XI. All those who persistently reject Jes- us Christ in the present life shall be raised f r om the dead and t h r o u g h o ut eternity exist in a state of conscious, un- utterable, endless t o rme nt and anguish. XII. The church consists of all those who, in this present dispensation truly believe on Jesus Christ. It is the body and bride of Christ, which Christ loves and for which He has given himself up. XIII. There is a personal devil a being of great cunning and power. " T he prince of t he power of the air." T he prince of this world." " The god of this age."
IX. Men a re justified on t he simple and single ground of the shed blood of Christ a nd upon the simple and single condi- tion of faith in Him Who shed the blood, a nd are born again by t he quickening, renewing, cleansing, work of the Holy Spirit t h r o u gh the instrumentality of t he Wo rd of God. X. All those who receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour and their Lord and who confess Him as such before their fellow- men become children of God and receive eternal life. They become heirs of God and joint-fieirs with Jesus Christ. ' At death their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious b»essedness and at t h e second'coming of Christ their bodies shall be raised and t r a n s f o rmed into the likeness of the body of His Glory. [ J A 13 / fact is not t h at it will add to t he archi- tectural beauties of t he city and be a witness to t he enterprise and munifi- cence of its citizens. It is t h at it is a mo n ume nt to Christian philanthropy and a prophecy of t he perpetuation and progress of evangelical f a i th in this city, in Southern California, and t he Pacific Coast and coasts. It is the in- tention of the projectors of this busi- ness to build solely for the glory of God t h r o u gh Christ J e s us our Lord f or t he propagation of " t he faith once for all delivered to t he s a i n t s ," as author- itatively handed down in t he Holy Bi- ble. The plans and specifications tes- tify t h at they purpose to keep back nought of t he price, b ut ito provide things liberally. THE AUDITORIUM. is t he central edifice linking t he two lofty pylons on t he r i g ht and left, which represent respectively t he 13- story dormitories for men and women. The shadowy arches on the ground floor open into a grand vestibule 112 feet long by 84 feet wide, and 30 feet high. Directly- opposite the central t h r ee are similar openings leading into
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He can exert vast power only so f ar as God suffers him to do so. 1 He shall ul- timately be cast into t he lak^ of fire and brimstone and shall be tormented day and ni^ht forever. g - W i t ^ Proposed Home of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles G ROUND is broken for t he erec- tion of t he substantial edifice pictured on the central pages of this n umb er of t he "KING'S BUS- INESS." The significence of this t he main floor of the assembly room. Those stairways lead up to t he first balcony; the second balcony will be served by stairs connecting direct with t he street. The taller arches at t he extremes of t he vestibule lead into
long cloisters, the gently inclined floors of which approach the f o rwa rd or plat- f o rm end of the interior. This auditor- ium is 112 feet wide, and its h e i g ht av- erages 56 feet. The main floor will seat 2034, the platform 230, the bal- conies 1550 and 750 respectively, offer- ing, a total capacity of 4564. Effective heating, ventilation, and perfect acous- tic properties, are g u a r a n t e ed by up-to- date scientific a d j u s t me n ts and costly appliances. THE SCHOOL ROOM. This is t he real work-shop of the In- stitute. The basement extending un- der the main auditorium and t he me n 's dormitory is entirely devoted to the es- sential business of t he school. The • central portion is the students' assem- bly, or lecture room. It will.be seated with 875 tablet-armed chairs. F l a n k- ing t he lecture room' a re class rooms with moveable partitions, which, opened into t he main room enlarge its capac- ity to 1525. Under the women's building will be provided 12 class r o oms and music studios. The Ly- ceum and F i s h e rme n 's clubs are h e re
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