Bible Institutes Astfasi-vMSj
B IBLE schools have come to stay! The test of a generation has demonstrated this. T h e y a r e s a fe a n d p e r m a n e nt i n v e s t m e n t s; f o u n d a t i o ns t o s t a n d u n t i l t h e L o r d C ome s. The schools of Spurgeon. Guinness, Moody and Gordon, the g r e at pioneers in the field, have sowed the earth with evangelists, teachers, missionaries, home and foreign, secretaries and parish helpers noted for loyalty to God's Word, personal holiness, sane and consecrated zeal, and a bund a nt fruitful- ness. Those clear eyed men of God foresaw the approaching lapse from primitive faith and evangelism, and prepared to meet it. They saw the old and ever need of sappers and miners, men and women of unsophisticated faith, and the inability of standard methods, and prolonged processes, to supply it, and bequeathed the Bible training school to the" Church. We must multiply our inheritance. The conditions they foresaw are upon us. Great is our OPPORTUNITY; equally great our RESPONSIBILITY; and equal to both our ABILITY, if those who can pray, PRAY; those who can labor, LABOR; those who can give, GIVE. THE SITUATION. The need was never so great! Populations grow by leaps and bounds. They become more and more complex. The craze f or riches; the lust of luxury; the passion for pleasure; the traps for the young; godless and aggressive infidelity; unshamed debauchery; crude and lawless socialism; and the bewildering maze of antichristian religions, these, all, present a satanic situation with which t he now available forces are unable to cope. Wh at Spurgeon did for Great Britain, what Moody for the East, we must do for our West, and join all tor the world. "They were all scattered abroad EXCEPT THE APOSTLES a nd went every- where preaching the Wo r d ." The first evangelists who " t u r n ed the world upside down" were versed only in that gospel which they were conscious had regenerated' and sanctified their own souls. God give us, and increase, a host of men of t he highest intellectual and v*> scholastic culture, with that same spiritual experience, but it is in that r a nk and file on which the early Church relied that they and we all must hope today, if we are to measure up to the demands of the hour. We need "apostles" but more now we need "evangelists" in the broad' sense of the word. THE B I BLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Is preparing to train an army of good soldiers of Jesus Christ able to endure hard- ship; drilled to wield the Sword of the Spirit, and handle shield and buckler, content with their wages; ready to go where they are sent; to be massed on t he foreign field; to garrison post or outpost at home; to do scout and picket duty, in all ma nn er of direct evangelism. The conditions must be met by re-in- forcing present agencies with such a host, men and women of tried Christian char- acter and experience trained in the knowledge of t he Bible, God's alone instru- ment of salvation. Wh at might be accomplished if the Churches of this City multi- plied tenfold such work as is done by our Bible Women, city missions and out door evangelism. Wh at if all towns and cities were as liberally supplied? We labor pastors; workers t h at should' be acceptable to all evangelical denominations, because trained to the faith and not to a form. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME The h o ur strikes! " The a rmy t h at moves first," said Grant at Shiloh, "will win this battle." "We will move first," replied Sherman. But first or last the time to move has come. The Church must call out her reserves; she must mobilize her entire force; or as in other ages and regions be overwhelmed by the powers of darkness.
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