fitted out with cheerful club-rooms 3Ox 44 feet each, and having a seating capacity of 200. The printing plant will be in this basement. Twenty foot open courts passing t h r o u gh to the rear, and prism-glass sidewalks above, will provide a b u n d a nt light. The north and south dormitories will connect by an open lobby across t he f r o nt and, roofed by t he glass walk, eight rooms will open into it, being t he several of- fices of t he faculty members. Above "the upper balcony of the main a u d i t o r i um looking out on the street in t h e f r o n t, and on t he roof garden in t he rear, a re situated four rooms to be used for study, reading, ' and library purposes. Two of these are entered f r om the men's corridor, and two from t h e women's; all are connected by b r i d ge or stairway with t he roof gar- den. THE DORMITORIES will contain in total 683 rooms. Of these some on t he first floor will be for guests of the Institute; on the second will be extra large rooms, but on the third floor, and above, t he rooms will be uniformly about 9x11, and 12x15 feet. They will be furnished with bed, dresser, wardrobe, lavatory, and study- table. Bath tubs, toilets, showers, all complete, will be established on each floor. An elevator will r un from, base- me nt to top; and ready access be pro- vided to fire escapes. T HE ADMINISTRATION DEPART- MENT. This will be situate on the first floor of the men's building. The general of- fices will be grouped for t he conveni- ence of the Superintendent and his sec- retary, the Secretary and Treasurer, the bookkeeping d e p a r tme n t, and all will tie fitted for the best despatch of busi- ness. A waiting room for t he public will be included in this group. THE BOOK SHOP. The book selling d e p a r tme nt is one of the imp o r t a nt and useful enterprises of the Institute. It is to have a space a d e q u a te to its growing business, which promises great enlargement, and will doubtless become h e a d q u a r t e rs here for all religious books of real evangelical value. The Institute book store will be t he ground floor f r o nt of the north building, its vestibuled e n t r a n ce and show window facing on Hope street a few steps south of Sixth. Here, too,
t he "KING'S BUSINESS" will find a p e rma n e nt home. T HE PR INT ING PLANT will be immediately below t he Book Room, and connected with it by stairs and dumb waiter. The " I n s t i t u te P r e s s" will h e re be f u r n i s h ed with a fully equipped printing outfit, of first- class order, and a skilled force. The space occupied will be 20x80feet, and more for f u t u re expansion. K I TCHEN AND DINING DEPART- MENTS. Convenient provision has been made for feeding our large family. The equipment of kitchen and dining room is to be complete and modern. " T he butcher, t he baker, and candlestick m a k e r" will have nothing to ask. T he first and second shall have his fully furnished shop, and the latter his dy- n amo substituting the old time candle- stick. Brick-set ranges, stew kettles, stock boilers, will serve the Chef; re- frigerator, cupboards, cakestone, oven, t he Ba k e r; open counter spacing, and ample room to pass to and f ro will accommodate t he waiters; washing machines, hand sinks, drains and dryers, will aid t he dishwashers; a nd all will be called into requisition when the capacities of t he dining rooms are occupied by 280 women, in t h e women's, and 240 men in t he men's, and 100 special guests in t he private room; for t he dining depart- ment will have a capacity for 620 persons, and the culinary be equal to t he same whatever their capacity. THE MECHANICAL PLANT. " The mechanical plant provides space for five boilers, t h r ee of which will probably supply t he needs of t he Institute at . present. The oil stor- a ge is located under t he sidewalk over a h u n d r ed feet away and is sup- plied to t he f u r n a ce by a special pump. Space is provided for the boiler feed- ers, condensers, blow-off tanks, and vacuum machinery, at suitable points. The elevator machinery, comprising pump, pressure and surge tanks, occu- pies a considerable area and t o g e t h e- with the electric generators and sewage lift, ma ke up the mechanical equip- me n t ." Service, simplicity, sufficiency, i re the principles governing the size, style and appointments of t he whole.
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