King's Business - 1912-07



By R. A. Torrey, D.D.

? Q. Which is t he best Bible for student and worker? A. I advise every Bible student • to procure a copy of the Scofield Bible for study. In many ways, it is the most useful Bible I know for general use and study. It is published in various editions. The cheapest edi- tion can be secured for $2 and every- thing is in it t h at is in the more expen- sive editions, and if one has a good Bible already, this will answer. For one who does not already possess a Levant or Morocco covered India paper Bible, I should advise their obtaining the $8 edi- tion of the Scofield Bible, bound in real Morocco, India paper. There are two special editions of t he Scofield Bible containing Helps for Bible Study and Personal Work which I prepared. They correspond t o t he two editions men- tioned above and are a little more ex- pensive, the cloth covered one costing $2.35 and the Morocco covered, India paper $8.50. Every Bible student should also have a copy of the American Standard Ver- sion. This is unquestionably the most accurate and satisfactory translation of t he original texts of the Old' and New Testaments. As we believe in the in- errancy of the Scriptures as originally given, we should desire to have as ac- curate a translation as possible and we find it in this edition of the Bible. There is an especial edition of the American Standard Version which is almost indis- pensable for any one who aims at a thor- ough and exact study of the Word of God. It is called THE GROSS RE F ER- ENCE BIBLE. It represents a vast amount of labor both by the immediate editors and by others, the results of whose labor have been incorporated in the book. It is a very large book, 2414 pages. It can be had in a variety of edi- tions f r om $6 to $16.50. The differ- ence is in t he paper and binding. Q. Wh at do you think of the 1911 edition of the Bible? A. It is a great disappointment, and has very little value. The work upon it has been done in a very careless and shabby way. There are changes made f r om the Authorized Version where no changes are necessary—indeed, the Au- thorized Version is in some instances more accurate t h an the change. Changes

are ma de where the Revised Version does not ma ke changes and some of them are fanciful, if not fantastic. On the other hand, no changes are ma de where they need to be made and where the Revised Version does ma ke them. Fu r t h e rmo re still, the changes are not consistent with themselves; a change will be made in the translation of a Greek word in one part of a verse and in another p a rt of the same verse the translation of the Greek word will not be changed. Nothing like the care was put upon this book t h at was put upon the Revised Version. In ma k i ng the Re- vised Version, the various members of the Committee met very frequently through a period of years and talked over together every change that was- made. In the 1911 Version, the work was done With great h a s t e—t he various persons worked separately from one an- other. After they had completed their labors, they met for very hasty and su- perficial discussion of changes. Th e re was nothing thorough nor scholarly in the method, and they have produced a book t h at cannot be depended upon at all, and the chief value in a book of this kind is its dependability. I have been amazed at the praise of this book that has been given in some reviews, and am s u re that those who gave the praise- could not carefully have studied the book. I went through the New Testa- ment carefully considering the various changes, comparing them with the Re- vised Version and with t he best Greek text and noted a very large number of unwarranted-changes and inaccuracies. Q. Wh at do you think of the "Com- panion Bible?" A. It is not a safe book. There may-, be some good things in it and the editor is doubtless possessed of an u n u s u al amount of erudition of a certain kind but is not a reliable teacher. There is much t h at is fanciful and unreliable in the book. This edition of the Bible is a very unsafe one to put into the hands of a young Christian, or any one who lacks in thorough scholarship. It is the kind of a book t h at puffs up a man who has not much knowledge. It makes him fancy that he possesses a knowledge which he does not, and disposes him to sit in criticism upon men who know f ar more than he does.

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