T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
August, 1935
Hymn—“In Christ There Is No East or West.” Solo—“Over the Way.” Leader’s Message. Quiet Hour. Hymn;—“We’ve a Story to Tell.” Benediction1—Psalm 19:14. Meditation on the Lesson For centuries, God had been dealing with His people Israel, calling them to be a separated people, repeatedly enjoining them not to be mingled among the nations that surrounded them. The natural result was that strict Jews, conscious of their careful obedience to God’s commands, had developed strong antagonism toward all who did not observe the God-ordained ceremonies of Judaism. Though the early disciples had come to realize that Christ fulfilled the Old Testament, and although they had received a commission to “go . . . into all the world,” they needed a revelation of the universal application of thé gospel. It was most fitting that Peter, “the apos tle of the circumcision,” was chosen by God when He “opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles.” The departure from custoni created enough stir even under these circumstances, but because Peter had been such a prominent Jewish apostle, much less schism was caused than if Paul, with his more cosmopolitan background, had opened the door. Peter had very pro nounced Jewish prejudices, and for this important mission the Lord prepared him by a thrice-given vision. As Peter entered the home of Cornelius, he was confident because he could say : “God hath showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.” The Lord’s approval of Cornelius is shown in the words : “Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God.” What a beautiful com bination—“prayer,” the outgoing of the soul to God, and “alms,” the outgoing of the love to man ! Peter stated a principle which should influence all our dealings with other races : “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteous ness, is accepted with him.” It should be noted that the Word of God does not teach that Cornelius was a saved man at that point, for Peter then proceeded to preach the gospel to the eager, waiting group, with the result that “the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.” If we are in God’s will, our love for in dividuals of other races will not be limited to an appreciation of their particular form of culture or of their finet qualities of character. Rather, we will be given the yearning love of Christ, the love which longs that men and women everywhere may know the joy and the deliverance of redemption through His precious blood.
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II. T hankfulness 1.
Whether of ease or pain and strife, My dim-orbed vision cannot see; But Thou dost know my truest need And all that means for me the best; And so I pray Thy hand to lead, And in Thy will that I may rest. The peace that comes to hearts resigned To God’s all-wisp and holy will Is undisturbed by wave or wind; For Christ has whispered, “Peace, be still!” All doubts and fears that vex the soul He stills, and bids their clamor cease; For life resigned to His control Is poised in purpose, calmed in peace. —S elected . SEPTEMBER IS, 193S INTERRACIAL ANIMOSITIES TODAY A cts 10:28-35 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“The Kingdom Is Coming.” Hymn—“Somebody Else Needs Jesus.” Prayer.
Did you ever think of the reason why the psalms of David have come like winged angels, down across all the realms and ages—why they make the keynote of grate ful piety in every Christian’s soul, where- ever he lives? Why? The reason is that they are full of gratitude. “Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the chil dren of men 1”—A. A. W illets . 2, The unthankful heart, like my finger in the sand, discovers no mercies ; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day, and as the magnet finds the iron, so will that heart find in every hour some heavenly blessing—only fhe iron in God’s sand is gold.— O. W. H olmes . III. R esignation Lord, in this earthly scheme of life I know not what is best for me;
Leader's Helps I. E quality
The pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., on the same morning received into that church the Hon. Charles E. Hughes, a Chinese, and a washerwoman. As he saw the group standing before him, he paused and said, “My friends, I would have you notice that at the cross of Christ the ground is level.” ^PLS elected .
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