King's Business - 1927-12

Enricih lS)ur Entire Life BY TAKING THE KING’S BUSINESS TOUR TO THE MEDITERRANEAN and THE HOLY LAND! I MAGINE y ourself in B ethlehem , Je ­ rusalem , a n d follow ing th e W ay of th e C ross to C alvary. You c an m ake this dream a reality! you had been in th e H oly L and, A lgiers o r C airo.

Now you have y o u r ch an ce to go this w inter. Join th e h ap p y p a rty of K ing's Business read ers on T h e W hite S tar L iner S. S. D oric w hich has b een sp e ­ cially c h artere d for th e cruise by Jam es B oring's T rav el Service, Inc. O n F e b ru a ry 8, 1928, w e sail from New Y ork for sixty-tw o never-to-be-for- gotten days in the sunshine of the Med­ ite rran e a n .

SIXTY -TWO glorious days of foreign trav el will fill y o u r m em ory w ith pic­ tures, events, experiences th a t y o u will rem em ber all y o u r life. You resp ect th e traveler, th e m an who h as been ab ro ad . You listen to his tales w ith envy a n d w onder. You w ish th at

Like Our Own Private Yacht

W ken y o u b o a rd th e S. S. D oric you have n o th in g to do b u t give yourself up to th e full­ est enjoym ent of the trip. T h a t beautiful liner becom es o u r floating hom e. F o r o u r shore trips, special train s o r m otors will m eet us. H otel room s have been reserved— guides will be w aiting. E very a rra n g em e n t has been m ade.

T his is th e m ost perfect, m ost com fortable way to travel— and yet it costs you less th an if you w ent alone. For, by c h a rte rin g an e n tire ship,

by c o n tra ctin g for a larg e n um b er of hotel room s, an d using special train s a n d m otors, we have reduced expenses to a m inim um .


New Y ork A lgiers Syria M adeira Tunis G ib raltar M alta E gy p t

Italy F rance England M onte C arlo

The Cost is Extremely Moderate You p ay ju st one fee— as low as $690, acco rd in g to the stateroom you select from th e free deck-plan w e will send you. T h at includes all y o u r expenses— afloat and ashore. A ll m em bers of the p a rty will have th e en tire use of th e boat. T h ere will be no F irst, Second o r T h ird C lass D istinctions. Mr. Jam es Boring, fam ous w orld trav eler, a n d his staff will perso n ally co n d u ct o u r p a rty from the day we leave New Y ork C ity. T h at is y o u r g u a ran tee of th e utm ost com ­ fo rt an d pleasure. Mail the Coupon for Complete Details Mail th e coupon o r w rite fo r booklet, d eck plans and rates. M em berships a re lim ited to 550. Y our req u est for in form ation involves no obligation, of course, b ut you m ust h u rry to avoid disappointm ent. THE KING’S BUSINESS, Dept. M 3 2 5 North Thirteenth Street, - . Philadelphia, Pa.



Greece Sicily

C onstantinople

K ing's B usiness, D ept. M -8 325 No. Thirteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. I am in terested in th e 1928 K ing’s B usiness T our to th e M editerranean an d H oly L and. Please ask Mr. B oring to send m e full p a r­ ticulars.


A ddress..

Town o r C ity..... ........... ..................S tate..

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