King's Business - 1912-07

as to dangers, scarcity of food and wa- ter. Ask why Jesus so o f t en spoke of shepherd, sheep, and fold. See Isaiah 40:11. It was one of the chief em- ployments of the Hebrews. Ab r a h am, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David were all shepherds. Kings were called shep- herds because they should shepherd t he people. Jesus is our royal shepherd. The angels announced Him first to shepherds, Lk. 2:8. The 34th is t he Shepherd P s a lm; Eze. 34: the Shepherd chapter. 1. Have a map,' if only your own make. Locate Samaria, Jerusalem, and Jericho. Tell of t he steep and lonely canyon road f r om Jerusalem down to Jericho. 2. L e a rn a nd tell how bitterly t he Jews and Samaritans hated one anoth- er. (See also, Jno. 4 : 9; Lk. 1 7 : 1 6; Jno. 8:48. 3. How did t h e J ews r e g a rd t he priests? Ex. 39:41. They led t he worship, offered t he sacrifices, bore t he ark, their most sacred object (Josh. YOUNG P EOP L E. To any y o u ng man or woman desiring to do some definite Christian wo rk dur- ing t he s ummer months, we have a proposition t h at will enable you to m a k e some money and at t he same time glor- ify t he Lord. Wr i te us at once for particulars. THE CLASS SOCIAL. The s t u d e n ts of t he day classes held a social in the h ome of the Superintend- ent last month. Most of the students live on t he level and were not anticipat- ing a mountain climb. However, they all reached the top of the hill i n time but not all on time. The evening was most enjoyably spent. The Faculty were all there to see t h at everything was eaten in an or- derly and scholarly ma n n e r. There were no dull moments. Some of the stu- dents vied with the Instructors in tell- ing stories. The time passed quickly. Some gospel songs and an evening pray- e r ended a happy family gathering. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. We intend to ma ke this magazine sec- THE GOOD SAMARITAN. Lu ke 10:39-30. Aug. 4. WORK FOR T HE SUMMER FOR

3 : 1 4 ), and the people regarded t he priests and even t h e ir clothes as most holy. The Levites, also, we re minis- t e rs of God and like the priests t he very ones who should have showed kind- ness. 4. T he victim was a J ew. Describe t he pitiable state of t he man. Wh o would help him? Who would seem most likely to help a poor Jew? Who least likely? It was easier to pass on t h an to help. The J ew priest, and t he J ew Levite passed on. 5. T he S ama r i t a n: felt sorry, went to him", bound his wounds, used his remedies, put him on the beast, took him to t he inn, paid for his keep and care. 6. Questions. Who told this story? Why did He tell it? Lk. 10:29. Wh at question closed t he story? Wh at a n- swer? 7. Application. Apply it to each. We are not likely to meet robbed neigh- bors, b ut mu st act to all, friendly or un- friendly, attractive or unattractive, t he Golden rule, Mat. 7:12. 8. The Great T r u th is t h a t J e s us is our Good Samaritan.

Institute Items

o nd to n o ne in the land. It will be bet- t er and better every month. We have some good things in prospect. 'if you have any suggestions of how to ma ke it better send them to us. It mu st in all things represent t he business of t he King. Send us n ames of your friends to wh om we may send sample copies.


A PLEA FOR 500. More t h an 100 members are now en- rolled in our Correspondence Class and more are being added each week. We wa nt to secure 500 memb e rs this year. We wa nt this to be one of t he largest and one of t he best Bible Classes in t he country. Will you who are members help us? We wa nt every memb er of t h e class t o secure one o t h er memb er this month. To each one who secures us one mem- ber we will send a set of t he Montrose Li- brary, consisting of eleven choice books, postpaid.

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