less than the guaranteed minimum value. • Please review your Contract Summary and/ or Statement of Benefit Information at the time of purchase for specific examples of how withdrawal charges and MVAs may affect contract and cash surrender values.

Contract year



9%9%8%7%6%5%4%3%2%1% 0

* As a percentage of the amount withdrawn in excess of the free withdrawal amount.

The withdrawal charge for California decreases during your contract term as follows:

Contract year



8.3% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% .91%* 0%

* Begins at 0.91% in month 1 and reduces by 0.083% each month, with a withdrawal charge of 0% in month 12.

Death benefit Upon your death, your beneficiaries will receive the contract value (which does not reflect any current withdrawal charge or MVA) or the cash surrender value (reflecting any applicable withdrawal charge and MVA), whichever is more.

1 Market Value Adjustment (MVA) not available in California.



Will I run out of money?

Signature Withdrawal Benefit SM Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Rider Looking for guaranteed income in retirement? Our optional withdrawal benefit provides guaranteed income for life in the form of regular withdrawals from your contract. Elected at the time of purchase for an additional charge, it gives you predictable, reliable income that continues even if your contract value is withdrawn to $0. The Signature Withdrawal Benefit can only be elected by those aged 50 and older.

Here’s how it works The Signature Withdrawal Benefit allows lifetime withdrawals from your contract up to the maximum withdrawal amount (maximum amount) each year, regardless of your remaining contract value.



Determining your maximum amount

The maximum amount is the amount you can withdraw each year, regardless of your remaining contract value. It’s calculated when you purchase a Symetra Stride contract and is based on your age (which determines your withdrawal percentage) and the benefit base.

Benefit base is a calculation that helps determine your maximum amount. It is separate from your contract value and is often higher than your contract value. It is initially equal to your purchase payment and increases each year by a roll-up percentage that compounds for up to 10 years (as long as you defer withdrawal payments).

Consider this hypothetical example:

Assume you purchase Symetra Stride with $100,000. You plan to wait two years to start taking lifetime withdrawals, your withdrawal percentage is 5% , and the roll-up percentage is 7% . Withdrawal percentage x benefit base = maximum amount

Calculating the benefit base amount Signature Withdrawal Benefit uses a compound roll-up formula to determine the benefit base.

End of first year

End of second year

Determine the roll-up amount by multiplying your purchase payment by the roll-up percentage.

Determine the roll-up amount by multiplying the previous benefit base by the roll-up percentage.

$100,000 x 7% = $7,000

$107,000 x 7% = $7,490

Step 1

Step 1

Determine the benefit base by adding the roll-up amount to your purchase payment.

Determine the benefit base by adding the roll-up amount to the previous benefit base.

$100,000 + $7,000 = $107,000

$107,000 + $7,490 = $114,490

Step 2

Step 2

Your maximum amount would be: 5% x $114,490 = $5,724.50 annually This amount would be guaranteed for life, even if your contract value is withdrawn to $0 (assuming no previous withdrawals or withdrawals in excess of this amount). Withdrawals can begin at any time after your first contract year.

This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only. Actual amounts may differ. Refer to the withdrawal percentage chart for current information.



The withdrawal benefit charge is based on a percentage of the benefit base and is deducted annually from your contract value. The charge percentage will be shown in your contract and can change after the fifth contract year, but it will not exceed 2.5%. It is possible that your contract value could be less than your initial purchase payment if there is no growth in your contract value (assuming no withdrawals). How much does the withdrawal benefit cost?

Withdrawal benefit flexibility

Changing the amount of your lifetime withdrawal At any time, you can request to change the amount (up to the maximum amount) and/or frequency of your lifetime withdrawals. Taking additional withdrawals If you need to withdraw more than your maximum amount, your future maximum amount will decrease due to the change in the contract value. The change in contract value is determined by the excess amount that is withdrawn. For more information, please refer to the Contract Summary and/or Statement of Benefit Information. Withdrawals to satisfy required minimum distributions (RMDs) If your contract is tax-qualified and you need to withdraw more than your maximum amount to satisfy an RMD, excess withdrawals will not result in a proportional reduction to your maximum amount.

RMD Friendly Excess withdrawals needed to satisfy RMDs

will not reduce your maximum amount.



Why consider Symetra Stride?

Upside potential Potential for your account value to grow based on three indexes— the JPMorgan ETF Efficiente® 5 Index, the Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Excess Return Index and the S&P 500 Index.

Guaranteed lifetime income

Signature Withdrawal Benefit provides retirement income you can’t outlive.


RMD-friendly withdrawal treatment. Ability to change the amount of your lifetime withdrawal at any time. Ability to terminate the withdrawal benefit after five years.



Important information

Symetra Stride is an individual single-premium fixed indexed deferred annuity issued by Symetra Life Insurance Company, 777 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue, WA 98004. Contract form number is ICC19_RC1 in most states. The Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Rider form number is ICC19_RE1 in most states. Market value adjustment endorsement form number is ICC19_ RE7 in most states. Terminal illness waiver endorsement form number is ICC19_RE3 in most states. Hospital and Nursing Home waiver endorsement form number is ICC19_RE2 in most states. Fixed account endorsement form number is ICC19_RE4 in most states. Point to point with cap crediting method endorsement form number is ICC19_RE5 in most states. Point to point with participation rate crediting method endorsement form number is ICC19_RE6 in most states. Products, riders, endorsements, features, terms and conditions may vary by state and may not be available in all U.S. states or any U.S. territory. A rider is a provision of the annuity with additional costs, potential benefits and features that should never be confused with the annuity itself. Before evaluating the benefits of a rider, carefully examine the annuity to which it is attached. The Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Rider (“rider”) is an optional rider, selected at the time of application for an additional cost. The cost is an annual percentage charge for this rider based on the benefit base on the date the charge is calculated after any annual increase is added, multiplied by the rider charge rate. The rider provides a guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit during the life of the covered person(s) while the rider is in effect. You may terminate the rider after the fifth contract year. Once you terminate the rider it may not be reinstated and we will not refund any charges previously assessed. We will assess and deduct the rider charge until the rider is terminated. Changing the owners, annuitants or beneficiaries may cause the rider to terminate or adversely affect the benefits of the rider. A change in marital status after you purchase this contract may adversely affect the benefits of the rider. Taking excess withdrawals could reduce future benefits under the rider by more than the dollar amount of the excess withdrawals. Annuity contracts have terms and limitations for keeping them in force. Contact your financial professional or insurance producer for complete details.

Guarantees and benefits are subject to the claims-paying ability of Symetra Life Insurance Company. Symetra Stride has fixed and indexed accounts. Interest credited to the indexed accounts is affected by the value of outside indexes. Values based on the performance of any index are not guaranteed. The contract does not directly participate in any outside investment. Indexed interest is calculated and credited (if applicable) at the end of an interest term. Amounts withdrawn from the indexed account before the end of an interest term will not receive indexed interest for that term. If the contract is being funded with multiple purchase payments (e.g., 1035 exchanges), funds will be held and the contract will not be issued until all purchase payments have been received. Interest is not credited between the dates the purchase payments are received and the date the contract is issued. The purchase payment will begin to earn interest (if any) when the contract is issued. Except for the JPMorgan ETF Efficiente® 5 Index and the Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Excess Return Index, the performance of an index does not include the payment or reinvestment of dividends in the calculation of its performance. It is not possible to invest in an index. Symetra reserves the right to add or remove any index or indexed interest crediting method options. If any index is discontinued or if the calculation of any index is changed substantially, Symetra reserves the right to substitute a comparable index. If the MVA reference rate is not published for a particular day, Symetra will use the MVA reference rate as of the prior business day. If the MVA reference rate is no longer available or discontinued, Symetra may substitute another comparable method for determining the MVA reference rate. “Bloomberg ® ” and US Intermediate Corporate Bond Index are service marks of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates, including Bloomberg Index Services Limited (“BISL”), the administrator of the index (collectively, “Bloomberg”) and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by Symetra Life Insurance Company. Bloomberg is not affiliated with Symetra Life Insurance Company, and Bloomberg does not approve, endorse, review,

or recommend Symetra Stride Fixed Indexed Annuity. Bloomberg does not guarantee the timeliness, accurateness, or completeness of any data or information relating to Symetra Stride Fixed Indexed Annuity. Withdrawals may be subject to federal income taxes, and a 10% IRS early withdrawal tax penalty may also apply for amounts taken prior to age 59½. Consult your attorney or tax professional for more information. Tax-qualified contracts such as IRAs, 401(k)s, etc., are tax-deferred regardless of whether or not they are funded with an annuity. If you are considering funding a tax-qualified retirement plan with an annuity, you should know that an annuity does not provide any additional tax-deferred treatment of earnings beyond the tax-qualified plan or program itself. However, annuities do provide other features and benefits such as death benefits and income payment options. Contracts not owned for the benefit of natural persons, e.g., contracts owned by trusts, corporations or certain other entities, are generally not treated as annuities for federal income tax purposes and any interest are taxed as ordinary income in the current year. Exceptions may apply. Prospective Owners that are not natural persons should consult their tax professionals before purchasing the Contract. Neither Symetra Life Insurance Company nor its employees provide investment, tax, or legal advice or endorse any particular method of investing. Please consult your attorney or tax professional before making savings and investing decision. The contract provides a guaranteed minimum value upon surrender, death, or annuitization. Please see your contract or ask your financial professional or insurance producer for a current rate sheet for more details, or contact us at 1-888-802-9989. This is not a complete description of Symetra Stride Fixed Indexed Annuity with Signature Withdrawal Benefit, an optional Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Rider. For a complete description, please ask your financial professional or insurance producer for a copy of the Contract Summary.



Index disclosures

The JPMorgan ETF Efficiente ® 5 Index (“JPMorgan Index”) has been licensed to Symetra Life Insurance Company (the “Licensee”) for the Licensee’s benefit. Neither the Licensee nor Symetra Stride (individually, the “Product”) is sponsored, operated, endorsed, recommended, sold or promoted by J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (“JPMS”) or any of its affiliates (together and individually, “JPMorgan”). JPMorgan makes no representation and gives no warranty, express or implied, to contract owners in or those otherwise taking exposure to the Product. Such persons should seek appropriate professional advice before making any investment. The JPMorgan Index has been designed and is compiled, calculated, maintained and sponsored by JPMS without regard to the Licensee, the Product or any contract owner. JPMorgan is under no obligation to continue compiling, calculating, maintaining or sponsoring the JPMorgan Index. JPMorgan may independently issue or sponsor other indices or products that are similar to and may compete with the JPMorgan Index and the Product. JPMorgan may also transact in assets referenced in the JPMorgan Index (or in financial instruments such as derivatives that reference those assets). These activities could have a positive or negative effect on the value of the JPMorgan Index and the Product. The Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Excess Return Index (the “Index”) is the property of Putnam Investments, LLC, which has contracted with S&P Opco, LLC (a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC) to calculate and maintain the Index. The Index is not sponsored by S&P Dow Jones Indices or its affiliates or its third party licensors (collectively, “S&P Dow Jones Indices”). Neither Putnam Investments, LLC nor S&P Dow Jones Indices will be liable for any errors or omissions in calculating the Index. Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Excess Return Index™ is a trademark of Putnam Investments, LLC. “Calculated by S&P Dow Jones Indices” and the related stylized mark(s) are service marks of S&P Dow Jones Indices and have been licensed for use by Putnam Investments, LLC. S&P ® is a registered trademark of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“SPFS”), and Dow Jones ® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”).

The S&P 500 ® Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates (“SPDJI”), and has been licensed for use by Symetra Life Insurance Company (“Symetra”). S&P ® , S&P 500 ® , US 500, The 500, iBoxx ® , iTraxx ® and CDX ® are trademarks of S&P Global, Inc. or its affiliates (“S&P”); Dow Jones ® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”); and these trademarks have been licensed for use by SPDJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by Symetra. Symetra’s products are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, their respective affiliates, and none of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the S&P 500 ® Index.

Contact us

Symetra Life Insurance Company 777 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1200 Bellevue, WA 98004-5135 Symetra® is a registered service mark of Symetra Life Insurance Company. Signature Withdrawal Benefit SM is a service mark of Symetra Life Insurance Company.

Symetra Retirement IMO Sales Desk 1-888-802-9989 Weekdays

6 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET

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