Speakeasy Marketing November 2017

Index estimated travelers drop an average of $46.89 per day on their rental car. Even rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft can add up fast when you use them to get back and forth between your hotel and the conference center each day. Save yourself some cash and book a hotel within walking distance of where your meetings will be held. Plus, after sitting in meetings all day, a brisk walk outside can do wonders for your health. EAT RIGHT AND SLEEP WELL When you’re in a rush to get from the hotel to your meeting, you might be tempted to grab a donut from the coffee shop. Resist the urge! You don’t need to add to the stress of the trip by falling into unhealthy habits. Don’t let your diet become nothing but fast food. Pack an extra water bottle, avoid alcohol or heavy foods before a flight, and get enough sleep each night. Until teleportation technology like that in “Star Trek” becomes a reality, traveling for work will continue to be a hassle. But if you’re smart and well-prepared, it doesn’t have to be something to dread.

here are some tricks to make the next one easier.

FLY THROUGH AIRPORT SECURITY WITH TSA PRECHECK One of the most trying parts of airline travel is the time-consuming experience of the Transportation Security Administration, or TSA. Long lines inch slowly along as you hurry to remove your shoes, empty your pockets, and locate all the liquids in your carry-on luggage. Say farewell to this headache with TSA Precheck. Travelers who qualify for TSA Precheck don’t have to remove their shoes, jacket, or belt; electronics and any 3-1-1 liquids remain in your carry-on; and the line is much shorter. In some cases, flyers wait a mere five minutes in TSA Precheck compared to 80 minutes in the standard security line. Learn how to apply at tsa.gov/tsa-precheck.

The Global Business Travel Association estimates around 488 million Americans fly for business every year. There are millions of conferences, meetings, and continuing education courses across the country. These trips are important, but getting to them can be a pain. If you were exhausted by your last business trip, HOW TO MAKE Business Travel Better


Transportation fees can take a hefty chunk out of your travel budget, even after you step off the plane. Business Travel News’ 2015 Corporate Travel

WHO’S THE CHEAPEST ATTORNEY IN TOWN? ...Continued from back page

These strategies don’t involve trickery. They’re about building a sense of value and showing potentials what they’d lose if they cheap out.

Because very few clients will ever choose to work with his firm. Most of the tire-kickers looking for a good deal will choose Mr. Public Defender or Mr. Nobody over them — because these two options are always the cheapest. Those clients looking for the best won’t give them a second look. And those folks — the majority of clients — who want a compromise between “white-glove” representation and an affordable fee will never reach to the bottom of the bargain bucket and hire them. So, the cheapest attorney in town is screwed on all fronts. That’s why you should never, ever be this attorney. In my “Secrets of Attorney Marketing” book, I share a selection of proven strategies my most successful clients are using to charge (and get) premium fees.

Don’t laugh!

There are a ton of schmucks who walk into court with the idea in their head that they’ll represent themselves and save $1,000 on their DUI case. “I may have just lost everything to my name, but at least I saved $1,000...” It’ll never occur to them that they could have kept their job, their home and car, and perhaps their marriage as well, if they only hired a professional... And there are many folks who genuinely believe that public defenders care about their case and want to help them. Poor fools.

You might want to read up on these strategies.

I’m sure there’s one you’re not using right now.

If it helps you retain a higher percentage of clients or raise your fees, it could be a game changer. Do you want a complimentary copy of my book? If so, enter your details at speakeasy.marketing/book , and we’ll ship one to your office.

But do you know who is the biggest fool?

That attorney I just told you about.

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