

Young artists enjoy mashup exercise


ROCKLAND | It looks like the start of a beautiful partnership between two young artists. Nerys Foss and Hazar Karagül have al- ready made their mark as budding artists. The two Grade 10 students at Rockland Dis- trict High School (RDHS) enjoyed their first successful collaboration, pooling their ideas and talents to create the winning design for the Trustee Innovation Award, an annual presentation of the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB). “We each had a different design (inmind),” said Foss, “and then we mashed it up.” The artistic pair conceived their design from start to finish within a single day ear- ly in the year before sending it off for the UCDSB judging committee. “We thought it was going to take lon- ger—” said Karagül, grinning,“—but it ended up being easy,” finished Foss, with a smile. “We each had a job on this,” said Karagül. “She had the roses, I did the leaves, and the stem part we both worked on. We each drew a picture and compared. Then we put them (design pieces) all together.” Their final design incorporates a flow- ering rose resting on an open book. The blooming red rose itself symbolizes the

hoods and major buildings. Foss remem- bers her mother being very involved in the art scene as she grew up. “Apparently, I got the genes to draw from my mom.”The way each has chosen to inter- pret their artistic heritage differs. “I like doing digital art,” said Foss, “and I also like to paint dolls.” “Any kind of paint- ing (style) and sculptures, clay or wood”said Karagül. “I want to be an architect.” The two received special recognition for their artistic achievement and design dur- ing the Sept. 24 UCDSB meeting prior to presentation of the Trustee Innovation Award. RDHS Principal Jeffrey Campbell, who also attended the event, described the duo as an example for other students to emulate in exploring their own creativity. “I’m really proud of these two,” he said. “Their passion for the arts really does in- spire other kids.” Will there ever be another Foss/ Karagül artistic mashup? “Maybe one day,” she said, smiling. “Yeah!” he said, with a grin.

Hazar Karagul

Nerys Foss

beauty and passion of teaching itself while the stem represents the growth of learning from the open pages of the Book of Knowl- edge. Their individual backgrounds, both family and personal, helped prepare for their suc- cessful artistic partnership. “My parents were teaching me art when I was one year old,” recalled Karagül. “I was a calm person (as a baby) and I listened to

my mother. She taught me how to draw and how to cut with (safety) scissors.” “I started when I was five,” Foss said, smil- ing, regarding her beginnings in art. “I said ‘I want to be an artist!’ when I drew my dad.” Both come from family backgrounds in art. Karagül’s father worked as a hairstylist when the family lived in Turkey, but he went around the city of Istanbul doing landscape interpretations of the various neighbour-

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