
Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — July 25 - August 14, 2014 — 11B


M id A tlantic

A rchitects & E ngineers By Glenn Ebersole, P.E., Hollenbach Construction, Inc. Twelve tips for strategic business communications


ave you ever thought about the millions, no let’s make that

before initiating the commu- nication. Tip #4 : Clearly define what is at stake with your business communication. Know why you are communicating, what you want to communicate, and with whom you will be com- municating. Tip #5 : Communicate at the receivers level. To achieve an effective business commu- nication the receiver of your message must understand the message you're sending. Don't try to impress the recipient of your message with big words that they will not understand.

within your specific industry and using common words, phrases, and acronyms. And if you are unsure if the recipi- ent of your message will not understand, then define the term or terms in your com- munication. Tip #8 : Strive for clarity and brevity in your business com- munications. Extra words do not always enhance your mes- sage. Demonstrate respect for the valuable time of the recipi- ent of your message by keeping your business communications to ones that convey something important and meaningful.

Tip #6 : Always avoid send- ing any business communica- tion when you are angry. When angry, you may be vulnerable to saying or writing things that you would not nor- mally say or write and this will present a big communication barrier. So, if you are angry, step back and wait till you are calmer and then prepare your message and choose your words carefully. Tip #7 : Always avoid the use of technical language and jargon in your business com- munications, unless you are communicating with someone

Tip #9 : Always observe proper business etiquette in all business communications. Tip #10 : Be an active lis- tener during business commu- nications. And make sure you not only listen, but that you "hear and understand" what is being communicated. Tip #11 : Always communi- cate the benefits and values you are providing to the re- cipients. Tip #12 : Try to anticipate questions and try to answer them in your business commu- nications. This has the potential continued on page 16B

billions, of communica- t i o n s t ha t t ake p l ac e each day in the world of b u s i n e s s ? We have e- mail, texts, cell phones,

Glenn Ebersole

smartphones, electronic tab- lets, direct face-to-face com- munications in meetings, and on and on and on. Communi- cation is taking up more and more of our time as we conduct business. So, having said that, let me ask you if you believe we really are using our time and communication strategically? And are we really thinking strategically about the most effective forms of communica- tion for each specific situation? You can gain a significant strategic advantage in your business when you think more and act more strategically with your business communi- cations. Reflecting upon those les- sons learned from my more than 40 years of professional experience in business and the myriad of experiences from business coaching, here are twelve tips for strategic com- munications in your business. Tip # 1 : Commit to being yourself in your business com- munications. It is best to write the way you speak. Do not try to sound like someone else. You do not have to be overly formal to achieve effective business communications. In fact, my professional ex- perience indicates that most people receiving business com- munications will understand what you're saying much more easily when you use a normal, conversational tone. Tip #2 : Be positive! Focus on delivering your business message using a positive tone and a positive approach, even if it is something the person receiving the message may not want to hear. Tip #3 : Understand the environment where your busi- ness communications will take place. What is the environ- ment for your business com- munication: on the phone, in a business office, face-to-face with a client, or a non-business location? Determine what makes you feel most comfort- able, sitting, standing, etc.

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