King's Business - 1935-08

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visit our Book Room, during the Bible Con­ ference - — August 10 to September 2, 1935. OBJECTS THAT TALK AND TEACH! Illuminating and appealing lessons for boys and girls through the use of ob­ jects. Dr. L. T. Talbot, author..... 75c Pointed and Practical Object Lessons in E. L. Wilder's new book. 52 object lessons— each one illustrated. "EASY OBJECTS," also " TALK I NG OB­ JECTS," each............... .......$1.00

Pleasant R E A D I N G Special THE PATCH OF BLUE.......$ .75 Grace Livingston Hill EYES IN THE DARK......... 1.00 Zenobia Bird REVIVAL AT BROADLANE.. 1.00 Kate Drew O R D E R T O D A Y BIOLA BOOK ROOM

Profitable R E A D I NG Special FINE GOLD J $1.50 J. H. Westervelt AUNT MARIAN'S PARABLES 1.50 Mrs. S. H. Lehman VOICE IN THE NIGHT...j|f 1.50 Fredrick Hall O R D E R T O D A Y BIOLA BOOK ROOM

© E J E C T S T EA T T A L E A N C By LOUIS T. TALBOT, Pastor, Church of the Open Door; President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles 52Object Lesons 1 for each Sunday for the Year ’ round 75 Common Objects and Toys are made toTalk and Teach BibleTruths PASTORS, EVANGELISTS, TEACHERS, YOUNG PEOPLE'S AND CHILDREN'S WORKERS AND PARENTS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS H E L P F U L O F F E

r I ^HE King’s Business announces that it will mail post- paid to any address a copy, together with a year’s subscription to The King’s Business, for $1.50. Objects that Talk and Teach is a book of useful object lessons for children, and is the direct outcome of Dr. Tal­ bot’s experience as pastor. Each of the 52 object lessons is ILLUSTRATED, the objects LISTED at the beginning of

the lesson, SCRI PTURE verses suggest ed, and the METHOD of presenting the lesson given. These Object Lessons Are Adaptable and Usable During the past year, Dr. Talbot, the author, has used these lessons as a part of his morning church service, to the delight and profit of several hundred boys and girls, and of several thousand grown-ups.


REV. CHAS. E. HURLBURT, Bible Teacher and Pioneer Missionary to Africa: “The object talks by Dr. Talbot to the children, young and old, at the Church of the Open Door, are the finest and most markedly Spirit-inspired of any to which I have ever listened. It is a joy to know that they are to be put in shape so a wider circle may get their messages, and perhaps some of God's messengers may be able to use them again.“

DR. E. L. McCREERY, Dean of Bible Institute of Los Angeles:

“I most heartily commend Dr. Talbot's book, OBJECTS THAT TALK AND TEACH, as it meets a long-felt need on the part of many pastors and Chris­ tian workers, who are desirous of impressing spiritual truth on the minds of the children of their congregations.“

ADD 25c FOR CANADA OR FOREIGN COUNTRIES. In case only the book is desired, order should be addressed to THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California, and 75c enclosed. ORDER THIS HELPFUL, USABLE BOOK T O D A Y - --52 OBJECT LESSONS FOR 75 CENTS

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