King's Business - 1912-07

c The accompanying cut brings our friends face to face with Rev. Geo. W. Hunter whose work this appreciative para- graph so highly commends. Below we print also a letter from Mr. Hunter himself, .tab


a'revelation, (in a new way) of the Book of God. My work began in Eu r e k a, on the 12th day of May, and for five weeks, I h a ve been teaching the "Unsearchable riches of Christ" to t he churches of this little city away up in t he northsection of t he state. I have f o u nd the people much like those of the New En g l a nd States, glad to see a minister and "esteem him highly for his work's s a k e ." People f r om al- most every state in the union have set- tled in this g r e at county, and are pros- perous and happy. It is not without churches and mini- sters. They have the full quota of de- nqminations, and as fine a set of men f or pastors as it h as been my privilege to meet. I followed a great revival, conducted' by t he churches of t he city, u n d er t he leadership of Dan Shannon, and while I hoped for a greater interest in bible study, a good ma ny followed t he work f r om beginning to end. My aggregate audiences for five weeks were 4,800 , 61 meetings, with an aver- a ge of 79 at each. The work is a constructive, r a t h er t h an an inspirational work, I am per- mitted to get t he minds of Christians centered on t he e t e r n al realities of t he Wo rd of God, and to inspire the definite bible study. Wi th t he aid of t he big Chart, pre- pared by Bro. Jamison, the plan h as been opened in t he simplest way, and ma ny people who t h o u g ht the Bible a book hard to be understood, have seen its beauty revealed. I shall be in this North County for t h e lack everywhere is the ignorance of several weeks, being engaged for Ar- eata, Ferndale, Rhonervillei, Ftortuna, Hydesville, Bayside, Scotia, and a few other places; this week at Blue Lake, with the pastor of ithe P r e s b y t e r i an Church. His people are excellent, but God's Word, in t he f u n d ame n t a l s. People do not care to dig out f or themselves, and as a consequence they are weak spiritually,- and indifferent to t he demand of God on His children, and -so the preacher has to do much of t he spiritual work of the church. These conditions prevail everywhere, and while there are always a few who respond to the work, the r a nk and file are growing more and more indifferent, t h us we believe giving evidence of t h e nearness of our Lord's return. GEO. W. HUNTER.

It gives us the greatest pleasure, as pastors, to speak a word of appreciation of the splendid work t h at is being done by Dr. George W. Hu n t er in t he line of Bible study. Wi th a good mind, a pleasing personality, and a t h o r o u gh knowledge of t he Book of books, he has special fitness as a teacher of the Word. The Los Angeles Bible Institute is to be congratulated in having such an able representative in the field. And t h e peo- ple of Humb o l dt County are to be con- gratulated for t he privilege they have of listening to this Christian teacher, who not only believes in God, b ut who be- lieves t h at t he Bible is t he Wo rd of God and preaches it and teaches it without any apology and without a doubt. We most heartily commend him and his work to t he o t h er pastors and churches who desire earnest, honest, f a i t h f ul and fearless Bible Instruction, (Signed) W. T. RIGGS, Baptist, E. A. WI BLE, Methodist-Episcopal. H. N. McKEE, Christian. ROBERT A. CRICHTON, Presbyterian, H. E. BANHAM, Congregational. Eu r e k a, Cal., J u ne 15th, 1912. The Letter I had never realized the joy of a pio- neer missionary with his hardships and trials till I landed in Humb o lt County, California. As yet I have seen b ut t he first glimpse of wh at ma ny contend with, on one hand or of t he unspeakable privi- lege of being permitted to minister on the another. It brings one into sympa- thetic u n d e r s t a n d i ng of God's plan as revealed in Jesus Christ as few other things can. Among the giants of t he forest, in the redwood t imb er district, I have opened t he Wo rd of God to a people who appreciate it, and to whom it has been

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