King's Business - 1935-08



: Something Good? athers "Around the King’s Table”?

Christian Endeavor topic helper for the high school group of which I am adviser. I know that, regardless of the type of subject chosen, the writer of the Notes is able to treat it in the light of the Bible. Through using these splendid outlines, my young people have, in only a few months, come to look upon the Bible as the Textbook for all subjects.” For You—Who Would Win Souls Whether minister or layman, as a Christian you are longing for the winning of the lost. Let this word from a subscriber in Hawaii bring suggestion and encouragement: “A Japanese girl told me, ‘That maga­ zine has changed my brother’s life. It has helped him to understand things. And through my brother, my dear little Japanese mother has seen new light.’ ” From Marquette, Nebr., comes this word: “I am glad whenever I can get the K in g ’ s B u sin ess into a home. One lady to whom I gave the magazine as a Christmas gift told me that since read­ ing it, she has really commenced to study her Bible, which she had never done before, and she found it so interesting.” In every issue of the K in g ’ s B u sin ess there is a definite and appealing evangelistic note. The magazine is the kind you will enjoy yourself, and you can safely hand it to an unsaved friend. For Students of Prophecy The coming of Christ—is it to you “that blessed hope” ? Then you will understand how the friend in Saskatchewan felt when he made this observation: “I subscribe to three other Christian periodicals (church papers, I should say), but they rarely mention the Lord’s return. The truth of His return as taught in the K in g ’ s B u siness has been refresh­

• SAMUEL M. ZWEMER— One of the foremost living missionaries with special ref­ erence to Islam . . . An au­ thority on subjects relating to the Moslem world . . . A missionary in Arabia for twenty-one years, in Cairo, Egypt, for sixteen years . . . Has traveled widely . . Honored by the Royal Asiatic Society ana the Royal Geo­ graphical Society . . . Pro­ fessor at Princeton Theologi­ cal Seminary, Princeton, N. J. . . . Has written over twenty books, most of them relating to Islam . . . Editor of a

quarterly review, the MOSLEM WORLD . . . Writes in the KING'S BUSINESS on the light of the gospel for the darkness of Islam.

• W. L. PETTINGILL— Author . . . Editor . . . Publisher . . . Headquarters in Wil­ mington, Del. For over forty years, Dr. Pet­ tingill has been helping perplexed Chris­ tians and others with Scripture answers to hard questions. His book, BIBLE QUES­ TIONS ANSWERED, is a mine of informa­ tion . . . Always signs his name, character­ istically, by adding "Keep looking up!" His writing, true to the Word of God, gives one the upward look. For the KING'S BUSINESS, he has furnished answers to questions concerning the interpretation of the Parable of the Vine and the Branches, the matter of justification by faith, and the distinction between Jews and Israelites. His writings will appear (D. V.) in several issues of this magazine. • H. A. IRONSIDE— Known everywhere for his clear teaching of the Word . . . Bible teacher and popular conference speaker . . . Thirty books and many pam­ phlets reveal exceptional exegetical gifts . . . Called to succeed P. W. Philpott as pastor of the Moody Memorial Church, Chicago— a million-dollar structure erected on property valued at $500,000. Approxi­ mately 3,000 people sit under his teaching at each Sunday service . . . Energetic . . . Practical . . . Has formulated a plan to free the church of debt^ by 1937, Moody's centenary year . . . Likes to spend his "vacations" teaching the Bible to eager college young people. For the KING'S BUSINESS, Dr. Ironside has been asked^ to write on the subject of "Eternal Punish­ ment." • ROBERT G. LEE— Eloquent Southern preacher . . . Pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tenn., since 1928 . . . Winner of debater's, orator's, and literary medals— yet all his faculties are devoted to the simple presentation of the gospel. His masterful message, "The Power of a Book," published in the October, 1934, issue of the KIN G'S BUSINESS, has been translated into the Bulgarian and( Portu­ guese languages, for wide distribution. "The Power That Transforms" is a new article of unique significance.

ing to my soul.” Another friend em­ phatically asserts: “I expect to be a life subscriber. Minnesota folks en­ joy it much. Dr. Bauman’s articles [on the present-day fulfillment of prophecy] are read first of all.” The Future Beginning September 16, 1935, Dr. Paul W. Rood will become President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and Editor of the K in g ’ s B u sin e s s . Already well known as President of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association, Dr. Rood will bring mes­ sages that will delight every reader who holds the “faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints.” Besides editorials and articles, and the best in Christian fiction, the maga­ zine contains Helps for Preachers and Teachers, Book Reviews, Devotional Readings, two pages for Juniors, Evangelistic Notices, and Bible Insti­ tute Alumni news notes. Many readers say the K in g ’ s B u siness is the most beautifully illustrated Chris­ tian magazine they receive. The provision is ample. Remember —it is the Lord who has spread the feast. Why not find a place in the family circle— NOW ! For a forty-page monthly, the price is only $1.50 a year ($1.75 foreign).

vIG A RT IC LE S « ,RKS OF THE CROSS? oughton CIES IN THE BIBLE cClain CULAR READING . Smith RELATION TO MISSIONS . Glover OF EVANGELISM ambrook LEXING QUESTIONS . Pettingill T TRANSFORMS G. Lee ALESTINE IN THE LIGHT L 36:32-38 Bauman WITHOUT THE GOSPEL n Townsend [A true story about Japan) ore Gibbs oss THE HEDGE ngston Hill

• B. B. SUTCLIFFE— Well-known organizer of Bible classes, particularly in the Pacific Northwest . . . Beloved as a Bible teacher. In the KIN G 'S BUSINESS, he furnishes Sunday-school exposition and outline for each Sunday. Teachers say these helps are invaluable.

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