King's Business - 1912-07

Price o aBooks

DURING TH EMONTH O F JULY THE "BEST" BOOKS a tthe best price ever. These books should b e in the library o fevery Pastor, Bible Student, Sunday School Superinten- dent Teacher o r other Christian worker. An da t th e price we are now offering them you cannot afford t ob ewithout them. Just look a tthis list: What the Bible Teaches, Dr. R .A. Torrey - - $2.50 A thorough and comprehensive study o fwhatthe Bible ha st o sa y concerning the great doctrines o f which i t treats. The Scofield Reference Bible - - 2 . 0 0 With a ne wsystem o f connected topical references; Helps a t hard places, Explanations o f seeming discrepancies, etc . Knowi ng th eScriptures, Dr. Arthur T. Pierson - 1.5 0 A help t othe right appreciation an d correct interpretation of , the Scriptures. The Testimony o f th eBible, Dr .S .E .Wishard - . 5 0 Concerning the assumptions o fdestructive criticism. The Ne wTopical Text Book, Dr. R .A. Torrey - . 3 0 Which gives all the Scripture references to all the various topics i n the Bible. The Treasury o f Scriptural Knowledge - 2 . 0 0 Containing 500,000 Scripture references and parallel passages. The Montrose Library - - - 1.6 5 Consisting o f eleven volumes selected b yDr. R .A .Torrey who says they should be i nevery Christian worker's library. Th eDi - vine Unity o fthe Scriptures, b y Saphir; Th eWonders o f Proph- ecy b yUrquhart; How t o Bring Men t o Christ, b yTorrey; Christ and the Scriptures, b y Saphir; Th eLord from Heaven, b yAnder- son- The Hidden Life by Saphir; The Growing Church, b yMcAfee; The Doubter's Doubts, b y Anderson; Th eHigher Criticism, b y Dr. Torrey, Satan, by Chafer; The Gospel and It sMinistry. Prepaid Expressage - - ; - »8 5 If bought separately th etotal cost would b e - $11.30 But i f bought al l together during th emonth o f July we will send al l these " B e s t " Books b y prepaid express for the very low price o f - $9-00

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Send i n Your Order a tOnce. Don't Delay. THE «BEST BOOKS" STORE Bibl e Institute , 2 6 0 - 2 6 4S . Mai nStree t Los Angeles, California.

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