King's Business - 1935-08

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1935


to a real possibility; nor are we moved by the frequent accusation that harboring the thought of such a possibility sets us outside the realm of sane, careful students of the prophetic word. We candidly admit our opinion that if the Lord were to call His people away into the “chambers” (Isa. 26:20) today, Mussolini would appear as the out­ standing candidate for the job of the Antichrist. Mussolini, however, by the assassin’s bullet, or by the power of the sword, or by the ravages of disease or time, may pass. But, some day, out of Rome (Dan. 7 :23, 24) will come “the beast” of the Patmos vision, even the Antichrist. Un­ questionably, the “ten kings” (Rev. 17:12) of the Patmos vision are the heads of divisions of the resurrected Roman Empire. It hardly stands within reason or revelation that these ten kings, who “have one mind” will “give their power and strength” (Rev. 17:13) to one not a Roman-# one not of their own proud Empire! And the Roman “prince that shall come” (Dan. 9:26) is the FA SC IST ! “ T h e K in g of t h e S o u t h ” L e t us exam ine

tion alone, in the light of other Scriptures, would identify this “king of the north.” Who but “Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech [Moscow], and Tubal [Tobolsk]” is to ride forth “ from the uttermost parts of the north” (Ezek. 39:1, 2, R.V.), with “horses and horsemen”—>“all of them riding upon horses” (Ezek. 38:3, 4, 15, R.V.)—in that day? It is significant that Russia alone, of the major nations, still puts confidence in a vast army of cavalry. Again, who but “Gog” (Russia) with his allies, “Persia, Cush, and P u t . . . Gomer [Germany( ?)], and all his hordes; . . . Togarmah [Turkey] . . . and all his hordes” (Ezek. 38:5, 6, R. V.), circle from the White Sea to the Sea of Japan in one immense arc to the north, Jerusalem its center? Theré Gog’s flag floats over one-sixth the land surface of the earth, one far-flung arc encircling the entire surface of thé earth north of “the navel of the earth.” And “the king of the north” is the COMMUNIST. Verily, the stage is now set, and stupendous forces are moving onto it for the final drama—Armageddon. A great

F a s c is t horde arises from around the Ro­ man lake—the Medi­ te r r a n e a n ; a great Socialistic horde from the southland ; a great Comm un istic horde from the no rth land . The Fascistic horde, a powerful antichristian host, recognizing no power save “the god of fortresses” (Dan. 11:38, R .V .)— “un­ clean spirits like frogs . . . out of the mouth of the [Roman] beast” (Rev. 16:13) ; the So­ cialistic horde, a bla­ tant modernistic anti­ christian host, pouring forth under caps and gowns out of English- speaking tem p le s of free th o u g h t—some­ times dubbed churches or universities-T-“un­ clean spirits like frogs . . . out of the mouth of the false prophet”; the Communistic horde, a blasphemous atheistic

f u r t h e r D a n ie l’s prophecy — 11:40-45: “At the time of the end shall the king of the sou th pu sh a t [R. V., contend with] him.” Prophecy, as it touches the territories of earth, always clus­ ters around “the navel of the earth” (Ezek. 38:12, R.V. margin) —Palestine. There is the land of Abraham. There th e K ing was born. There the cross lifted up its awful head for the judgment of the sins of men. There the grave was broken and death and hell were defeated. From there the in c a rn a te God arose to the heavens. And there He will ap­ pear on earth again. “The queen of the south” (Matt. 12:42)

The above cartoon, coming from Italy and published by the LITERARY DIGEST (August 7, 1926), is of even greater interest today than it was at the time of its first appearance. Mussolini is frequently referred to in newspaperdom as "The Man on Horseback." An interesting news dispatch from Rome in February, 1923, read: "Mussolini has a new horse. A magnificent snow-white stallion was recently led up to the gates of the equestrian dictator's private residence, Villa Torlonia. It was presented to the Duce by Herr Rintelen, the Austrian Minister, as a gift from Chancellor Dollfus [Prime Minister of Austria]."

received her title from our Lord Himself because she came from a land south of Jerusalem. “The king of the south” of Daniel’s prophecy-—-who may he be? What king is there who in these last years of our age may properly bear this prophetic title? There is but one! All the way from the North Sea to the China Sea, sweeping in one mighty arc south of Jerusalem —Gibraltar, Egypt, the Suez Canal, India, Burma, Hongkong—it is the pathway of Britain—- British possession or British influence practically every step of the way. Britain—and any allies she may have to follow her lead in that dayS-Britain is “the king of the south.” Britain, in that, last awful, fateful hour will begin Armageddon’s struggle with a “push at” the willful king. “T h e K in g of t h e N orth ” Another foe to the willful king arises, for, “at the time of the end . .. the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships.” One would think that this descrip­

host, all with fists uplifted against the God of heaven—“un­ clean spirits like frogs . . . out of the mouth of the dragon.” “Multitudes, multitudes,” “assemble” and march to “the valley of decision” (Joel 3:14) to return no more. The hour of their doom has struck ! T h e L in e of M arch The great willful king, the Roman Fascist ( for Fascism is the political philosophy of the Antichrist of the Scrip­ tures) begins his march against “the king of the south” by marching “into the glorious land”'(and prophecy knows but one “glorious land” )—the glorious land over which “the king of the south” now holds mandate. He conquers as he goes, for “many countries shall be overthrown.” But “these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and . . . Ammon.” The reason is plain. These transjordanic lands form the “wilderness” that is reserved by Israel’s God, as a hiding place for Israel in “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (cf. Matt. 24:16 and Rev. 12:13-16).

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