Iios Angeles, is o ur logical center for such a work. California bids fair to double h er population by t he end of t he first q u a r t er of t he 20th century. The s um of her census should reach 6,000,000 by t h a t time, a nd of these Los Angeles . J may claim a sixth. Practically a million souls will live within t he city's limits. This Californian population will flow in f r om t he r o u nd world, Germany, Italy, En g l a n d, Ireland, Mexico, Sweden, Po r t u g a l, F r a n c e, Russia, Switzerland, Scot- land, De nma r k, Austria, Greece, Norway, Finland, Spain, Hu n g a r y, Turkey,Rou- mania, Wales. South America, t he Pacific Isles, a re already represented amo ng us; Poles, Magyars, Hebrews, Slovaks, Croatians, L i t h u a n i a n s, Ru t h e n i a n s, Finns, Bulgarians, Servians, Montenegrins, Dalmatians, Bosnians, Herzogovinians, Ar- menians, Africans, Chinese, Hindoos, Coreans, Japanese, a re all with us. Add t o t h is our unparalleled tourist a nd t r a n s i e nt population—we a re touching flesh with t he world. Now t a ke y o ur map. You see t h at wh at New York is on t he eastern coast, Los Angeles is destined to be on t he western. Wh at t h at city is to t he Atlantic and Europe, we a re to t he Pacific and Asia; a more populous con- tinent, more n ume r o us isles, a nd a mo re needy hemisphere. J a p an is our next w door neighbor; China only a door beyond; China immense, in motion, claiming h er place in t he advance of civilization. Alaska, and t he Philippines are ours, and South America's coastline emb r a c es 50,000,000, as needy of t he Wo rd of God as P a g an Asia. Mexico is on our borders, and in the last decade, only, 33,384 of her citizens crossed t h em. Presently t he g r e at canal will link t he seas, and t he commerce of t h e world passing to and fro, f r om Occident and Orient, dis- charge their m i g r a n ts and merchandise at our projected a nd commodious harbor. This city with its assured metropolitan prospects,, and cosmopolitan concourse; affording opportunity for the most varied experience in practical ministry; its strong Christian community, mo re t h an t h r ee times t h at of San Francisco; its unsurpassed climate, advantageous to s t u d e nt life, and perennial out of door ser- * vice; its already established and influential Bible I n s t i t u t e; is t he n a t u r al seat of such an evangelistic plant as we propose. Biblical education is f or edification as well as evangelization. Scores, not on our register, avail themselves of t he instruction of our class rooms, and h u n d r e ds listen to t h e popular lectures of t he auditorium. This mu st h a ve a n Imp o r t a nt effect on t he Christian and Church life of our city and vicinity. Th i nk ^ of t he influence when our class rooms a re open day and n i g h t; when thousands assemble in our great a u d i t o r i um and sit at t he feet of t he world's greatest evan- v. gelists and Bible teachers. Worldly philanthropy endows lectureships and institu- tions for popular education in science, politics, economics, a nd art. Why should not lovers of Gad provide as liberally for the edification of t he Lo r d 's people who h u n g er and t h i r st a f t er His Wo r d? We exult in t h e t h o u g ht of t he t h o u s a n ds t h at shall receive instruction and incentive to broader knowledge and higher Jiving in t he ways of God, t h r o u gh generations to come if He delays His appearing. " T h e field is t he wo r l d" a nd we mu st sow it with t he seed of t he Wo r d, and t he Children of t he Kingdom. CHRISTIAN CAPITALISTS WE CLAIM A SHARE IN YOUR INVEST- MENTS, AND CAN PLEDGE YOU IN THE NAME OF T HE LORD CELES- T I AL DIVIDENDS. (Mat. 1 9 : 2 4, 29.) "Gold is merely gold u n t il t r a n sm i t t ed into spiritual values in t he souls of me n. In t he lives of careless posterity gold degenerates to lead or baser me t a l, b u t In t he lives of people b o rn again, t h r o u gh Christian character, motives, deeds, ma t e r i al values ascend i n to t h e glory of God w i th blessings f or m a n k i n d ." ANOTHER ASPECT
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