King's Business - 1927-12

December 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

—------ - ttilje QUiriatmaa ---------- T HE Christmas Christ is the world’s Savior. At this blessed season, let us dedicate ourselves anew to the making known of a world Savior.. We are told that in the city of Madras, India, there is a chapel on the wall of which there is the upper portion of a cross. On one transverse end of the cross there is a pierced hand, the skin of which is brown, after the color of the skin of the people of the East. On the other side of this section is another pierced hand, white, after the color of the skin of the people of the West. It is a glorious symbol of a world Christ. The inscriptions on the cross were written in Hebrew and in Latin and in Greek, the languages of the world.

been written which might serve as a guide to Darwin and to others who have studied anthropology’.' He ignores as incompetent and unavailable the best authenticated his­ tory of the wofld, the Word of God, which does not leave man to grope among fossils and embryos and hormones and anthropoids and species to find the origin of himself; but which tells us concisely and plainly and definitely that man was created by an act of Almighty God and that there was placed in him an ever-living soul such as no animal ever possessed. H e R ules G od O ut Second : - We have here a virtual assertion that God had nothing to do with, the appearance and progress of man. Prof. Keith sets himself to prove “that man began his career as a humble primate animal, and has reached his present estate by the action and reaction of biological forces which have been and are ever at work within his body and brain.” He affirms that “the differences be­ tween the mentality of man and the ape are of degree, not of -kind. No matter what line of evidence we follow— evidence gathered by anatomists, by embryologists, by physiologists or by psychologists-—we reach the conviction that man’s brain has been evolved from that of an anthro­ poid ape and that in the process no new structure has been introduced and no new or strange faculty interpolated.” If this is true there is no place for the soul of man, or if so, it is nothing new or different from the mind of the ape. In what way can materialism be more bold and dogmatic than this? Sir Arthur Keith compares the evolution of motor cars with the evolution of man. He speaks of the discovery of hormones, which opens up a new field of investigation since Darwin’s day, and describes them as a brigade of microscopic workmen in the embryonic factory of man. In this factory, he says: “No plans or patterns are sup­ plied ; every workman has the needed design in his head from birth. There is neither manager, overseer nor fore­ man to direct and co-ordinate the activities of the vast artisan armies.” If this is true God has no place in the development and growth of man. Christians believe that God in his providence and by His Spirit is the Manager, Overseer and Foreman in the growth of man from the earliest stage of his life. If Prof. Keith is right the Psalmist is wrong (Ps. 139:16) when he says: “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance

defended the Biblical account of man’s creation and in a victory for Darwin.” Concerning the argument which took -place two years later, in 1860, in Oxford between Thomas Huxley and the Bishop of Oxford, he calls it “the most memorable in the history of our association—in which the Bishop of Oxford, the representative of Owen and of orthodoxy, left his scalp in Huxley’s hands. It set­ tled for all time that man’s rightful position is among the primates, and that as we anatomists weigh evidence, his nearest living kin are the anthropoid apes.” It is only the mistaken opinion of Sir Arthur, and not a fact, that the Biblical account of man’s creation has been overthrown. The Biblical record has been assailed at al­ most every point, but it stands today more firmly estab­ lished than ever before in the history of the world. Every year sees a mass of proof added to confirm the trustworthi­ ness of that ancient record. Monuments uncovered and ruins excavated have attested to the detailed accuracy of the historical record. Prophecy has been fulfilled. The power of the Gospel in the hearts of men and among the nations of the world is a living testimony to the truthful­ ness of Jesus and the Apostles. One cannot deny the Biblical record of man’s creation as found in Genesis with­ out at the same time denying the accuracy and inspiration of the Psalms, the Prophets, the Gospels, the Epistles and all other portions of the Bible which build upon and re­ affirm the record of God’s creation of man. While the Bible has stood the test of the ages, Darwin and his theories of natural selection have been discredited by a host of scientific men. As John Burroughs said: “Dar­ win has already been shorn of his selection doctrines as completely as Samson was shorn of his locks.” Vernon Kellogg said: “The fair truth is that the Darwinian selec­ tion theories, considered with regard to their claimed ca­ pacity to be an independently sufficient mechanical ex­ planation of descent, stand today seriously discredited in the biological world.” Prof. Keith insists that Darwin discovered a new way of writing history. He said that if some one who had no dated records of history should discover the remains of bicycles and automobiles in the cellar of a museum and from them should prepare a history of the progress of these machines, he would do as Darwin did in preparing the history of man from fossils, and the comparison of the various races and animals with man. In this com­ parison Prof. Keith assumes that no history of man had

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