August, 1935
“Thou shalt call his name J esus : for he shall save his people from their ' sins” (Matt. 1:21). His very name means Sav iour—Jehovah saves. Now the true mis-; sionary may have many excellent motives for entering into this ministry, but above all he goes forth to reveal the meaning of the name of his Lord to lost men. And it is not too much to say that if we fail in our missionary obligation, His name will suffer to that extent because of our fail ure. The early preachers rejoiced “that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name” (Acts 5:41). Golden Text Illustration “What good is religion to you ?” said a mistress to a down-at-the-heel London servant. “It’s a lot of good to you, mum,” re plied the girl, “for since I got it, I moves the mats when I sweeps.”— The Sunday School Chronicle. ■*£ 555 » of Jesus was named John the Baptist. He was a c o u s i n of Jesus, and he came to tell others that soon Jesus, the Son of God and their Me s s i a h , would come. The work of the other John, the disciple, was to tell the people that the Messiah had come, and to teach them to worship Him as the Son of God. Lesson Story: We know a number of things about John. He and his brother James were fishermen helping their father Zebedee. Because John had been a fol lower of John the Baptist, we know that he was expecting the coming of Jesus. John was not surprised, then, one day when John the Baptist said, as Jesus was near by: “Behold the Lamb of God!” And John was ready to worship Jesus as the Christ. A little later, when John and his brother and father were mending their fishing nets, Jesus passed by and called to John and his brother to follow Him. He needed them for His disciples. Jesus want ed them to come with Him and help Him tell His gospel story. John and his brother didn’t hesitate. They left their fishing nets at once and followed Jesus. From this time on, John followed Jesus, and we read that he was the disciple “whom Jesus loved.” And when the Lord Jesus was dying, He asked John to take care of Mary, His mother. John loved Jesus so much that he wrote down the story of Jesus’ life, and it is there in the Bible for us to read. All of his long life, John told this story, and toward the end of his life, he wrote letters to his friends in the churches in different places, just as Paul did. And then, just before John died, God showed him in a vision about many things which should happen many years later. This, too, is written in the Bible for us to read and learn. 3 J ohn Memory Verse: “Whatsover he saith unto you, do it” (John 2:5). Approach: Two of the greatest men we read about in the New Testament were named John. You remember that the man who was called the herald or forerunner A Letter from John
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times they refuse to receive it, just as this bottle refuses the clean white egg. People have often noticed that their at titude toward the Bible has instantly changed as soon as thly have accepted Christ as Saviour and have been convert ed. This thermos bottle has hot water in it, and I am going to let the water repre sent conversion, when the Holy Spirit comes into a person’s heart and makes him love the things he once hated. We will pour the hot water into the bot tle, and then out again quickly and see what happens. Look! The egg is quickly sucked into the bottle. It is this way in life. When people come to know Christ, they are eager for the Bible. They can not get it quickly enough. From then on, they are hungry for the Word of God. You might have tried for a long period of time, and without success, to get this bottle to receive the egg. The hot water changed the bottle’s attitude toward the egg. Conversion changes the attitude of people toward the Bible. Ministers and teachers are often dis couraged to find that many boys and girls refuse to receive the Word of God. What these boys and girls need is Christ, and then their instructors will find that they eagerly receive the Bible.
Object Lesson A H ungry B ottle
Objects: A milk bottle, a hard-boiled egg, and a thermos bottle filled with boil ing water. (Peel the egg just before the lesson, so that the surface will still be moist. Experiment as to the effectiveness of your thermos bottle in keeping the wa ter near boiling heat for the interval be tween filling the bottle and teaching the lesson.) Lesson: This bottle, like many boys’ and girls’ hearts, is empty. This egg, pure and white, reminds us of the Bible, God’s Word. The empty hearts of boys and girls need the Word of God. The bottle refuses to let the egg enter. Although unsaved people need the Bible, still they often do not want it; and many 9 *9 ir lì. D M
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