King's Business - 1927-12



December • 1927

V olum e 18—N um ber 12 25 cents a copy

$1.25 a y ear in U. S $1.50 foreign

TheMysterious Masked Singer ! Who Was He? I

CyURELY that glorious, golden voice must / j mean long years of training under some foreign master. And who would have dreamed that The Man Behind The Mask was one of their own crowd and one who six months before could scarcely sing a note! How did he do it? How could he possibly, in so short a time, have developed his voice to the point where he could actually sing, masked, for his closest friends and score a magnificent tri- umoh? There is only one answer! By means of Physical Voice Culture. I Guarantee to Improve Your Voice 100 % Your vocal chords are the same in construc­ tion as those of Caruso, Mary Garden or Galli Curci. But YOURS are under-developed. Your Hyo-Glossus throat muscle in particular, has probably never been used. No amount of scale singing will everdevelop this muscle. But scientific muscular exercise will. And only PhysicalVoiceCulture—the amazingdiscovery of Prof. Eugene Feuchtinger can showyouhow. Now you can build a strong, magnetic, com­ pelling voice that will be the marvel of your friends and open the door to Success and Fame. You can overcome the handicap of a squeaky, twangy, dull voice—you can realize your secret ambition and have a rich, resonant speaking and singing voice. I ■ RBBHBM ’ ChlC^SO I r ^ .......................... o Sfieaii„s I Address --- ----------- S * C ity Send for Free Book Today /

Prof.Feuchtingerabsolutelyguarantees at least a 100 % improvement or every cent of tuition will be cheerfully and promptly refunded! Scientific Methods! Eugene Feuchtinger does not devote his efforts merely to teaching you to sing. He actually develops the voice! Not by singing monotonous and tiresome scales that weaken and destroy your latent vocal powers. Rather by teaching you to build up the strength and elasticity of your vocal organ through scientific muscular exercises. These exercises are silent. You may practice them in the privacy of your own room. With surprising rapidity, you will notice that your voice is becoming stronger, richer, more beautiful every day. Yes, tens of thousands of men and women have seen their Voice Dreams come true this easy, certain and quick way. Yours can, too. Mail This Coupon! FREE—Physical Voice Culture Book Your voice has marvelous possibilities that you may not even suspect. “Physical Voice Culture” will reveal them to you. Send at once for this valuable, beautifully illus­ trated book. Read the astounding true stories of what others have done. Learn how to build up a strong, mag­ netic voice, and all about Prof. Feuchtinger’s wonderful guarantee offer. Write Today! The Book is FREE! PerfectVoicelnstitutesta^Scuc^

Enricih lS)ur Entire Life BY TAKING THE KING’S BUSINESS TOUR TO THE MEDITERRANEAN and THE HOLY LAND! I MAGINE y ourself in B ethlehem , Je ­ rusalem , a n d follow ing th e W ay of th e C ross to C alvary. You c an m ake this dream a reality! you had been in th e H oly L and, A lgiers o r C airo.

Now you have y o u r ch an ce to go this w inter. Join th e h ap p y p a rty of K ing's Business read ers on T h e W hite S tar L iner S. S. D oric w hich has b een sp e ­ cially c h artere d for th e cruise by Jam es B oring's T rav el Service, Inc. O n F e b ru a ry 8, 1928, w e sail from New Y ork for sixty-tw o never-to-be-for- gotten days in the sunshine of the Med­ ite rran e a n .

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Calling Attention to the Department of Christian Education of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles Carrying on a w o rk p lanned to help meet the g reatest challenge and need in the church today— viz., the teaching and train ing of children and young people in th ings of the Christian religion. Do you believe in the Christian Religion? D O you believe it is im po rtan t th a t children and young people be taugh t its precepts and trained in its practices? Do you th ink th a t w o rk is being adequately and successfully done in the m a jo rity of cases today? If so, w hy a re over 80% of ou r children lost to the things of the Christian faith? Do you th ink this w o rk is any less im po rtan t th an the w o rk of the public school teacher, the doctor, the nurse, the architect, th e dietician or the person in any one of dozens of other occupations, who feels his w o rk is im po rtan t enough to dem and carefu l p reparation? Thoughtful and Conscientious Answers to These Questions will Point Unmistakably in One Direction- Christian Education



C omm encing F riday evening, Ja n u a ry 6th, th re e dif­ fe re n t specialization units will b e offered sim ultaneously. ( 1)' Study of the early adolescent— Rev. A lb e rt E. Kelly. (2 ) Study of the Ju n io r C hild— Miss E lla M ae C anney. (3 ) Study of th e P rim ary Child— M iss V iolet P ender. Follow ed in th e sp rin g by a course in m ethods in each of these th re e d ep artm en ts— P rim ary, Ju n io r, In term ed ­ iate. A ll of these courses c a rry c red it w ith th e Sunday School C ouncil of Religious E ducation and w ith the various denom inational Boards. III. THROUGH T H E TEA CHER TRAINING COURSE IN THE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL T he first u n it— “Jesus as th e M aster T ea ch e r”— ju st off th e press. . A p ractical and inspiring study of fu n d a­ m ental teach in g principles c en tered larg ely a ro u n d the pedagogy of th e G reatest of all T each ers. D esigned for individuals and for classes. P rice of this unit, including tw o text books, course m aterial an d reg istratio n fee— $3.00.

the aim of w hich is to train C h ristian young people to go ou t p re p a re d to do this w o rk as “w orkm en w ho need no t to be asham ed.” T he Bible In stitu te is m eeting this n eed and challenge: I. THROUGH ITS CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COURSE IN TH E DAY SCHOOL— a th re e y e ars’ course g ran tin g a special diplom a. Besides re g u la r w o rk in Bible, C h u rch H istory. Missions, Music, Philosophy, etc., this course in ­ cludes R eligious P edagogy, S tory T elling, M ethod in teaching, C hild Psychology, A dolescent Psychology, Specialization w o rk in six d ep artm en ts, a study of the educational activities of th e C hurch, C irl L eadership, etc. T h e w o rk is strictly evangelical, pedagogical a n d p ra c ­ tical. It includes p ra ctic e teaching u n d e r criticism , and observation w o rk in som e of th e best ch u rch es of th e pup il’s own denom ination. D esigned to p re p a re D irectors of R eligious E ducation, P a sto r’s A ssistants, Special Girls W orkers, etc. II. THROUGH TH E W ORK O F THE STANDARD TEACHER TRAINING COURSE IN THE EVENING SCHOOL. F riday evenings— 7 to 8 o’clock. T h re e of the twelve units of th e S tan d ard C ourse finished each y e a r in term s of eleven w eeks each.

X X For further information write the Department of Christian Education, M iss Florence Chaffee, Director, 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

-MW" "VK-

-y*------- xx -


Motto: “I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will \eep it night and day.” Isaiah 27:3

PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis , Editor-in-Chief K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor Vo lum e XVIII December, 1927 Number 12

Table o f Contents

BOARD OF DIRECTORS BIBLE INSTITUTE . OF LOS ANGELES J. M. I rvine , President H oward F rost , Vice-President J. M. R ust , Treasurer A lexander M ac K eigan Secretary C. A. Lux, Asst. Secretary


D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H. H unter , Secretary of Faculty R ev . W illiam H. P ike , Secretary Evening School R ev . A lan S. P earce , Secretary Cor. School i V" R ev , A lbert E. K elly , Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell 'M organ ^ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C harles E. H urlburt , , R ev . A lva J. M c C lain C hristian M. ¿B ooks R ev . K eith L. B rooks P rof . A lfred A. B utler ; M iss F lorence C haffee ; R ev . J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H. W. K ellogg M iss R uth W alter P rof . H. G. T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge H. W. B oyd , M. D. M rs . A lma K. M oss P rof . R aymond C onner > B. G. P inkerton , M.D. i F. J ean H olt , M.D. Ross A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D. M argaret M orris , M.D. Advertising: For information with reference to advertising in The King’s Business, address the Religious Press Assri., 325 North 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Mat­ ter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918.

EDITORIALS The Incarnate Christ..................................... 777 Thé Bethlehem Mystic.-—........ .......... ................. 777 Something Must Have Happened-— ..... ............. 77 8 Our Sawdust Evangelists—........... -.....................778 Millions Now Living Are Already Dead............. 778 A Prepared World ’ •............................ 779 Incarnation God’s Answer to Man’s Cry...T*>——-780 The Clerical Roundup................... ....... —. 1 —..780 Editorial Flashlights .................. ;..................—.-..782 . ifc ARTICLES Was the Babe of Bethlehem a Monstrosity ? —Thomas Fitzgerald ........................................ 784 No Room in the Inn—Dr. G. Campbell Morgan.,787 Darwin is Right ( ?)—Frank E. Allen......... , .—789 He Built Bethlehem—Dr. Dijisdale T. Young....792 The Two Advents of Christ—Rev. R. L. Lacey..793 Who Taught;the Palolo? —Prof. Arthur I. Brown.............. ..................... 795 Dr. Keller’s Plan of Evangelizing China —Christine L. Tinling............... ;.......................797 Shut In But Not Shut Out —Gertrude Cockerell .......................... .829 The A B C of Fishing For Men —Wm. H. Richie............... 830 Luther and Reformation" Music —Prof. John Bissell Trowbridge......................847 The Natural State of Man —Thomas Halyburton ................................ — 849 * * * DEPARTMENTS Passages that PerplexS-K. L. B.......................... 799 The B.B.B.B. Page .................. 800 Finest of the W h e a t . . . ........... 802 Children’s Garden ................ 805 International Le.sson Commentary....................... 807 Biola Table Chat..................................................... 820 Notes On Christian Endeavor —Alan S. Pearce............................................... 822 Book Table ... ..........................................................823 Daily Meditations—Wilfred M. Hopkins...........833

C. E; F uller H. B. E vans A. A ddison M axwell N athan N ewby W illiam H az L ett M rs ; L yman S tewart

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean C harles E. H urlburt , Superintendent J. P. W elles , W m . A. F isher , Assts. to Supt. Terms : $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Clubs of 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred, magazine. Remittance: Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, payable to the “Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper oV cover of magazine. •Manuscripts : T h e K i n g ’s Business cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change of Addresses: Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date of desired change.

POLICY AS B IB L E IN S T IT U T E O F LOS A N G E LE S (a ) T o s ta n d fo r th e In fa llib le W o rd o f G od a n d its g r e a t fu n d a m e n ta l tr u th s , (b ) T o s tr e n g th e n th e f a ith of a ll b e lie v e rs, (C) To s t i r y o u n g m en a n d w om en to fit th e m se lv e s fo r a n d e n g a g e in d e fin ite C h ristia n w o rk , (d ) T o m a k e th e B ib le I n s titu te of L os A n g elas k n ow n , (e) T o m a g n ify God o u r F a th e r a n d th e p e rso n , w o rk a n d com in g of o u r L o rd J e s u s C h rist; a n d to te a c h the tra n s fo rm in g p o w e r of th e H o ly S p irit in o u r p re s e n t p r a c tic a l life, (f) T o em p h asize in stro n g , c o n s tru c tiv e m e s sa g e s th e g r e a t D E F IN E D BY T H E BOARD O F D IR E C T O R S O F T H E

fo u n d a tio n s o f C h ris tia n fa ith . 536-558 S. Hope Street


Los Angeles, California

f U g e T W ( G S l /

®c all cur mtiters frcut \\\t J t a t e s , Jlfarultg unit ^Tartars cf tije ptirlr ¿Hmtitnte uf Jias ^ugeles

“The first great Christmas gift to men Was hung upon a tree; It was not by a fire side, Where only those could see Who near of kin or friendship were, And gifts exchanged would be; But out upon a mountain side For all the world to see. He gave His all, His life, His blood, That men redeemed might be; Then what can man give in exchange For love so boundless, free? The debt.’of sin, He paid it all, Nought in ourselves have we, Nothing to bring unto our King, Maker, Redeemer, He. Our hearts, if emptied of this world, Filled with His love shall be; Our hands, if free from selfish toil, Filled with His tasks shall be; Our sin-sick souls, if brought to Him, Shall pure and cleansed be. What shall I render unto God For all His gifts to me? This only do : Call on His Name, Accept Salvation free.”

December 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


Jttrarttaip (Ehrtat R. DIXON once told the story of an agnostic who was studying a colony of ants con­ fined beneath a glass cover. The tiny creatures did such remarkable things that the man could not help but think them intelligent. The thought occurred to him—“How could a human being in­ fluence such creatures for: good or impart knowledge to them ?” There seemed but one answer. Somehow man would have to be­ come an ant and go among them. Human intel­ ligence would have to become incarnate in the body of an ant or there could be no approach. Suddenly he saw the reasonableness of the incar­ nation of the Christ. How else could God communicate with the creatures He had created, reveal His love to them or instruct in His ways those who were living in sin and defeat? He took up the New Testament, to realize for the first time the necessity of the incarnation and to find Christ as his Savior. '"The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” Christ came with no majesty or terror, to fill the imagi­ nation with excitement or awe ; with no visible pomp which could interfere with the full effect of the moral revelation He came to make. He simply shadowed the light of deity with a veil of flesh. Yet He was not so absolutely concealed under His humanity but that occa­ sionally beams of His divine nature appeared, so that the apostle says : “We. saw His glory as the glory of the only begotten Son of God.” How could union of God and man be accomplished ? That redemption should come through the seed of the woman only, was made known to Adam. Men say they do not understand how the Christ could have been con­ ceived without a human father. The Word tells us that He was conceived of the Holy Ghost,” and was it not as easy to frame this second Adam in the womb as the first Adam out of the soil? Who understands the conjunction of spirit and body in man? Do we refuse to believe such mysteries because we are not able to comprehend how they were effected? At first sight it seems incredible that the incarnation took place in such a simple, ordinary way, yet on second thought this is God’s method in working His greatest wonders, whether in the forming of an oak or the building of a planet. The Son of God was born among men as gently and quietly as the sunlight paints the morning sky or the dew waters the thirsty earth. ^ How simple it all was. The angel said unto Mary, Fear not, for thou hast found favor with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and shalt call His name Jesus. He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest. That holy One,which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” An old writer says: “If we should imagine that a great prince should put his most beloved son into rags, should

dismiss him from his court, should yield him up into the hardest slavery, merely to the intent that he thereby might redeem from captivity the meanest and basest of his subjects, how faint a resemblance would this be .of that immense goodness, of that incomparable mercy, which in this instance the King of all the world has declared toward us, His poor vassals, His indeed unworthy rebels!” Ü? The Bethlehem Mystics T HE world was all astir, for a decree from Caesar Augtistus commanded it to be enrolled. The highways were crowded with pilgrims seeking the ancestral home, that there they might record their names as in some way belonging to the great empire. The great mass of men were conscious of the machinery of church and state and the orders of emperors and governors, and thought of them as the cause of the restléss surging of the tides of humanity. They saw the world of sense, and in it they thought they found the final meanings of the marching of men. But back in the hills of Bethlehem were quiet, con­ templative souls who kept watch over their flocks and prayed for the consolation of Israel. In the hush of the night watches they broke through the apparent and super­ ficial and tuned in on a greater world, in the depths of which they caught the deeper harmonies and learned the real meanings of an awakened world. They learned that the real cause of world movements was not Caesar’s decree, but the eternal decree of God carried out in the fulness of time in a purpose of world redemption. The great glory of these movements was not for Augustus, but for God in the highest, and the final purpose of them was not the establishment of a material and military empire, but the establishment on earth of peace among men, and goodwill. The regal center of these stirring times was not the king’s palace but Bethlehem’s manger. The praying mystics of the hills discovered this, and only those who shared their mystic insights understood the glorious sig­ nificance and value of what was happening in their day. The final meanings of life are always discovered by the quiet souls who, in the stillness of the night watches, enter into fellowship with the eternal and break in upon the spiritual world which, after all, is the real world in which are determined all the final issues of life. The most real things in that great historical moment were not the trappings of Augustus’s court and his cohorts, but the throne of God and angel choir that sang with gladness because there was born to us in the City of David “a Sav­ ior who is Christ the Lord.” That was the thing that was least noticed by the leaders and masses of the people, but for heaven it was the event for which the ages waited. The mystics knew this and they came to the manger wor­ shiping. To the ordinary man the child was only another peasant babe, but they recognized Him as Christ the Lord. That was the first Christmas day. That same-choir is still singing its prophetic anthems, and only they who catch

December 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


It is a pity that the Federal Council every now and then has to get credit for such bad breaks as evidently some of its officials are given to making. It is apparent that the committee on house-to-house evangelism isn’t very well acquainted with our “sawdust evangelists” whom they seek to expose, or they would have known that Dr. G. Campbell Morgan is not and never has been an evan­ gelist. For many years he held important pastorates in England, his last one being at Westminster Chapel, Lon­ don, from 1904 to 1917. He was also president of a col­ lege at Cambridge. Since 1919 he has been a lecturer at

their glorious message can know the deeper meanings of a happy Christmas and the final significance of the world movements of 1927. These are found, not in the records of great empires nor church courts, but are registered in the souls of those who walk with God. To be unmoved by them is not a sign of culture but the sad record of degeneration. Something Must Have Happened S OMETHING must have happened in a little town of Judea nearly 2000 years ago. The very fact that all

Bible Conferences, and is now a member of the faculty of the Bible Institute of«Los. Angeles. As a very conservative pastor for many years, it is doubtful if any man could be found who has been more outspoken against claptrap me t h o d s in evangelism. Those who know the refine- P jP ment of Dr; Morgan and his modest and earnest method of presenting the Gospel, are having a good laugh over i p r this bit of news, which, strange W to say, has been eagerly copied by r ' a number of religious periodicals. It is remarkable how many there are JT in these days who consider themselves perfectly competent to discuss in the pub­

the world stops to celebrate Christmas is nothing short of a miracle.

; Here is an event that has carried so far in space and time that it stands as the divine event of the ages. The birth of the Babe in Beth­ lehem has had an influence transcending anything t h a t has happened on old Mother Earth. The strange thing is that the nationality of this Christ- ^ child and the geography of His birth, mean nothing to men. He seems to belong to humanity. His message is still “Peace on earth and good

h i m —


will to men.” Whether skeptical “wise-men” from, the East or believing shepherds of the hills, all men at the Christmas season somehow have a glowing sense that something of infinite importance hap­ pened at Bethlehem, Judea. Says one w riter: “The wonder of His being, the glory of 'His influence, beggars all human speech. It is not to be wondered that we burst into song, that we pass along, from friend to friend, 10,000,000 gifts, that we deck our homes in brightest colors, that we gather about our family firesides and before the altars to our God and cry: ‘Joy to the world, the Lord is come!’ ” There is nothing in all history to compare with His coming into this world, unless it be His cry from Calvary’s cross “I t is finished.” What loss would it have meant to this old world had He never been born as man or had the Babe been murdered among those infants destroyed at Herod’s command! Jesus was God’s only way out to man as He is also man’s only way up to God. No more can rationalism dim the luster of His glory and overcome His saving power than could Herod’s mighty men put Him out of existence as a Babe. The Bethlehem event must ever shine upon the darkness of the world until that day when He comes again in the clouds of glory and the earth is wrapped in radiant light. WMM '4§> Our Sawdust Evangelists T HE Federal Council of Churches has just gained another fine piece of publicity by sending out a state­ ment to the American press to the effect that the day of such cheap, tawdry, clownish and mercenary evangelism as sponsored by Billy Sunday, Aimee McPherson, Gypsy Smith and G. Campbell Morgan, is at an end. The high- pressure, round-up plan of Dr. Kernahan is to take its place.

lic press, the motives and methods of people of whom they have not the slightest knowledge. We cannot^help won­ dering if these critics have ever heard “Billy,” “Aimee” or “Gypsy.” After all, isn’t it rather doubtful if the church will be able to eliminate successfully, the work of the itinerant preacher of the salvation message, when our New Testa­ ment places the divine calling of the.evangelist alongside of the pastor and mentions the evangelist first? (Eph. 4: 11). And why should churches bring in as a substitute, periodical campaigns of house-to-house evangelism, when the New Testament makes personal work the order for every believer for every day in the year ? When it comes to high-pressure visitation campaigns, how many of those who go out are qualified^ either by their spiritual condition or by a definite knowledge of the plan of salvation, to lead a soul to Christ? The churches will save m on eyp | we readily grant that—but what will they;gain? Names? God knows we need sane and spiritual evangelists whose motives are beyond question. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles seeks daily to impress that fact upon its students, SB Millions Now Living Are Already Dead N EARLY everyone today is familiar with the Russel- lite slogan “Millions now living will nevèr die.” “Judge” Rutherford, the originator, has too good judg­ ment, however, to limit this statement to any particular period of time. It is not : “Millions living between 1914 and 1928 will never die,” so that any real test could be made of it, but simply the indefinite statement which might be kept up until such a time as the Lord should come, and still have some truth in it. Neither does thé eloquent “judge” have in: mind, a Spiritual application of thé words. It is trùè that many

December 1927

T h e - K i n g ' s B u s i n e s s


A Prepared World “When the fulness of time was come, God sent forth His Son.” —Gal. 4:4. W E were struck by the words of Dr. John Marvin Dean, in a Christmas sermon: “When the fulness ‘of the time came—when Jew joined hands with Greek, jand Greek with Roman, and Roman with Jew, in prepar­ ing a civilization for the introduction of the divine revela­ tion, then—did the living ‘God send forth His Son.’ ” There is more wrapped up in these words than one at first realizes. At the particular time Christ carrie, three races controlled the civilized world,—Greek, Roman and Jew. Pilate recognized this in placing the inscription on ‘the cross in “Hebrew, Greek and Latin.” A century prior to that time no Palestine movement could have ¡spread beyond Palestine. But there had been a divine ¡shaping of bistory for Christ’s comipg. The world was strangely localized and divided. Rome had welded a lot of incoherent kingdoms into one. The Roman world-unity [meant everything to the spread of Christianity; as we see by the journeys of Paul. Another peculiar thing—there was one common lan­ guage to carry the Gospel to the world. The Greek played his part in preparing the world, for his flexible language was made the chief tongue of the civilized world. The many peoples with tongues as confused as Babel were compelled to learn Greek. „ Another feature- -the Jews were scattered throughout the known world at that time. They carried with them the Oracles of God containing the prophecies of the Sav­ ior’s coming. “Moses hath in every city them that preach him” ' (Acts 15:21). Shortly before Christ the Hebrew

now living, even if they should pass away, will never die. “Whosoever liveth and believeth in me,” said our Lord, “shall never die. . . . Though he were dead, yet shall he live” (Jn. 11:25-26). What the Russellites mean is that the Lord, who is supposed now to be present somewhere on earth, is soon to manifest Himself as King, and death will be done away. Millions will never pass through physical death, and so will enter with Him into the millennium. It may prove true—we do not know. Its advertising value, however, rests in the word “NOW,” and for the uSe of that word, we affirm that neither Rutherford nor any other man, has the slightest Scriptural warrant. No man living knows anything whatever about when our Lord is comirig. Of one thing we are certain—HE IS NOT ALREADY HERE (Mt. 24:23-27). Another thing we can state very positively. Millions now living are spiritually dead, “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1). If Russell had given heed to the plain statements of Scripture concerning death, he never would have built up his erroneous system. Life is riot merely existence. All men will exist forever, whether saved or lost. A man may be very much alive, yet dead to God; and if that state is carried to the hour of physical death, ac­ cording to the plainest teachings of Scripture, it ruris into the state of eternal death, “the second death ” which is separation from God forever. (Rev. 20:14. Cf. v. 10. The beast and the false prophet had already been in the lake of fire 1000 years; proving it was not annihilation.) Death, to the Russellite, is annihilation. Yet in the very beginning of the Bible there stands the record of Adam and Eve, who because of the separating influence of sin, were pronounced “dead” the very, day they sinned, although they lived on for many years (Gen. 2 :17). The apostle Paul wrote of those who were thoroughly alive to the world but who were dead while they lived , (1 Tim. 5:6). The simple truth is that no one at all has life—the eternal life of God—who does not come to know Him Who is life (Jn. 5 :26). Jesus Christ has “tasted death for every man” (death in its widest sense, physical, spiritual,' eternal). He has removed “the sting o f death,” and it is now His will that “every one that believeth on Him might have everlasting life” (Jn. 6:40). No matter how dead the child of God may become physically, his, spirit, goes immediately to be, with the Lord in conscious bliss (Phil. 1 :23; 2 Cor. 5 :8), and his body will be raised up at the Lord’s coming (Jn. 6 :40). “This is life”— that we might have the conscious knowledge of God as' dur Heavenly Father, through His only begotten Son (Jn. 17:3). Millions through the ages, and perhaps millions now living, consciously possess that life and cannot die spiritually, regardless of what may happen to their bodies. It is also blessedly true that ,if our Lord should come today, everyone possessing that eternal life, would escape physical death and be changed “in the twinkling o f an eye” (1 Cor. 15:52; 1 Thess, 4 : 15-17). On the other hand, let no man base his hopes on the Rutherford slogan that he can escape death in its full Scriptural sense simply because he is now living. All who remain spiritually dead will enter upon double d e a th - physical and eternal, when Jesus comes.

The Spirit of Christ in Christmas

December 1927

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heathen mythology about incarnate deities, seems to give the critics a basis for seeking to discredit the Christian message concerning it. We are told that the Gospel story was the outgrowth of these heathen ideas. Let it be noted, however, that there is a great difference between the heathen notions of incarnation and the Christian teach­ ing of the love of God, which brought Him in human form to save men from sin, even going to the cross to pay the infinite dues of sin. Where do you find such teachings in any of the religions of the world? And what other religion has been proven ‘‘the power of God unto salva­ tion”? The power of Christ in the lives of men is proof suf­ ficient that Christianity is a proclamation from God and that Christ Himself was “God manifest in the flesh.” gfc? 8 ¡Sr The Clerical Roundup S OMEONE has been so kind as to send us a copy of The . Truth Seeker, organ of the Atheists, in which several columns are given to chronicling the misdeeds of ministers. These were taken from newspapers, and com­ prise all binds of offenses, from traffic violations to serious breaches of morals. It would be interesting to run down all these cases and discover the outcome and learn what influences were back of many of the charges. The Truth Seeker is kind enough to say that “to the authenticity of all these reports The Truth Seeker makes no claim,’’ji nevertheless the conclusion is reached that “statistics make the ministers only a close second among members of the educated classes, with the exception of teachers. The men and women who teach our schools and are instructors in colleges are of higher moral char­ acter than ministers, and not so many get in jail.” The editor even ventures the assertion that there are more scalawags among them than, for instance, among the doctors and lawyers. The Truth Seeker editor surely did not seek very dil­ igently for the truth when he wrote the following sen­ tence : “What might be the facts did not the clergy, be­ cause of the sacred nature of their calling, enjoy more immunity than others from prosecution, we cannot tell.” This will bring a smile to thousands of ministers who know from experience how their every, movement is scrutinized by the critical eyes of people who would take delight in magnifying their smallest inconsistencies and in publishing them far and wide. If a minister wishes to draw a front page article, with red headlines, in a news­ paper, he has but to drive his car one mile an hour in ex­ cess of the speed limit on the way to make an engagement, or overdraw his bank account fifty cents. A preacher can get ten times as much newspaper space,as anyone else, if he commits the least offense, and God knows they are all human, and if they know their Bibles, they make no claims to sinless perfection. That st> many ministers do go wrong in these days should be an occasion of heart searching all around. “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” There is not a doubt but that the modern loose views con­ cerning the Bible teachings have had much to do with scandals involving ministers, although it is a sad fact that some who have upheld the Scriptures have been over­ taken, and if so, it must be explained by a letting down of the devotional life. However, if The Truth Seeker could print the names of 10,000 preachers who had gone wrong, it would not support their contention that there is no connection of religion with ethics and morals. Says The Truth Seeker:

Bible was translated into Greek, the common tongue, pro­ claiming to the world the coming of the Messiah. That is not all. There was a peculiar preparation of the hearts of men. The proud, cultured Greeks had be­ come a hopeless and effeminate race. Their mythology had become to them nothing more than a fairy tale. The Roman world, with its show of power, had become a sink of rottenness. The best of the Romans were sick of it all. The Jews, too, were a heartsick people. They had been burdened to the limit with traditions and ceremonies until most of them could find no approach to God. At that very time there was a tense expectation that the Messiah was about to come. They had talked it until many of the heathen also were on the tiptoe of expectation. Literature expressing this hope had been widely circulated. The actions of the wise men and shepherds were perfectly natural. It was the fulness of time—-there was no other time like it. And Christ came. Incarnation—God’s Answer to Man’s Cry F ROM the earliest times it was the cry of human hearts that God should manifest Himself in human form so that He could be known by men. The doctrine of^ the incarnation is by no means contrary to the intuitive conceptions of the human mind, Man instinctively feels that a gracious God must find some way to come in touch with His creatures. The birth of Jesus Christ into this world was God’s answer to the longing of human hearts, yet “He came unto His own and His own received Him not.” When Paul and Barnabas went into the regions of Lycaonia, the people, impressed by their miracles of heal­ ing, jumped to the conclusion that the gods had come down to them in the likeness of men (Acts 14:11-12). They would have taken Barnabas for Jupiter and Paul for Mercury, had not the two positively refused their worship. However, the incident was significant, showing the cry of men’s hearts that deity; should take human form. On the other hand, the fact that much is found in


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December 1927

tenty cannot succeed, because sensible people know full well that Modernism neither receives the Gospel at its face value, nor recognizes that any atonement either was made or is necessary. Evangelicals should warn the peo­ ple against the deliberate deceptions practiced in the use of the word ‘Evangelism,’ wresting it away entirely from its proper relationship, and emptying it of its true con­ tent.” The Africa Inland Mission We have received a letter calling our attention to an incorrect statement made by someone in speaking of our Superintendent as the “founder of the Africa Inland Mission.” We do not recall saying this in print, nor of making the mistake ourselves, and our critic has not indicated where he saw it. But if we have been at fault we are glad to make the correction. We understand that Rev. Peter Cameron Scott was the founder of the Africa Inland Mission, starting for Africa in June, 1895. Mr. Scott died in December, 1896. The workers he took out to the field were soon scattered, some by death and some by other causes, until all had left the mission. Dr. Hurlburt, who was the first president of the Home Council, was, after the death of Mr. Scott, asked to take supervision of all the work, and has led the mission out from its apparent failure, and through new workers, to its present place of great blessing in a long chain of stations, among more than twenty tribes, reaching into the far heart of Africa. Because of Dr. Hurlburt’s part in directing the work of the Africa Inland Mission to its present efficiency, his name may sometimes have been mentioned as the founder, and perhaps some have not known of the initial work of Mr. Peter Cameron Scott. Dr. Hurlburt, however, is careful never to make this error, and ,gives the highest honor to the real founder, whose vision of a chain of sta­ tions across Africa, and whose ideals and methods he has perpetuated and carried out. Managing Editor.

“It is -nauseating to hear the oft-repeated assertion from the Bible exhorter in his pulpit, the simpering school-marm in her class room, the cagey politician in his public blah-blahs, and from the unlearned jurist on his work-bench that morality can­ not be disassociated from religion, and if tried would tear our social fabric. This lie'is thrust down our throats daily.” Certainly morality and ethics have never been asso­ ciated with Atheism. One would think that the great ma­ jority of our criminals were professing Christians. What proportion of those charged with crime have even seen the inside of a Sunday school? Prison walls reek curses against Gpd. Who wants to undertake the publication of the crimes of atheists and infidels? Surely not The Truth Seeker. As to whether morality can be disassociated from true religion, a grammar school knowledge of the history of nations will furnish the answer. If moral and social con­ ditions were so much better in heathen lands, The Truth Seeker wouldn’t be published in the United States and the radicals from disintegrated countries across the seas would head for Africa rather than America. Indifference to the claims of God and open hostility to moral laws, almost invariably go hand in hand. The changed lives of multitudes in many lands are conclusive proof of the power of the Gospel to make men live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world. Note:- An example of the unreliability of many newspaper reports concerning ministers may be seen in the following: Papers throughout the country have recently carried the news that a Dr. Matthews, pastor of the Glendale Presbyterian Church (Calif.) had sued the church because he was stricken with hernia while preaching. The name of the pastor of the church is not Matthews. The pastor has never suffered from hernia. The pastor has never sued the church for any reason. The Dr. Matthews referred to was an evangelist who was taken ill while holding meetings in the church, and Dr. Matthews has never sought to hold the church responsible. So much for .the newspapers! Stealing the Word -‘Evangelism” Dr. A. Z-. Conrad says: “Modernism knows no real Evangel. The frantic attempt to appropriate that word, with its- hallowed significance, and its great historic con-

The Royal Babe I see the Christ among the straw, A Babe in manger laid. I wonder at His lowly guise, The Lord a man is made. I watch His mother’s loving touch, I see her heart of love. He cries with tears as babies do, The Lord from realms above. I wonder at the Word made flesh, The Word from timeless .shore, And yet He came to die for me. I worship and adore.

B y D r . F. E. M arsh I kneel before this Royal Babe And bring my present small, And with the Magi worship Him With praise and love, yea, all. The smile that flits across His face Tells of His love within, For He has come to give His life To save from self and sin. The Lord was born for Calvary’s Cross To give Himself for me, Then to be born within my heart That He might live in me.

December 1927


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less some unlooked for agreement can be reached between Germany and France there will be a renewal of the struggle for the balance of power, with big and little nations of Europe taking a selfish and in­ triguing part.” Another reads: “War danger great as in 1913, delegates tell League.” ' * * * We are told that the output of per­ fumes and toilet articles has multiplied six times in ten years. Creams, rouges, lipsticks and such rink first in value, their annual production amounting to $34,178,999. Talcum and other toilet powders $21,423,000; perfumery and toilet waters $20,544,000; hair dyes $1,616,000; other cosmetics and toilet preparations, $8,057,000. It is safe to say that 90 per cent of this expenditure cbuld well be spared, and with no loss of beauty for the fair sex. And what blessing might be spread around the world should this money be turned into channels of endur­ ing service 1 ♦ * * The following Story contains more truth than fiction, and may suggest a cause for the lack of devotional life to­ day. A real estate salesman tried to sell a house to a newly married couple. Said the wife: “Why buy a home? I was born in a hospital ward, reared in a board­ ing school, educated in a college, courted in an automobile, and married in a church; get my meals at a cafeteria, live in an apartment; spend' my mornings playing golf, my afternoons playing bridge; in the evening we dance or go to the movies; when I’m sick I go to the hospital, and when I die I shall be buried from an undertaker’s. All we need is a garage with bedroom.” * * * The critics have been fond of berating as dogmatists those who believe the Bible, and have often taunted them with being afraid to study science for fear of discov­ ering contradictions of the Bible. The ex­ perience of a write! in an exchange indi­ cates that there are those in the evolution­ ist ranks who are the narrowest kind of dogmatists. A University of Chicago pro­ fessor had taken exception to an article against Evolution. He wrote asking for proof of certain statements. He was cited to various . books, chapters and pages. He replied that he could not waste time looking up these references as there absolutely could not be a shred of proof against the evolutionary theory. That attitude is getting general among these learned gentlemen. * * * The Chicago Social Bureau prides it­ self on persuading 50,000 errant husbands to return to their wives and families in a single year. The tabulation of reasons for husbands “flying the coop is enlighten­ ing: Another woman, 41 percent; money troubles, 12 percent; wife’s infidelity, 10 percent; nagging, 8 percent; mother-in- law, 7 percent; too many children, 6 per-

“Our universities are spending un­ limited time and money in tracing the similarities of men and monkeys and thus lost their likeness to Him, in whose image we were created,” says The American Baptist. “Surely they have their reward in the abundance of atheism of our age. They have sought the ‘missing link,’ and lost the link that binds a lost world to its Maker and its God.” % * * Here is a concrete example of what we mean by Modernism, a quotation from Dr. Henry C. Vedder of Crozier Seminary (Baptist) : “Of all;’: the slanders men have perpetrated against the Most High, this is positively the most impudent and insulting. No, sin cannot be escaped by a bloody sacrifice. Jesus never taught and never authorized anybody to teach in His name that He suffered in our stead and bore the penalty of our sins.” How any man can get away with such state­ ments and still hold a position in a Chris­ tian' Seminary is hard to imagine. * * * News reports in our daily paper do not indicate that man is about to drag in the millennium by the heels. One report says: “Europe faces new struggle for power . . . European politics has turned a corner and turned for the worse . . . un­

A Southern editor wasn’t far wrong when he said that, “Some appear to think of religion only as something to fight about.’’ * * A brother says that we need more '“■stable thinking” in our Bible study. If he means horse sense, we agree. * * * Think through' this one from the Cleve­ land Leader : “I think I’d rather be an honest man than a rich man, these days.” “But why?” “Rich men have so much competition.” * * * “You can tell the world is growing better,” says a Los Angeles paper. “Even the jails contain a better class of people.” * * * Says the Peoria Star, “Many a man thinks he has an open mind when it’s merely vacant.” * * * A secular paper drops the following suggestion: “In a last foolish effort to compete with flesh-pot entertainers, the church might place ash trays in the pews.” * * * “One fine thing about Christianity” says The Midwest Review, “is that if you’re busy enough practising it, you haven’t much time to argue about it.” * * * This from The American Lumberman might hit some professing Christians: “The United States manufactured a hun­ dred billion cigarets last year, most of which were smoked by young men who say they never had a chance to save any money.” * * * The News-Sentinel, of Knoxville, Tenn., prints this statement from a secondhand dealer in books: “I have discovered that the last book the average person wants to give us is his Bible. If a man falls into financial troubles, he may consent to sell his other books to me, but he holds on to his Bible.” * * * The Presbyterian Advance prints the following true story: “The new minister was calling on the Smiths. Alone for a minute with Bobby, eight, he was getting some of the family history without white­ wash or varnish. ‘And what is your father’s religion?’ asked the minister. ‘Well, from what ma says every little while, I guess he is a Seven Day Ab- sentist.’ ” * * * “The most sacred memories of my life,” says Bishop Russell Wakefield, “are asso­ ciated with the bedside teachings of my mother, and I rejoice that I do not have to associate those memories with the fumes of tobacco.” * * * The editor of Church Management says: “Now that the fear of the interna­ tional Jew is becoming a thing of the past, someone ought to make a revelation free­ ing the minds of certain religious Liberals of the idea that the Fundamentalists are organized to control the thought of the country.”

December 1927


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over the door when Dr. Parker’s success­ or became the advocate of the new the­ ology, but the present situation is incred­ ibly more grave. In July the representa­ tives of seven religions expounded their respective creeds there. These were Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Juda­ ism, Islam, Theosophy and Christianity. Dr. Sherwood Eddy, in sneaking for Christianity (or rather a certain type of . Christianity), said: “I rejoice in 'this not­ able fellowship of faiths as a symbol of the new world. When Buddha and Jesus have so long taught brotherhood, why have we achieved so little? . . . It rests with us to cease boasting of our rival theologies and stand together for what all religions teach, peace and brotherhood. This impressive assembly today shows

cent; extravagance, 4 percent; bad cook­ ing, 2 percent.” * * * It is interesting to know that during 200 years of Catholic domination in the Philippines, the Filipinos never saw the Scriptures in their own language. Dur­ ing the first two decades since the United States took over the responsibility, the American Bible Society has translated the Scriptures into eight chief languages used in the Islands. * * * It is sad to think of the pulpit of the City Temple of London, once filled by the glreat expository preacher, Dr. Joseph Parker, being thrown wide open to the most powerful and aggressive heathenisms of the world: “Ichabod” was written

that the world’s great faiths can stand together.” Nay—it shows how little dif­ ference there is between apostate Chris­ tianity and all other religions .that had their .origin in Babylon. A Flag In His Hand Some time ago the wife of an aged flagman at a railway terminu^ said: “John, there will, be a flag in the’hand of Jesus. It will not be a red flag, for, there is no danger.; if will not be a green flag, for there is no uncertainty; it will be a pure white flag, for I am. nearing the journey’s end washed in the blood,of-the. ■Lamb, and all ismeace and safety.”.


God’s Good Tidings.

Keith L. Brooks

Herbert G. Tovey QUARTETTE or SOLO

A New Song for Gospel Soloists It is seldom that the music of a gospel song is born before the words. A no­ table instance of this was the familiar hymn “Safe in the Arms of Jesus.” The tune came to William H. Doane and he rushed into the home of Fanny Crosby a f,ew minutes before he had to catch a train, asking her if she could provide Some words before he ran to the depot. Immediately the strains suggested the beautiful words to Miss Crosby, and in fifteen minutes the song started on its trip around the world. We are offering to gospel soloists here­ with a message in song which came into being in much the same way. Mr. Brooks sat one evening ih the darkened room, and as his fingers ran over the piano keys, the melody seemed to gome forth as an expression of the soul. It remained in his rhind and the next day was recorded on paper, no words, however, being suggested. Shortly afterward, Mr. Tovey, who is a neighbor of Mr. Brooks, heard the melody being played and it seemed to Suggest the whole story of Christ to his mind. He sat down and gave expression to his in­ spiration in the words which so beauti­ fully fit this appealing melody, and when they were read to Mr. Brooks he declared that the author had brought forth the substance of his own meditation at the time the tune was born, which, some­ how, he had been unable to form into poetry. We are sure that the lover of gospel music will catch the spirit of this unique spiritual song, after playing it over a few times.

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1. There on a man-ger bed See the Christ child ly - ing, 2. Now, with a state-ly tread, ,Ev-er with com-pas - sion, 3. Hush! it is eve-ning now, He is in the gar - den; 4. See, they are lead-ing Him From the hall of judg - ment; 5. But though they buried Him,, He a - rose vie - to tiflffriotts.. !§ *3 - p - f o - r 1 i -(2- “j?H k-zü Bps —1--------g--- tN---- H — N " 1 - n L -bi/__ ft V7 P h • m m w a » s1 V- 1 _____ A ______ m ^r. •„T - __ - _ fj Long this ' day was fore-told God’s p Je - sUs moves a-numgmen TelL-i: On Him press - es the load Of e God’s Lamb nev - er complains,1;' On- Wi And from , H e a ^ en a - bòve.’: Soon ill J J_ ' ■ r s BB 1 •#- -*- s- eo-ple proph - e- lg to all His y - ’ry sin - ner’s ird to make a- le will come all- p , r ( ^ m

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Copyright, 1927, by Keith L. Brooks and Herbert G, Tovey

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