
Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — July 25 - August 14, 2014 — 21B


M id A tlantic

G reen B uildings

Will pursue LEEDcertificationwithUSGBC standards Phase II of Hartz Mountain’s Estuary 30% leased


opening in February 2014. “And with Phase II now open, the demand continues to be especially strong.” Estuary consists of 582 lux- ury rentals in three buildings, which are 181 units in Phase I, 174 units in Phase II, and 227 in Phase III. Estuary is part of Lincoln Harbor, a mixed-use devel- opment that is a short walk from Hoboken, and is served by New Jersey Transit buses to New York and New Jersey. Hartz is pursuing LEED certification in accordance with the U.S. Green Building Council’s (UGBC) standards. n

EEHAWKEN, NJ — Less than four months after Hartz

Mountain welcomed its first residents to Estuary in Wee- hawken’s Lincoln Harbor, phase I of the luxury residen- tial community is more than 95% leased, and Phase II, is 30% rented less than three weeks after leasing began. “Our initial interest list of potential renters had over 600 names on it, so there was a real demand for this type of luxury rental apartments in Weehawken, NJ with its What’s the right size for your solar electric system?... fixtures when an aisle became unoccupied. From their past annual electric usage, they could use up to a 700KW solar electric system to supply their electric needs. During two visits it was noted that the fluores- cent fixtures all remained on. Further investigation revealed none of the occupancy sensors were working. Once the sensors issuewas corrected, electric bills dropped by $5000 per month. The smaller solar system speci- fied of 500KWavoidedan invest- ment in too large a solar system and reduced the customers so- lar investment by more than $600,000. 3. The main warehouse and showroom for a tile company needed a 300KW solar system to deliver a high percent of their annual electric consumption. Al- though a lighting upgrade to the existing Metal Halide high bay fixtures was recommended to increase lighting efficiency and reduce consumption, the custom- er choose to put off the lighting upgrade and proceed with the solar systemsized to past usage. Ayear after the solar systemwas installed, a fluorescent lighting upgradewith occupancy sensors replaced the customer’s Metal Halide fixtures and reduced electric consumed for lighting by more than 50%. The customer’s solar system is now producing 70,000more kWh annually than the facility consumes, which is purchased by the utility at the lowwholesale price of electricity of $0.05/kWh, lowering the ROI on the solar system investment. DennisWilson, the author, is the president of Renew- ablePower Inc. and its sister lighting efficiency company, Enersave Inc. n continued from page 20B

Estuary Ribbon Cutting

proximity to Manhattan and Hoboken, unparalleled sky- line views and outstanding amenities,” Emanuel Stern , president and COO for Hartz Mountain, said on Estuary’s leasing success since its grand


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