Environmental Awareness Newsletter September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter September 2022

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Contact Us

The Environmental Awareness Quarterly Newsletter is

circulated to schools, subscribed Residents’

Upcoming Environmental Dates

Associations, Tidy Towns and Tidy Districts groups. We

would be grateful if you could circulate any notices of

interest to your members or colleagues. If you have a

story you would like to feature, please contact us.

• September 12 th – 17 th Dublin Climate Action Week

• September 10 th – 18 th Dublin Community Clean Up

For further information on environmental awareness


outreach programmes please visit the dlrcoco.ie website

• September 19 th -22 nd Walk to School Week

here or contact Niamh Moran A/Environmental

September 21 st - Zero Emissions Day

Awareness Officer (Waste Prevention) by email

September 9 th – Deadline for Climate

envaware@dlrcoco.ie or phone 01-2054700.

Conversations submission

• September 11 th – Irish Hedgehog Survey

For all other general queries please contact Dún

• October 10 th -16 th Green Schools Climate Action

Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s Civic Hub on 01 -


2054700 or email info@dlrcoco.ie

• November 21 st – 27 th European Week for Waste


September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Dublin Climate Action Week 2022

The second Dublin Climate Action Week (#DCAW22) will

take place from Monday the 12th to Saturday, the 17th of

September 2022.

The week, which is being organised and delivered by the

partnership of South Dublin County Council, Dún Laoghaire-

Rathdown County Council, Dublin City Council, Fingal County

Council, Codema – Dublin’s Energy Agency and the Dublin

Click image to view video

Climate Action Regional Office (CARO), will showcase the

ongoing efforts, ambitions and the collaborative approach of

the four Dublin local authorities, in addressing climate


A number of regional and local events covering a range of

climate topics will be delivered as part of Dublin Climate

Action Week 2022 and the full programme of events is on

the DCAW22 website, at www.dublinclimateactionweek.ie.

Click on an image to find out more or register for an event!

Click on an image to find out more or register for an event!

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

RestoreMy Dinosaur: Toy Upcycling Workshops

As part of Climate Action Week, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

have teamed up with Recreate to host Toy Upcycling Workshops on the 17 th


Reinvent your Toys into playful, kitsch coat racks, frames and wall

art! These 30-minute workshops breathe new life into broken and unloved

toys by reimagining them as playful room decorations. Using a combination

of cardboard, paint, fabric, plastic & wood, dinosaurs, your old toys will be

restored and reinvented into new creations.

Date: 17 th September

Location: dlr Pop Up Shop, 213B George’s St., Dún Laoghaire


Workshop 1: 12 - 12:30pm

Workshop 2: 12:45 – 1:15pm

Workshop 3: 1:15 – 1:45 pm

Registration: https://bit.ly/3KsvSJk

Age Range: All ages, family workshop, all welcome!

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Climate Action ‘Swap Shop ’ Climate Action ‘Swap Shop’

Trade your Unloved Toys, Clothes and Curiosities in this Inter-generational Swap Shop!

This Climate Action Week 2022, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council have teamed

up with Recreate, The Creative Reuse Company, to host a swap shop for all ages from

10am to 12pm on Saturday 17th of September . We invite you to be part of the

circular economy, by trading your unloved, qualityitems in exchange for new reuse

treasures. Clothes and toys are not the only currency in Small Swaps, your best

reuse ideas are just as valuable, so add them into our Creative Reuse Toolbox in

exchange for Small Swap items.

Textile artist Katie Hanlon will host the Fix & Twist clothes repair corner, adding an

unusual twist to repair with reuse crochet patches. Katie will provide hands-on

guidance on how to upcycle your duds into glad rags!

AgeRange: All welcome to join!

Time: 10am-12pm

Location: dlr Pop Up Shop, 213B George’s St., Dún Laoghaire

No registration needed, drop in anytime between 10am-12pm, we hope to see you


September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Picker Pals

Relove Fashion Competition

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown have partnered with Picker Pals

The Relove Fashion Competition for secondary schools will be

again this year to provide workshops to primary schools

returning this September.

in dlr working on reducing litter and waste in their school.

Relove Fashion encourages students to take a deeper look at

Picker Pals is an environmental education programme for

how their clothing is made. The competition explores creative

primary schools. Through stories, songs and an

reuse options such as upcycling, repairs, alterations and

educational picker pack, Picker Pals provides children and

mending. Students use their design and repair skills to make

their families with an opportunity to engage in a variety

their own fashion statement. For further information please

of environmental actions, particularly litter picking. The

visit the new Relove Fashion website www.relovefashion.ie or

programme is operated by VOICE Ireland. If you know, or

contact the Environmental Awareness Section by emailing

work within, a primary school that may be interested in


this programme, please ask the school to email

Schools that register interest before September 30 th will be


entered into a draw to win a new sewing machine!

Picker Pals Brochure 2022

Picker Pals Website : https://pickerpalsworld.org/

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Winners Selected for the Anti-Litter/Dog Fouling Poster Competition

Geodesign Games for Families – Minecraft and Flood Protection

We need your help to fight climate change!

Congratulations to the eight winners of this year’s Anti -Litter/Dog

Fouling poster competition!

Join a Minecraft workshop to design environmentally-friendly ways to protect our homes and improve your local area.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council were amazed at the

Ages 10+ but suitable for young and old!

creativity and effort that went into every poster that was submitted.

Minecraft experts and newbies all welcome.

With over 100 posters submitted, we were inspired and impressed

This event is hosted by University College Dublin. Speaker: Saul Crowley, Research Scientist, Spatial Dynamics Lab, University College Dublin Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/geodesign- games-for-families-minecraft-and-flood-protection-tickets- 401129718787

with the standard and effectiveness of the slogans created. These

posters and slogans remind us all of the importance of keeping litter

and dog fouling off the streets and keeping our county clean.

Check out the winning designs on the next page!

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Winners Selected for the Anti-Litter/Dog Fouling Poster Competiton

St. Attracta’s Senior National School

Our Lady’s Grove Primary School

St. Attracta’s Junior National School

The Harold School

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Winners Selected for the Anti-Litter/Dog Fouling Poster Competiton

St. Brigids BNS Foxrock

Our Lady’s National School, Clonskeagh

Oatlands Primary School

Dalkey School Project National School

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Dublin Community Clean-up Week 2022

Dublin Community Clean-up Week 2022 takes place from

the 10th to 18th of September.

We are inviting volunteers from all parts of Dublin to join

forces and organise clean-ups around their area, to make

this the biggest clean-up event ever.

Registrations for your clean up kit is now open. To get

involved, please visit


From the mountains to the sea let’s make Dublin

litter free!

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Upcycle Challenge 2022 Open for Entries

MyWaste are challenging you to unearth the imagination within and create something new out of something old…to breathe new life

into an old or unwanted item or material.

So if you can find something old and renovate it or turn it into something completely different but still usable then why not submit

it to this year’s Upcycle Challenge?

When entering please remember that MyWaste need to see the journey you’ve taken, be sure to submit some pictures of the

before, during and after the transformation, make sure to let MyWaste know why you did what you did and what was your


Closing Date: October 27th2022

Submission Link: https://www.mywaste.ie/upcycle-challenge22/

Prizes Include :

• €750 for best Individual Eastern -Midlands Waste Region Category

• €750 for best Individual Schools Category

• €750 for best Community Category

• €750 for best Professional Category

For more information and to see the 2021 winners check out MyWaste here: https://www.mywaste.ie/upcycle-challenge22/

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Green Dog Walker Programme

Bag It, Bin It!

Dog owners everywhere know they need to pick up after their dogs,

In line with our Corporate Plan, Dún Laoghaire-RathdownCounty

but the issue of dog fouling is still one that plagues our County.

Council aims to enrich the quality of life through vibrant

communities by promoting the Green Dog Walker Programme. The

To highlight the issue of dog fouling Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County

Green Dog Walkers is a community led programme that promotes

Council in collaboration with 11 other local authorities have

responsible dog ownership in a positive and non-confrontational

developed a new campaign to remind dog owners to pick up after

way. If you are a dog owner who always picks-up after your dog,

their pup wherever they are.

take the pledge to become a Green Dog Walker Champion. The

Council will post you some complimentary dog waste bags, bag

The campaign features the adorable

dispenser, used bag holder and further information. To take the

“ Scally ” the dog in a series of

pledge, please visit our Green Dog Walkers webpage or contact

videos which highlight the


consequences of not picking up the

poop. Whether under the cover of

darkness, in a field or on the beach

remember “Your dog’s poop could

end up anywhere! Always Pick it


September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Seasonal Food Calendar

Eating foods that are locally produced and in season is a great way to reduce the overall environmental impact of what we eat.

The Stop Food Waste Seasonal Food Calendar tracks the growing season, so you’ll know when it’s best to buy Irish produce.

To download the Seasonal Food Calendar for 2022 or find out more about reducing your food waste, please visit https://stopfoodwaste.ie/

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Managing Food Waste at Home

Composting at Home

Brown Bin Collections Food waste and garden waste can be recycled

Composting can reduce

waste, save money and

through your food waste recycling bin (normally a

improve soil fertility.

brown bin).

When considering composting

Did you know that all households (including

at home, it is important to

apartments) living in a population agglomeration

learn how to establish and

of greater than 500 people are legally entitled to a

manage the heap, to ensure

food waste recycling service from their waste

your garden compost does

collector? To check if your area is entitled to a food waste recycle bin service,

not generate nuisance smells

please contact your private waste collection company or visit

and unwanted animal visitors.

www.WERLA.ie (link to map). Your private waste collector will send the

contents of this bin to a composting site or to a sustainable anaerobic

Environmental Awareness have created a pdf and video

digestion plant. Using the brown bin can also save you money in waste

guide with everything you need to know.

collection charges. The MyWaste website has some excellent resources, downloadable stickers and

Please visit here (www.dlrcoco.ie) to watch our video and

guides on getting the most from your brown bin at home.

download a free copy of the guide.

Please visit here.

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Climate Action ‘Swap Shop ’ Climate Conversations 2022

To empower everyone in society to help co-design the annual Climate Action Plan the Government of Ireland have established the National Dialogue on Climate Action (NDCA). The NDCA is delivered through an annual programme of events centred around our Climate Conversations. For Ireland to make this transition will require government, business, communities, and individuals working together to deliver new and ambitious policies, technological innovations, and systems and infrastructures. This will also require changes in individual behaviours including how we work, heat our homes, travel, produce our food, consume goods and services, and manage our waste. Ireland is committed to achieving this future through a just transition, meaning all voices will be heard in a fair and equal manner. In Ireland, the 2020 Programme for Government (PfG) committed Ireland to reducing carbon emissions by 51% by 2030 and becoming a carbon neutral country by no later than 2050.

Building on last year, the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications are making sure that they engage with people across all of Ireland, particularly those who are affected by our transition to carbon neutrality. You are invited to be part of this Climate Conversation 2022 and to share your views on the government's climate action and how it can support you to take climate action in your own life. Your views will support the development of the 2022 Climate Action Plan. You don’t need to be a climate expert for your opinion to be valued, we want to hear from as many people as possible and have tried to make the questions as straightforward as possible. If you do have questions, you might find the Climate Jargon Buster useful.

The Climate Conversationis being conducted in line with strict data protection rules, and for this reason is open only to those over 16.

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Tidy Districts 2022

Go Zero Waste App

An app that connects citizens with local zero waste businesses and

Thank you to the twenty seven residents’ associations, tidy

services, and makes reduction of waste and plastic use more

towns and tidy district groups who took part in this year’s Tidy

achievable, launched in Dublin recently.

Districts Competition.

The Tidy Districts Awards are due to take place on September 29 th in Dún Laoghaoire-Rathdown County Council. Invites have

Go Zero Waste is a collaborative app featuring over 100 locations

throughout Dublin where users can spend time, shop and enjoy

been issued and we look forward to welcoming participants to

their city-region more sustainably. Through the Moving Towards

celebrate them and the hard work they have all put into making

Zero Dublin Challenge, Go Zero Waste invites citizens to take up to

their local area a place for all to enjoy.

30 actions to reduce waste and practice new sustainable habits.

On behalf of the Council, I would like to thank all the

Members of the public participating in

wonderful volunteers who devote personal time to improve

the challenge accumulate points and

local environmental quality.

become eligible for prizes in the form

It’s clear to see the positive changes you have created in

of gift cards for local businesses that

your community. Each and every local environmental action

promote sustainable shopping. In

makes a difference

order to participate, simply download

the Go Zero Waste app

on Apple or Android and activate the

Dublin challenge.

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

dlr Biodiversity Event - Irish Hedgehog Survey Volunteers

Sustainable Development Goals Week

Date: Sunday Sept 11 th 2022

Ireland’s first annual Sustainable Development Goals

(SDG) Week is taking place this year from the 20 th – 26 th September as part of the wider European

Time: 10 – 12.30 pm

Meeting Point: Shanganagh Recycling Centre Car Park

Sustainable Development Week (ESDW).

The Irish Hedgehog Survey continues in 2022 and we would like to invite volunteers to help set up and carry out a hedgehog survey in Shanganagh Park and the surrounding area. This workshop is a practical session led by Elaine from the Irish Hedgehog Survey to go through the survey method, assemble footprint tunnels and plan the survey. Volunteers will set out the footprint tunnels

The SDGs belong to everyone and SDG week is open to

all – individuals, groups, schools and colleges,

businesses and institutions. To take part, organize an

event – however big or small – or highlight an activity

Volunteer commitment: Volunteers take part in the workshop and set out the footprint tunnels in the survey area. There will be ten tunnels and they will all need to be checked once a day for 5 days (mon – fri). On the last day they need to be collected. This can be organised in a couple of ways. Either a few volunteers to take a couple of tunnels each and they check those ones every day. Or the volunteers may decide to take a day or two each and check all 10 tunnels on their days. For more information and to book your place as a volunteer on the event please contact irishhedgehogsurvey@gmail.com

or project that promotes sustainable development and

join the annual week of action for the SDGs.

For more information on sustainable development, SDG

week and ideas for taking part please

see www.gov.ie/SDGs

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Illegal Dumping and Littering is all Our Problem

Every county, city, town and village across Ireland is

being called upon to join the fight against illegal

dumping through a communications campaign, “Your

Country - Your Waste”.

The “Your Country - Your Waste” campaign has been

developed as part of the Anti-Dumping Initiative, and

includes a tailored suite of information and awareness

messaging for use by community and voluntary groups,

with all materials available to download from here

Every time that illegal dumping and littering takes place it causes damage to the communities in which we all live,

work and play. The “Your Country – Your Waste” campaigns are part of the “Anti -Dumping Initiative which

highlights what each of us can do to stop illegal dumping and littering to keep our villages, towns, and cities clean

and waste free so that that we can all continue to enjoy our wonderful environment.

To find out more information about this campaign please click here

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Resources for Schools

Calling all Green Schools!

Environmental Awareness have a webpage of resources and activities

As schools within Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown return for a new school year, the Environmental Awareness Section would like to remind schools of the Green Schools programme which is facilitated locally by dlr County Council staff, in conjunction with An Taisce. The Green Schools programme is designed to promote and acknowledge whole school action for the environment. Schools undertake long term projects on environmental issues such as waste and litter management, energy, water, sustainable transport, biodiversity and global citizenship. Training and information seminars will take place over the month of October in collaboration with An Taisce and updates with regards to these can be found on the Green Schools website here: https://greenschoolsireland.org/

that suit a variety of Green-Schools themes. These resources can be

found on www.dlrcoco.ie or by clicking on each of the images below.

If your school would like to discuss your Green flag or if you would like to join the Green Schools programme, please contact the Environmental Awareness Section by emailing info@dlrcoco.ie or phone 01 2054700

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Green Schools 2022/2023 Dates for your Diary

Halloween Safety Message

As October is soon approaching, dlr would like to appeal to residents and

businesses alike for their assistance in ensuring this Halloween is safe and

Renewal and Application Deadlines

enjoyable for everybody.

If your school is due to renew their Green Flag Award this

The uncontrolled burning of waste in a bonfire is an illegal, costly and

year the application deadline for all schools renewing the

dangerous practice.

Green Flag Award is Friday, March 24th, 2023.

The Council would like to appeal to residents to be vigilant and report any

The deadline for schools applying for their first flag, Litter &

stockpiling of waste. Please note that allowing unpermitted waste collectors to

Waste theme, is Wednesday, February 15th 2023.

remove waste is an offence and could incur a fine of up to €5,000.

Any materials that are likely to be taken and used for bonfires should be

If you are unsure if you are due to renew your flag this year,

stored safely and securely, or disposed of correctly, prior to Halloween. To

please reach out to the Environmental Awareness Officer by

report stockpiling please call 01 2054700 or email info@dlrcoco.ie.

emailing envaware@dlrcoco.ie

Green Schools Climate Action Week

Green Schools Climate Action Week is due to

return October 10th- 16th . Make sure to keep an

eye on their website for upcoming events which

can be found here:


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