INUKA InTouch - SQ2 2020



I joined INUKA in October 2017. I remember very well I had a woman’s conference and I saw this lady wearing a pink dress and I thought she was one of my invites. Only to find that Millicent Motha, was bringing a great business opportunity to the ladies. I grabbed this opportunity not only for me, but for any woman who must take care of her family and wants to be able to afford a better education for her children. I learnt this business and I give thanks to Millicent Motha. You made me who I am, a DIAMOND. What were your biggest challenges you had to overcome on your way to Diamond Leader Status I realized that great things are never achieved from comfort zones. As busy as I am, being a pastor, a mother of 6 kids and a wife, I had to make time to understand the INUKA Business. I thought it was never going to happen. Fear overshadowed me but I remember that I was born with greatness. I looked at my team and I realized that strong people make time to help other people, even if they are struggling with their own issues. I pulled my team from their comfort zones. I shook the fear off myself and from my downline. I reminded myself that great is He in me. Then I started preparing to present my Diamond Leader onstage recognition success story, even when I didn’t know when it was going to happen. I wrote my vision down. Even when the Bible says though it may take time, surely it shall come to pass. I wrote my plan down. I kept my faith. I started flying with other eagles through that storm. I knew I must reach my Diamond Status and kept on reminding my team that we are victorious. There was nothing to stop me from Shining like a Diamond.

Talk to people, don’t underestimate any person you meet. Wear and use your INUKA products.

It is a journey but it’s worth it. Get up and move forward, IT’S YOUR CHOICE.

How has INUKA changed your life

In my entire life, I have never had a time to go on a holiday. With INUKA I have been to Hong Kong, Mauritius and now I’m going to Istanbul, Turkey. Giving people the opportunity to do this business with me has changed me because I discovered the real me. The love for everyone one because you won’t have a great team without loving them. The INUKA Business has also taught me to be patient with other people and with myself. I thank our INUKA Ambassador, Kate Sekhu. When Kate sends a message at midnight and expects the answers, this kept me on my toes. When I would tell Kate I’m quitting, she would tell me, I’m in and coming out. I know whatever I start, I must finish it.

BRAVO to our INUKA Founder, Alma Gericke, for opening doors in other countries.

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting their INUKA Business

Start positive, don’t lose focus, love your business and always know your products. Talk to people, invest in your business. Trust me, no one will put their money where there’s no interests. Every day go out and sell your products and make it a habit. Allow God to guide your steps.

What advice would you give someone who is trying to reach the Diamond Status

We are all born leaders. We all have dreams. We all have desires. Confess what you want to be. Think of what you really want. Is it your children’s education, is it a house, is it a car or a financial breakthrough? Don’t wait until things get better, start now. Keep on reading the INUKA Business Guide and InTouch Magazines. Attend INUKA quarterly meetings.


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