King's Business - 1935-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1935

II. T h e P lan e of H elpfulness


“I have learned,” says a worker in one of the University settlements, “that you can get access to the people who need you only by living with them. They will not come to you, but Jew and Gentile will make you welcome if you come to them. Our meetings for their benefit are a fail­ ure. Our personal intercourse with them has been promising great good. It is of no use to come once or twice to see them; you must live with them if you are to do anything for them.”-—R. E. T h om pson . m . “No D ealings w it h t h e S am a rita n s ” The story of the Good Samaritan is an excellent example of how Jesus looked at race. Perhaps the bitterest race prejudice of the day was that existing between Jews and Samaritans. “The Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans” is the sim­ ple statement of the Bible record. But Jesus,, teaching the implications of true neighborliness, selects as His hero not a Jew but a Samaritan. Here was one who, the Jews felt, “should keep his place,” Yet he was held up to them as an example. V'ii-H. S. L eik er . SEPTEMBER 22, 1935 WHAT MISSIONARY WORK CAN OUR SOCIETY UNDERTAKE? R om an s 15 :l-7 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“The Morning Light Is Break- ing.” Hymn-—“We’ve a Story to Tell.’ Hymn—“Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun.” Prayer. Scripture—Romans 15:1-7. Solo—“Nobody Told Me of Jesus.” Leader’s Message. Testimonies. Quiet Hour. Hymn—“Bringing in the Sheaves.” Benediction—followed by Matthew 28: 19, 20. Meditation on the Lesson The great lesson of this passage is the fundamental motive that underlies all mis­ sionary effort. It is found in verse .3, Christ’s perfect example. This is the first time Paul has referred to Christ as an Ex­ ample, as men are not saved nor sanctified by an example. The main burden of the epistle has been the plan of salvation by grace, a redemption which is made pos­ sible only by Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary’s cross, and which is received by faith alone. But now that Paul has presented Christ as the only sufficient Saviour, he offers Him as our Example, for, as Bishop Moule re­ minds us, “The more the Sacrifice is ap­ prehended, the more powerful the Ex­ ample becomes. It will emphatically be not merely a model but a motive.” “Christ pleased not himself.” Always, He could say: “I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” If self-pleasing had been the con­ trolling aim of Christ’s life, He would never have left the heavenly home to suf­ fer and die for us. He would not have “endured such contradiction of sinners against himself,” had He been self-cen­ tered. No, praise be to God, Christ so loved that He came and accepted re­ proaches and shame and sorrow and death, that we might become the children of God.

founded a M ission for the evangelization of Central America, and upon lines which he believed to be B iblical? This M ission continues to labor toward that end. Your Church, Sunday School, or Bible class ought to know about this work. Send for free literature and information. Central American Mission, 3611 Congress Ave., Dallas, Texas

WA C! W A W A R ! Summer Offer on Prophetic Books THE COMING WORLD WAR By W. D. H errstrom . A study of the inev­ itable Armageddon, showing thè Purpose, Pro­ portions and Preparations for a war involving 200,000,000 soldiers. Do you know? Price, 25 cents. TRENDS TOWARD CHAOS By A rthur P.. S engfiehl , B.D. Staggering and alarming evidences showing Trends of Crime, Immorality, Divorce, Modernism, Communism and War are graphically set forth In this book. Every American should read it. Price, 25 cents. NEARING ARMAGEDDON By A rthur I. B rown , M.D. Taken from "Unveiling the Future" and is as Dr. Trumbull says, “Convincing and terrifying” but for the Rapture. Do you know what awful weapons the nations have today? Read this book. Price, 15 cents. THE COMING DICTATOR By W. E. B iederwolf , D.D. Why all these Dictators, War clouds and “Distress of nations with perplexity” ? Whither bound America? This is a startling message by a great leader. Price, 25 cents. LIGHT O N THE HILLS By D r . A rthur I. B rown . An amazing and recent book showing signs of the times, with stud­ ies of Germany, Russia, Leagues of Nations, Mus­ solini, Palestine, the Jews, and great preparations for ARMAGEDDON. Very Wonderful 1 Price, 50 cents. All five books valued at $1.40, only #1.00, until Sept. 15, 1935. Postage on all only 10 cents. Fu n d am en ta l T r u th Publishers FINDLAY, OHIO UNIONLESONHELPS on the International Uniform Lesson* Union periodicals aim to present only construc­ tive truth. They refrain from controversial dis­ cussion of doctrines which are not. fundamental and on which evangelical Christians hold varying views. They are thoroughly practical as well as Biblically sound. Writ, for free specimen ooplea American Sunday-School Union 1816 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Chemical Illustrations of BIBLE TRUTHS IMPRESSIVE TALKS TO YOUNG PEOPLE Prepared powders, harmless, ready to^ use. With directions and interesting helps. Believing— Temperance—Contact—Influences—The Cigarette —Decision Day—Christ and Sin—Christ in Heart. Eight talks (with duplicate set) $1.00 Postpaid C. A. SCHMITT, 85 Summer Ave., Reading, Mass. The proceeds of the above ad will be applied toward the maintenance of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. stand for and proclaim the heart of the Gospel

Then He says to us: “As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” ‘Go ye. The nations lie in darkness yet, and we have the light, Shall we not obey His gracious command? Christ loved the world , bond, free, Jew, Gentile-—there are no barriers to His love. And in the con­ straining love of Christ is the moving purpose of missions—that lost men and women, both near at hand and in distant lands, may know Him and glorify Him. 1. Study—“Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields” ! Intercede—“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest.” Give and serve—“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel.” —D oughty . 2 . Prayer is the first and chief method of solving the missionary problem. Among all the methods that have been devised, none is more practical, more fruitful than this. If we could get a definite group of people at home into the habit of supporting by prayer each missionary in the thick of the fight, by this simple method alone the efficiency of the present missionary force could probably be doubled without adding a single new missionary. — J. C am pbell W h it e . 3. Let but devoted laborers be found who will prove faithful to God, and there is no reason to fear that God will not prove faithful to them. He will set before them an open door, and will esteem them, of more value than the sparrows' and the lilies that He feeds and clothes. He will be with them in danger, in difficulty, in per­ plexity; and while they may be utter weakness, He will work through them in power. They may cast their bread upon the waters, but His Word shall not re­ turn unto Him void. —J. H udson T aylor . II. S uggestions for L ocal S ocieties I. For Societies in Small Towns and Outlying Districts: 1. A Daily Vacation Bible School. 2. A gospel team for visitation of churches in the country. 3. Regular ministry to shut-ins. 4. An increased prayer life in your society, with prayer for missions. Leader’s Helps I. M issionary P rinciples

II. For Societies in Cities: 1. Jail work. 2. Rescue mission work.

3. Sunday-school teaching a m o n g foreigners. 4. Street meetings. 5. Hospital work. 6. Gospel teams for outlying districts. —M. G. G.

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