King's Business - 1927-12

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Calling Attention to the Department of Christian Education of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles Carrying on a w o rk p lanned to help meet the g reatest challenge and need in the church today— viz., the teaching and train ing of children and young people in th ings of the Christian religion. Do you believe in the Christian Religion? D O you believe it is im po rtan t th a t children and young people be taugh t its precepts and trained in its practices? Do you th ink th a t w o rk is being adequately and successfully done in the m a jo rity of cases today? If so, w hy a re over 80% of ou r children lost to the things of the Christian faith? Do you th ink this w o rk is any less im po rtan t th an the w o rk of the public school teacher, the doctor, the nurse, the architect, th e dietician or the person in any one of dozens of other occupations, who feels his w o rk is im po rtan t enough to dem and carefu l p reparation? Thoughtful and Conscientious Answers to These Questions will Point Unmistakably in One Direction- Christian Education



C omm encing F riday evening, Ja n u a ry 6th, th re e dif­ fe re n t specialization units will b e offered sim ultaneously. ( 1)' Study of the early adolescent— Rev. A lb e rt E. Kelly. (2 ) Study of the Ju n io r C hild— Miss E lla M ae C anney. (3 ) Study of th e P rim ary Child— M iss V iolet P ender. Follow ed in th e sp rin g by a course in m ethods in each of these th re e d ep artm en ts— P rim ary, Ju n io r, In term ed ­ iate. A ll of these courses c a rry c red it w ith th e Sunday School C ouncil of Religious E ducation and w ith the various denom inational Boards. III. THROUGH T H E TEA CHER TRAINING COURSE IN THE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL T he first u n it— “Jesus as th e M aster T ea ch e r”— ju st off th e press. . A p ractical and inspiring study of fu n d a­ m ental teach in g principles c en tered larg ely a ro u n d the pedagogy of th e G reatest of all T each ers. D esigned for individuals and for classes. P rice of this unit, including tw o text books, course m aterial an d reg istratio n fee— $3.00.

the aim of w hich is to train C h ristian young people to go ou t p re p a re d to do this w o rk as “w orkm en w ho need no t to be asham ed.” T he Bible In stitu te is m eeting this n eed and challenge: I. THROUGH ITS CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COURSE IN TH E DAY SCHOOL— a th re e y e ars’ course g ran tin g a special diplom a. Besides re g u la r w o rk in Bible, C h u rch H istory. Missions, Music, Philosophy, etc., this course in ­ cludes R eligious P edagogy, S tory T elling, M ethod in teaching, C hild Psychology, A dolescent Psychology, Specialization w o rk in six d ep artm en ts, a study of the educational activities of th e C hurch, C irl L eadership, etc. T h e w o rk is strictly evangelical, pedagogical a n d p ra c ­ tical. It includes p ra ctic e teaching u n d e r criticism , and observation w o rk in som e of th e best ch u rch es of th e pup il’s own denom ination. D esigned to p re p a re D irectors of R eligious E ducation, P a sto r’s A ssistants, Special Girls W orkers, etc. II. THROUGH TH E W ORK O F THE STANDARD TEACHER TRAINING COURSE IN THE EVENING SCHOOL. F riday evenings— 7 to 8 o’clock. T h re e of the twelve units of th e S tan d ard C ourse finished each y e a r in term s of eleven w eeks each.

X X For further information write the Department of Christian Education, M iss Florence Chaffee, Director, 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

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