T H E K I N © ' AreYou Hungry fo Why Not Join the Family Tha t (J
E very month, letters pour into the K in g ’ s B u siness offices. In many there is this heart-cry, expressed in a number of ways: “We are hungry for spiritual food—desperately hungry. Give us something fro the Word that will satisfy, that will steady us in these days of modern ism, fanaticism, coldness.” The letters come from ministers and shut- ins, from parents and young people, from teachers and students. What would you do if, some morning, the postman made a mistake and delivered all these letters to your door, instead of to the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles? You would feel about as the disciples did when they faced a fainting, hungry multitude and saw only a lad’s lunch with which to feed them, wouldn’t you ? What would you do ? What could you do ? Recognizing hopeless inadequacy in yourself, you would look to the King, wouldn’t you? You would expect Him to perform the miracle of satisfying every hungry soul. You would know that if the work were done, He must do it—do it all, and receive all the glory. What you would do, the KING’S BUSINESS staff has done. It has looked to God in faith and definite prayer for the provision of spiritual food for the thousands of K in g ’ s B u siness readers. The divine response has been wonderful beyond all human expectation. Month after month, the Lord’s choice servants have been the agents used in the provision of satisfying portions. A glance at the authors and their subjects, shown on these pages, will give an indication of the richness and variety of coming articles. Would you like to feel intimately acquainted with the men and women whose pictures you see here? You may! In the K in g ’ s B u sin ess family group there is delightful informality, understanding, fellowship. Slip
• ROBERT HALL GLOVER, M. D.— Missionary to China for nineteen years Founded two Bible Institutes in C h in a , and t a u g h t in Bible Institutes in America . . . Visited Christian mis* sions in many parts of the world . . . Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society . . . Author of THE PRO GRESS OF WORLD-WIDE M I S S I O N S , a missionary classic. As Director for North America of the China Inland Mission, he knows pastors in timately. Dr. Glover's hand is on the pulse of the mis-
sionary KIN G'S
situation of the world. Skilled, frank, truthful, he writes in the BUSINESS on "The Pastor's Strategic Relation to Missions."
• ROBERT W. NAM BROOK— Special agent connected with the United States Office of Education, Washington, D. C. . . . Travels extensively, often by airplane . . . Uses every opportunity to lead men to Christ. Once, when a plane crashed, and he was marooned in the Adirondack Mountains in zero weather, Mr. Hambrook led the three pilots and one rescuer to the Saviour. He has helped drivers of taxicabs, policemen, automobile mechanics, and others^ to accept salvation. "If we follow Christ," Mr. Hambrook writes, "H e will MAKE us fishers of men. He said He would. Habitual soul-winning is a Christian essential." The subject of his article in the KIN G'S BUSI NESS is "The Romance of Personal Evan gelism." • WILBUR M. SMITH— Owner of a library of over 6,800 volumes . . . Gets a greater thrill from discovering some rich old volume than from feeling a fishing rod bend with a trout. To him, one Book is central . . . Central in his preaching, in the Presbyterian Church, Coatesviile, Pa. . . . Central in his writing . . . Edits PELOU BET'S SELECT NOTES, a 400-page International Sunday School Lesson com mentary issued annually. His article, "The Christian Minister's Danger of Too Much Secular Reading," will appear in two in stallments in the KIN G'S BUSINESS. "To continually read," Dr. Smith declares, "without being privileged to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ would be, for me, the most terrible experience on earth."
into the place that is reserved especial ly for you, and you will feel a oneness with over thirty thousand Christians —readers of and contributors to the K in g ’ s B u sin ess —who compose one of the happiest “families” in the world. For You— If You Are a Teacher Perhaps you are a Sunday-school teacher. One in Los Angeles writes: “I don’t know how I could teach my lesson without your Sunday-school lesson commentaries.” Another in Zanesville, Ind., declares: “I like the Junior and children’s divisions so much.” A minister in Holland, Minn., remarks: “We particularly love the ob ject talks.” Treated under six head ings—Outline and Exposition, Black board Lesson, Children’s Division, Golden Text Illustration, Object Les son, and Points and Problems—the International Lesson Commentary provides help for teachers of all ages. For You—Young People Perhaps you are a leader in Chris tian Endeavor. A young man in Ana heim, Calif., writes: “In recent months, I have come to appreciate the K in g ’ s B u siness as never before. I have introduced it as the official
• LOUIS S. BAUMAN— Pastor of the First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif., for twenty-one years . . . Has been Treasurer of the Foreign Board of*his denomination for seventeen years . . . Author of numer ous books ana booklets . . . Writes each month in the KIN G'S BUSINESS on present- day fulfillment of prophecy . . . Will dis cuss "The Marvelous Renaissance of Pal estine, in the Light of Ezekiel 36:32-38."
• ALVA J. McCLAIN— Dean of Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, Ohio . . . Professor of Systematic Theology and Phil osophy of Religion in the same institution . . . A born teacher . . . His "Points and Problems" in the KIN G 'S BUSINESS are the Sunday-school teachers' delight. Look for his article: "Scientific Accuracies in the Bible."
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