t h r ee days ago I intimated t h at I was saving up t h e r e a d i ng of your May issue of " T he King's Business" till Sunday. Well, Sunday h as come and I have just finished t he book. Not every page, line a nd word, but very n e a r ly s o—at least an h o ur and a half of splendid reading, including two of t he Sunday School lessons by J o hn Sammis, which are won- d e r f ul in scope and powerful in presen- tation. The one f or today on "The Tongue and its T am i n g" shows wh at can come o ut of real, deep, intelligent study of a subject f r om God's Wo r d. The oth- er one read is "Sincerity vs. Hypocrisy." The write up of your school's work in all its d e p a r tme n ts is mo st interesting and all so splendidly p u t t h at I should t h i nk wealthy Christians of t he t r ue b r a nd would pour in money to extend your work by t he thousands upon thou- sands. T a ke it f r om me t h at if I had money t h at thousands of Christians have, this letter would contain a check for $25,000 as a s t a r t e r! I t h i nk your wo rk is looming up to magnificent proportions and as clearly under t he blessing of God as was t he great work done f or widows and o r p h a ns by Charles Maddon Spurgeon, who se- cured by way of heaven, via the prayer route, almost $50,000 a year! cause the lintels of their door h ad been sprinkled with the blood of a lamb, in obedience to t he command of God; hence, according to the sure covenant, t he destroying angel passed by. Though both were secure, one was at peace, while t he other, lacking assurance, was miserable. It is t he shed blood, the sacrificial a t o n eme nt of Christ, t h at saves us, the very mome nt we trust in it, and it is the promise of God t h at brings peace and assurance. Doubt is not only an i n j u ry to our testimony and a destroyer of the soul's peace, but it is mistrusting the willing- ness a nd power of God to do wh at He promises. Persons will say, "If I could only be certain." Well, you may be, with all t he assurance t h at mortals can expect. You readily believe t he word or promise of your friends, they who are b u t fallible: why not t r u st your all to H im who cannot lie, to H im "w i th wh om is no variableness, neither shadow of t u r n i n g ? "—J a m es 1:17.
"THE RETURN OF OUR LORD" This is a f r e sh contribution to t h is most imp o r t a nt subject. The t h r o b b i ng t h eme of t he Wo rd of God. Doctor Tor- rey is eminently qualified to wr i te on this g r e at doctrine and his book will be welcomed by t h o u s a n ds of t he lovers of t h e Wo rd all over t he world. The Bible Institute h as purchased t he manuscript and t he book will be pub- lished f r om t he Institute Press. It will contain a topical index of all of the texts of scripture relating to the Lord's r e t u r n, constituting it a veritable text book on the subject and will t h us enable t he r e a d er to ma ke a t h o r o u gh study of t he t h eme for himself. There will be t wo editions. The pa- per binding selling for 25 cents and t he eloth binding for 50 cents. First edition of book ready October 1. HEARTY APPREC IAT ION. The following letter f r om Mr. C. L. Meigs of Indianapolis speaks for itself. Mr. Meigs is recognized as one of t he foremost Sunday School experts in this country. He h as f or years been a faith- f u l s t u d e nt of the Bible and a c a r e f ul observer of practical Christian work and we highly value his words of commenda- tion. My dear T. C. H .: In my letter mailed to you two or "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he t h at believeth on me h a th everlasting life." — J o h n 6:47. And this is t he record, t h at God h a th given to us e t e r n al life, and this life is in His Son." — 1 J o hn 5:11. Amo ng t he Hebrews t h e re is a legend about two sisters who on the night wh en t h e destroying angel passed t h r o u gh t he land of Egypt remained with the family within their home. One was prepared f or the d e p a r t u re and filled with assur- ance and peace, calmly partook of the roast lamb. The o t h er was restless and f e a r f ul lest t he death angel would not pass t h em by. She reproached her sister for being unconcerned and confident, and asked how she could b e so full of as- surance when death and j u d gme nt were being meted out all a r o u nd them. The answer was, "Wh y, sister, t he blood h as been sprinkled; and we have God's word t h at when He sees t he blood He will pass over u s ." These two sisters were alike safe be-
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Assurance By A. H. Gottsehall
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