King's Business - 1935-08

August, 1935


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Dr. Biederwolf does not belittle true di­ vine healing, but firmly believes in Scrip­ tural healing of the body, as is clearly set forth in his chapter on “The Prayer of Faith Shall Save the Sick.” 305 pages.- Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co, Cloth. Price $1.50. _______ Martin Luther: The Formative Years B y B. K. K uiper In this biography" of the great reformer is to be found an authentic and detailed ac­ count of the first thirty-four years of Lu­ ther’s life, a phase which many biogra­ phies of this father of Protestantism omit, It was in these formative years that Lu­ ther learned his views—many of them wrong views of God—beliefs which had to be corrected when he reached greater maturity. Nevertheless, the guiding hand of the seen in the life of Mar­ tin Luther as it is thus portrayed. As one reads the graphic description of the life of this noble character as a lad, seeking earnestly for peace of soul, and unable to obtain this peace through the ecclesiastical body then dominating the common people, the reader is fascinated with the beautiful story of a boy seeking fellowship with his Maker. Step by step, through experience after experience, many of which were most bitter, Luther was brought to the place of full joy and peace. With a background of this story, told with dramatic force, Ro­ mans 1:17 is made more pregnant with meaning than ever before. The account is given in popular form for the general reader and is a valuable contribution to the field of biography. 298 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. Unusual happenings crowded into the life of the girl who was left as a helpless waif on the steps of an English dwelling. Loved and befriended first by the child­ less couple that took her in, and later, fol­ lowing their death, by the artist-sister of her foster father, Iris became her aunt’s model for a painting, “Golden Dawn,” through which the girl’s mother traced her identity. Throughout the story, simple trust in God is shown. 189 pages. Pick­ ering &Inglis. Cloth. Price 60 cents. The Face in the Crowd B y G race P ettman


these expositions of the four Gospels stand unique and constitute the finest collection embracing those portions of Scripture. Those who use these volumes in a devo­ tional spirit will be richly rewarded as in the answers to half-felt questions comes the delight of discovery of hidden treas­ ures. The reader finds his heart searched by the Word as he is brought face to face with the wondrous Person of Christ as some new aspect of His majesty or ten­ derness is unfolded. We can, without any reservation, recommend most heartily all of these books to our readers. The Gospel According to Matthew,. 321 pages; The Gospel According to Mark, 350 pages; The Gospel According to Luke, 284 pages ; and The Gospel According to John, 333 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $3.00 per volume. Whipping Post Theology or Did Jesus Atone for Disease? B y W. E. B iederwolf The author fearlessly combats the teach­ ing that there is healing in the atonement. He shows through the use of Scripture and the testimony of the adherents of this doc­ trine that such a belief is not only un- scriptural but also dangerous to the moral and spiritual well-being of believers. The volume is divided into three parts. Part One,deals with “The Matter Under Discussion,” “Modern Healing and Christ’s Healing Compared,” “Some Inescapable Conclusions,” and “The Fruits of Modern Healers.” Part Two takes up “The Prayer of Faith Saving the Sick,” “‘Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh,” “The Gift of Healing,” “The Curse of the Law,” and “How the Mind Heals the Body.” Part Three dis­ cusses “The History of Healing” and “The Examination of So-Called Proof Texts.” The Haven o f %est [Continued from page 283]

World Problems B y O swald J. S mith

In these days when world events are ar­ resting the attention of men and women who have been hardened to usual evangel­ istic methods, those who would inquire of God must have simple, strong statements of what His Word reveals concerning the outcome of the present turmoil. When de­ livered at the People’s Church, Toronto, Can., where Dr. Smith is pastor, the ad­ dresses in this volume were used by God for the conviction and salvation of souls. There is a sense of urgency in the mes­ sage, with practical spiritual application, calling for a personal obedience to the Lord’s will. Though the themes considered are familiar to the student of prophecy, the style and treatment are sufficiently fresh to hold the interest of the reader who is acquainted with the subject. 128 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. Cloth. Price $1.00. (See ad on page 314.) With the publication of a group of mes­ sages on The Gospel According to John, there has come the completion of Dr. G. Campbell Morgan’s expository studies of the four Gospels; Though not intended as formal commentaries on the Word, these stenographically reported messages serve much the same purpose, yet retain the ad­ vantage of the greater spontaneity of di­ rect address: This latest volume in the series should be on the book shelf of every Bible-loving student. This work and the similar ones dealing with the other three Gospels are companion pieces to Dr. Mor­ gan’s earlier book on The Acts. For sug­ gestiveness of thought, conciseness of ap­ plication, and for spiritual discernment, Expositions of the Four Gospels B y G. C ampbell M organ

Christ that he never knew before that time. He learned the meaning of rest in the Lord. Do you know why there are thousands of men and women who attend churches, and yet have never accepted the peace that Jesus Christ has for them ? The reason lies in the fact that they have not noted precisely what Christ said. He did not say, “Come to the church.” He said: “Come unto me.” While we believe that the church is the greatest institution on earth, yet it remains true that one never finds rest merely by joining the church. The Lord Jesus did not say, “Come to the priest.” He did not say, “Come to the preacher.” He did not say, “Follow this creed,” or, “Go into that organization.” Jesus Christ said: “Come unto me.” He is the Haven of Rest. Whoever comes to Him can sing with assurance: The tempest may sweep o’er the wild, stormy deep, In Jesus I’m safe evermore. —L. T. T.

As he sat at his breakfast table one morning, a messenger boy knocked at the door and presented a telegram. That message was from my friend’s lawyer, and it informed him that the client’s last investment was a total failure, in fact, that it had swept away all his holdings. Do you know what the man did who received that message ? He put down the newspaper, and he went to his room. He locked the door and got down on his knees and said, “Lord, for many years I have been praying what is called the Lord’s Prayer, ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ But now I pray that prayer for the first time from my heart. Lord, give me this day my daily bread. Look after my w ife; care for my children. Help me to fight a good fight.” And do you know, the Lord God filled his heart with rest! That man got up from his knees, unlocked his door, and went down­ stairs. He resumed his breakfast and the reading of his newspaper. His wife did not know that anything had gone wrong in the financial affairs of her husband. And he has testified that since the day when his fortune was swept away, he has been brought into a relationship with Jesus

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