King's Business - 1935-08

The Problems of Christian Advertising NUM BER 3

“Y O U H AVE TH E CONF IDENCE OF Y O U R READERS”— Nothing is more important in the work of the average church—unless it be the calling of its Pastor—than the selection of the Congregational Hymn Book. The singing of the church must interpret, individualize, and apply the sermon. Its controlled appeal must be simple, vivid, yet subdued. Doctrinal correctness, lifetime associations, and, above all, devotion and divine beauty must be expressed in good choral music. The publishers of church music have therefore a difficult task in their advertising. The problems of the Choirmaster, the Organist, and the Soloists must be sensed intuitively and solved in advance. The mediums these leaders use must be sound, respected, and authoritative. PRESIDENT SHORNEY’S let­ ter, reproduced below, is a most valued commendation of the K ing ’ s B u s in e s s . The approval of two important music publishers such as THE HOPE PUBLISHING COMPANY and TABERNACLE PUBLISHING COMPANY, whose Hymnals are found in thousands of churches over the nation, is praise from a high source indeed.


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July 11, 1955

Mr. H. S. Risley, Advertising Manager The King's Business 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

Dear Mr. Risley:

The returns we have had from our advertising campaign in your publication over the period of the la s t year have been very sa tis­ factory both in low cost per inquiry and volume of traceable sales. As we have not advertised in The King's Business since the f a ll of 1928, our experience is practically that of any advertiser using your magazine for the f i r s t time and indicates you have the confidence of your readers and that they are responsive to advertising. Our parent company and a ffilia te , the Hope Publishing Company, used The King's Business with satisfactory resu lts th is spring in a campaign introducing two new and d ifferent hymnals, "The Service Hymnal" and "Devotional Hymns." In a fairly extensive l i s t of more than th irty publications, The King's Business rated well toward the top in advertising returns.


— “A N D TH EY {K IN G ’S BUS INESS READERS} ARE RESPONSIVE TO A DV ER T IS ING .” The critical character of the times through which civilization is passing places upon every Christian a responsibility which he should not shirk. In every choice of life he should exercise discrimination. Those churches which stand unflinchingly for the Word, those schools which give sound Christian training, those journals and periodicals that are loyal to the faith are the ones that should be supported. Only by such individual preference can there be compensation for the heavy finan­ cial loss, inevitably incurred through severely censored advertising. We rejoice in the accumulating evidence that K ing ’ s B u s in e s s readers are loyal to its advertisers, and offer the above interesting letter from TABERNACLE PUBLISHING COMPANY as another proof of the truth of this statement.

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