"New Theology," Eddyism, Unitarian- ism, Universalism, Ecclesiasticism, Ec- clecticism, a nd all t h at corrupts sound doctrine, t h at when it is come to pass we may believe (Jno. 1 4 : 2 9 ). (2) Clos- ing points: (a) Leaven works by contact of germ with germ t h r o u gh whole lump, t h us "Evil communications corrupt good ma n n e r s" (1 Cor. 1 5 : 3 3 ). (b) On the other h a nd faith spreads by personal contact. Let J o hn tell Andrew, and An- drew, P e t er (Jno. 2:40, 41). THE WHEAT AND THE TARES. LESSON IV. Mat. 13:24-30, 36-43. J u ly Twenty-eighth. IS THE LORD'S PREACHING. 1. He confined) His instruction to parables, beautiful and interesting word pictures (V. 34). 2. He revealed h i d d en t r u t h s, which had been kept secret from the founda- tion of t h e world (v. 35). See, also, Rom. 1 6 : 2 5; 1 Cor. 2:27-10; Eph. 3:3- 11; Col. 1:26. Wh at is now clear to us was obscure, or quite h i d d en f r om the ancient people of God. The Jews- ex- pected Messiah to e n t er at once into His glory, p u t t i ng down all enemies. That Israel should be rejected (Lk. 19:11- 1 5 ) ; seed should be sown t h r o u g h o ut t he world (Mat. 1 3 : 3 8 ); Satan should successfully oppose the good work (13: 28, 2 9 ); tribulations should overwhelm t he f a i t h f ul ( 2 4 : 2 1 ); t he t r ue gospel should be corrupted ( 1 3 : 3 3 ); faith should be almost destroyed (Lk. 1 8 : 8 ), etc., etc., this and many other, hidden and astonishing secrets the parables dis- closed. II. OUR PARABLES. 1. A m a n sowed seed, good seed; wheat; in his field, his own field. 2. An enemy, his enemy, came at night, and sowed tares, and stole away. 3. The Seeds grew; alike at first; but when they were ripening two crops appeared, wheat and tares; for "by their f r u i t s" only we know them. The surprised servants told their lord, and asked whence the tares came. He answered, " It is the work of an e n emy ." They said, "Shall we root out the t a r e s ?" "No," said the owner, " t h ey a re ma ny and so entangled with the wheat, t h at you would ruin the crop. Let t h em grow together. We will sort them and' b u rn the t a r es at harvest t ime ." III. A SOLUTION SOUGHT. 1. The mu l t i t u d e. Jesus first sent t h em away. They were either (1) in- different to the t r u t h, though interested
in t he story, or (2) out of sympathy with the Preacher, or ( 3 ), full of f a u lt finding criticism, or (4) if they had longed to understand, they would h a ve shown their desire and t he Lord would have t a u g ht them. 2. The few. His disciples stayed to the " a f t er meeting." They said to t he Lord, "Declare u n to us t he p a r a b l e ." 3. T he spirit of indifference, and criticism blinds men to t r u t h. They go away unlightened, mistaken, and mo re prejudiced than ever. They complain of the Bible, the doctrine, the sermon, t h at they are full of " h a rd sayings," not easy to be understood, and so excuse t h em- selves for their ignorance, unbelief and doubt. In fact they a re themselves criminally to blame. Let them " i n q u i re of t he Lord," "Search the Scriptures," ask the preacher or the teacher, and all would be made clear and satisfactory. They a re without excuse. IV. THE SOLUTION. 1. The field. It is " t he world." The "cosmos," or present order of things. It is " H i s" field; even "H is K i n g d om" (v. 41). That it is in rebellion against Him does not change ownership. The south- ern states in rebellion were United States territory; the president by proclamation abolished slavery in them, and as f a st as they were occupied by national forces, authority was restored, not created. 2. The Sower of t he good seed. He who owned the field f r om t h e beginning, " T he Son of Ma n" (Gen. 1 : 2 8; Col. 1: 15-17). All the good in the world is f r om Him. He is THE LIGHT, T HE L I FE, THE TRUTH, THE WORD; and every good man, each "Child of t h e K i n g d om ," is a new creature in Him. How good the good Sower of the good seed mu st be! 3. T he Sower of t he tares, " t he devil," " t he wicked o n e ." He is "of t he r i g h t ," he does his mischief on the sly (Eph. 6 : 1 1 ). Th e r e f o re we are told to " w a t c h" (1 Thes. 5 : 6 ). F or an enemy to come at night, out of spite, and scat- t er " t a r e s" in a neighbor's wheat field, and often d ama ge it for years, was a f r e- quent occurence in t h at country. Wh at could be more devilish! Such is t h e malicious disposition of Satan, the h a t er of good, and of the Good One. J e s us t a u g ht t h at He and we have such an enemy. Dare not doubt it because you do not see. It is the enemy's n a t u re to work under cover. 4. T he seed. (1) The good seed a r e " t h e children of t he K i n g d om ," those who aré born " h e i rs of t h e K i n g d om"
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