King's Business - 1935-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1935

SEPTEMBER 23 The Daily Walk

abled to praise Him, even though it be through our tears.— S elected .

WHO IS YOUR NEIGHBOR ? Here is a work of faith caring for the fatherless, feeding the destitute, binding up the wounds of the down-trodden in the heart of China. We appeal to you for help in this work of Christ’s mercy. Aid us with your interest, your prayers, your gifts. This is the largest Christian orphanage in the Orient. Cares also for adults. Maintains a school for youth. Sustained solely by faith and the beneficence of friends. Write today for free booklet "Helping China's Helpless." HOME OF ONESIPHORUS Script. Bef: 2nd Tim. Ch. 1 v. 16 Taian, Shantung, China American Office 3131 Lincoln Ave., Drawer 11, Chicago, 111. I ndividual C ommunion S ervice Send for Folder end SPECIAL OFFER a t low prices. Tray and 86 glasses $6.60 np. Extra Glasses $1.00 dozen. Collection and Bread Plates. Pastor’s Sick Outfits, etc. THOMASCOMMUNION SERVICE C0.fBox S42Lima,Ohio WHAT CAN I DO? Perhaps means and abilities are limited, but you surely can distribute . . . T R A C T S . . . Sample package 25$ FAITH, PRAYER and TRACT LEAGUE Muskegon Heights, Mich. MAKE extra MONEY P* S e ll P e rso n a lize d C h ris tm s s C a rd s V No experience needed. Ala* 5 Box Assortments. Free sample offer. JOHN A. HERTEL CO., 3 0 S W.Adam s St., Dept. 811, Chicago, HI.

“Blessed is every one tha(? feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways" (Psa. 128:1). Every man who really fears God also “walketh in his ways.” This walk, with the short steps, taken one by one, means the daily life of little things, into which God delights to come. But it is sometimes easier to find God in the great things of life than in the little ones. Great sorrows are more often sanctified for the Christian than the petty cares. Some run a race for victory who do not watch their steps in the quiet walks of life. The psalmist urges; that these considerations .should go to­ gether—the fearing of Jehovah and the walking in His ways. Walking and wor­ ship !—J. E lder C u m m in g . SEPTEMBER 24 One Prayer and Its Limitless Possibilities “Search m e,0 God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psa. 139:23, 24). It will be a great day in any man’s life, when, by grace, he sees the infinite possibil­ ities of this prayer, and acts accordingly, by resolving to work this wondrous gold mine to the uttermost. The end;,is two­ fold: (1) self-revelation, ending in (2) self-rectification—yet all of God. Without His Spirit and Word, we can neither know ourselves, nor, knowing, set ourselves right. Scripture, illumined and made life by the divine Spirit, is the glass that reveals, to the subject his soiled face, as it is also the water whereby He cleanses it . . . . “Lead me in the way everlasting.” What a prayer! “Lead me in the way everlast­ ing,” that highway of holiness! Lead me personally! Every step of it is impossible apart from Thee.— S elected . SEPTEMBER 25 Experiencing God’s Keeping Power “Kept by the power of God through faith”\0 Pet. 1 :5). You read the Psalms, and you think of the wonderful thoughts in many of the ex­ pressions that David uses ; as, for instance, when he speaks about God as our God, and our Fortress, and our Refuge, and our strong Tower, and our Strength, and our Salvation. In the Old Testament, David had many wonderful views of how the everlasting God is Himself the hiding- place of the believing soul, and of how He takes the believer and keeps him in the very hollow of His hand, in the secret of His pavilion, under the shadow of His wings, Under His very feathers. And there David lived. We are the children of Pen­ tecost. We have known Christ and His blood, and the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, yet why is it we know so little of what it is to walk step by step with the almighty God as our Keeper? — A n d r ew M u r r a y . SEPTEMBER 26 Willing to Suffer for Christ’s Sake "Beloved, think it not strange concern­ ing the fiery trial which is to .try you" (1 Pet. 4:12). Rest assured, if,you are a child of God, you will be no stranger to the red. Sooner or later every bar of gold must pass through the fire. You will be delivered from clinging to the present, and made to long for those eternal things which are sQ.soon revealed to you.— Daily Help.

SEPTEMBER 20 Counselor "Counselor, The mighty God,’’ (Isa. 9:6). How full of comfort is the word “Coun­ selor,” as applied to our Lord! We shall find ourselves, in our course heavenward, again and again in positions when we par­ ticularly need counsel and advice. Now the blessed Lord Jesus, our God, sustains the office of the Counselor to His church, and to His individual disciples. To Him let us pray, “Thy poor servant knows not how to act, knows not what to do, but Thou art the Counselor of Thy people; now, prove Thyself to my own happy ex­ perience my Counselor!” What would be the result? As assuredly as we exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ with regard to this, His office, and seek by the Spirit of God, through the instrumentality of the written Word, to obtain counsel of Him, so assuredly we shall obtain it. — G eorge M u l l e r . Do you know a faith more triumphant than this? “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. But I know, that even now . . . .” Have you ever faced that wall of difficulty, that wall so high, so thick, so bristling with sharp, tearing edges—and looking up into the face of Jesus have you said, “I know that even now” ? The sweet benediction of His own precious peace falls on the heart that waits before Him thus. He is the God of the impossible, and that “even now” is true— He is never, never too late. It is never too late with the Saviour, No matter how hopeless the way, No matter how dark the night lowers, No matter how 'fearful the day. It is never too late for the Saviour, His footsteps so silently fall, And darkness to Him is no barrier; He hears and He answers each call. —S. gj L. SEPTEMBER 22 Learning Not to Sin “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not" (1 John 2:1). The provision for observing the precept is as ample as God can make it. The pro­ vision is the Lord Jesus Christ, “who of; God is made unto us . : ...... sanctification” (1 Cor. 1 :30)...........Even this is only part of the provision, for there is another Com­ forter who is come expressly to be the Spirit of holiness. . . . Bring into Christ’s presence the enemy you cannot cope with. Say Unto Him, ÿ[‘Fight Thou for me, O Lord. 'Rid me of mine adversary. . . . I shall have none of the credit of the vic­ tory, for I deserve none; but victory there will be since Thou art with me for a Cap­ tain.” So trusting, so clinging, we shall find that there is a fulfillment of the things spoken unto Us of the Lord, and that we are among His little children who are learning that most difficult of all lessons, how not to sin. —J. B. F ig g is . SEPTEMBER 21 Never Too Late “But I know, that even now, whatso­ ever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee" (John 11:22).

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PHOTO FINISHING 20 reprints 25c. 100 reprints $1.00. Bolls developed with 16 prints 25c. NOBDSEOG, 32 Maywood, Illinois.

SETH ALLEN’S BIBLE The story of an orphan boy who wanted his own copy of the Bible and who set about to get it. How he earned that Book and how that Book transformed the life of his "adopted" mother is interestingly told. Six copies by mail, postage paid 10 cents. Also cir­ culars concerning our other publications. Order at once. WILLIAM PORTER TOWNSEND, Publisher Lock Box 253 Plainfield, New Jersey mtmmm* For Special Discount on S c o f i e l d Reference B ib le s All Styles and Prices Other Bibles and Testaments Also Send For Catalogue J. W. McCARRELL 1142 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park, 111.■■■■ WOULD $25.00 to $250.00 HELP YOU? Many Individuals and Church Groups sell hundreds of boxes of the Scripture Text Christmas Greetings every year. We offer you the seasons outstanding assortments. A Postcard will bring you our most liberal sales propo­ sition. Write it today. BETTER GREETINGS, Box 882, Wichita, Kans.

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