Environmental Awareness Newsletter September 2022

September 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Autumn Edition

Tidy Districts 2022

Go Zero Waste App

An app that connects citizens with local zero waste businesses and

Thank you to the twenty seven residents’ associations, tidy

services, and makes reduction of waste and plastic use more

towns and tidy district groups who took part in this year’s Tidy

achievable, launched in Dublin recently.

Districts Competition.

The Tidy Districts Awards are due to take place on September 29 th in Dún Laoghaoire-Rathdown County Council. Invites have

Go Zero Waste is a collaborative app featuring over 100 locations

throughout Dublin where users can spend time, shop and enjoy

been issued and we look forward to welcoming participants to

their city-region more sustainably. Through the Moving Towards

celebrate them and the hard work they have all put into making

Zero Dublin Challenge, Go Zero Waste invites citizens to take up to

their local area a place for all to enjoy.

30 actions to reduce waste and practice new sustainable habits.

On behalf of the Council, I would like to thank all the

Members of the public participating in

wonderful volunteers who devote personal time to improve

the challenge accumulate points and

local environmental quality.

become eligible for prizes in the form

It’s clear to see the positive changes you have created in

of gift cards for local businesses that

your community. Each and every local environmental action

promote sustainable shopping. In

makes a difference

order to participate, simply download

the Go Zero Waste app

on Apple or Android and activate the

Dublin challenge.

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