Fyzical. Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist Pain


Elbow, wrist and shoulder injuries are especially common as a result of workplace injury and overuse. While it is sometimes possible to take action to prevent an injury from developing, it is especially important to be able to recognize when an injury develops and to understand ways that you can combat that injury by identifying what may have caused the pain to develop in the first place. Common issues that can lead to shoulder, wrist and elbow pain include:

• Athletic injuries • Muscle sprain • Muscle strain • Dislocation or hyperextension of the joints

• Issues with poor posture • Carpal tunnel syndrome, which can develop from overuse of thewrist and regular, repetitive motions, such as typing • Heavy lifting

G E T T I N G A H A N D L E O N WR I S T , E L B OW A N D S H O U L D E R PA I N One of the biggest concerns regarding pain in the wrist, elbow and shoulder is that it is difficult to impossible to actually allow these parts of the body time to rest. Every movement and action requires these body parts — and when the pain develops in both arms, as it often does, treating the pain becomes even more complicated. It is impossible to care for your basic needs without involving your shoulder or wrist, let alone get through a day at the office. This is why so many issues regarding pain in the wrists, elbows and shoulders typically become chronic. Since it is difficult to allow these body parts time to properly rest, they continue being overused and the pain can actuallyworsen.


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