Board Converting News, June 10, 2024

NAM Webinar: Manufacturers Tackle Digital Threads


A manufacturing business is filled with internal processes, workflows and standards, and the average factory gener- ates thousands of data points per day. But how does a manufacturer capture that data? How do they preserve in- stitutional knowledge? What if they could automate work- flow, create seamless project handoffs and track develop- ment around every stage of a project’s life? The NAM’s Leading Edge program, in partnership with Siemens, asked a panel of experts these questions in “Be- yond the Buzzwords: The Digital Thread Journey,” the first in a four-part webinar series focused on understanding the “digital thread” in the workplace. In the first installment of the series, Siemens Vice President of Industry Strategy Dale Tutt and Anduril Industries Chief of Engineering Tom McCarthy introduced the idea of the digital thread — what it is, why it matters and how manufacturers can harness its power to succeed. The digital thread is a concept rather than a specific technology. According to Tutt, it is about capturing and connecting every piece of a project’s life cycle digitally, and using that connectivity to provide a seamless transi- tion of information from one functional area to another. “We often refer to a digital thread as singular, like it’s a thing,” said McCarthy. “But really, in my mind, it’s a lot of threads. … it ends up being more like a rope than a thread.” A strong digital thread can automate a manufacturer’s workflow, capture data more effectively, preserve institu- tional knowledge, trace development processes and even capture the context that informs how decisions are made. Radically new technology means that organizations can accomplish these tasks more successfully than ever before — and that those who ignore that opportunity could be left behind. One of the biggest challenges in building a strong dig- ital thread in your own workspace is integration and data management. Manufacturing systems need to manage lots of data coming to it in different formats. But according to Tutt, that data needs to be organized in a comprehensible way. According to McCarthy, a digital thread isn’t just a da- tabase. It is the key that deciphers that data and makes it accessible and intelligible for the user. New technology and strategic concepts have enhanced our capacity to build strong digital threads—and with that new ability has come a new and urgent need to make use of the concept to strengthen the manufacturing industry. To get started on your own digital thread journey, Tutt and McCarthy agreed that manufacturers should dig into the existing workflows in their organization and introduce one tool at a time, rather than trying to engineer a master solution all at once. To learn more about digital threads, check out the full webinar at .


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June 10, 2024

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