King's Business - 1927-12


December 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

Nearly 30,000 copies of The K in g ’s Business delivered monthly a t th is great Post Office. When the magazines are un­ loaded. at the Los Angeles Terminal Post Office, we know they are in good hands. The officials and workers h a v e always cooperated in the kind­ est way with our mailing de­ partment, and it is seldom that a complaint can be traced to neglect on this end.

in South America, under the Inland South America Missionary Union. MRS. ALEX RATTRAY HAY (nee MARGARET STUART ’21) has gone to the home of her parents, in Oakland, Calif., with the new missionary, John Stuart Hay. Mr. Hay will follow as soon as duties in the East will permit. Mr. and Mrs. Hay are spending this year on furlough from the Inland South America Missionary Union field in South America. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES A. ROBERTS (nee GRACE MADELINE PIKE ’21) are the proud parents of twin daughters, born October 4th, in Glendale. They have named these new missionaries Beverly Jean and Genevieve Joyce. Announcement is made of the recent marriage of RUTH H. McCAHAN T9, to MR. S. S. CHAPLIN, of the Bolivian Indian Mission, South America. We ex­ tend congratulations. News comes of the marriage of EVE­ LYN E. WATSON to ELDEN C. WHIPPLE ’24, on Sept. 2 at Seattle. Wash. BENNETT H. WILLIAMS ’27, was united in marriage to MISS ESTHER DEPEW in Hollywood at the Trinity Missionary'Church, September 30th, 1927. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have already started on the long journey to their mis­ sion field in the Belgian Congo. They will spend some three months in Belgium en route. We pray them God’s best. A very pretty marriage was solemnized Saturday evening, October 15th, in the Lyceum Club Room, when MISS MADGE HENDERSON ’23, became the wife of WILLIAM G. GRAVES ’27.

the direction of the Central American Mission. REV. ALBERT A. MITCHELL ’22, is now engaged in work among the Jews in Seattle, Washington. He writes very encouragingly' of the Gosp'el ministry among these people. LYLLIS BLÀCKIE, a student of last year, is attending the Santa Barbara State Teachers’ College and is majoring in art. CHARLOTTE RUDY, a student of 1926-27, is spending the winter in Phila­ delphia, caring for her aged grandmother. She hopes to be able to carry some of the Correspondence work and will return to school as soon as the way opens. HELEN MEAD T7, is in America on furlough after five years in Belgian Congo under the direction of the Africa Inland Mission. REV. HARRY O. ANDERSON T5, Evangelist, occupied the pulpit of the Temple Baptist Church, Los Angeles, for several Sundays early in the fall. Mr. Anderson is busy with his crowded schedules of evangelistic services. LORINDA WARREN ’24, enclosed in an interesting letter from Rio Caribe, Venezuela, a Prayer and Praise List for the District, under date of September 19, 1927. The Praise Column indicates that the missionaries of this field have very much for which to be thankful. MISS ZAKRA HOON ’21, spent some days the early part of October in and about the Bible Institute in connection with foreign missionary deputational work in the United Presbyterian Churches of the Pacific Coast. Miss Hoon is hofne on furlough following Tier first term of service in the United Presbyterian Mis­ sion of North India. We are happy to announce the arrival on July 11th, of a young daughter to MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM R. HUN- RICHS (nee HAZEL LONG) ’22 and ’23, respectively. Their mission work is

Word comes of the marriage of OTIS L. PRIDDY ’25, to MISS MABEL RHOADS of Long Beach. Mr. Priddy has been helping in the organization of a new church at Bellflower. ERIC S. HORN ’25, has been in and about the Bible Institute for some time on his way to the Sudan Interior Mission, Nigèria, West Africa. We trust that the way to the field may soon be open. ANNA ESCHIEF is teaching in a small government school for Indians at Komatke, Arizona. HUGH AND ELIZABETH FOU- CAR are in America, due to unsettled conditions .in China and in particular at the Hunan Bible Institute. They spent the month of August in California. Hugh plans to study at the Southern Baptist Seminary at Louisville, Kentucky. MR. AND MRS. W. HARLEY KING spent the past year at Witmarsurri The­ ological Seminary, Bluffton, Ohio, and have been assigned to home mission work in neglected districts east of Flagstaff, Arizona, under the direction of the Home Mission Board of the General Confer­ ence of the Mennonite Church.. DORIS KLINT has taken the place in Mr. Reynolds’ office, the Shop De­ partment, recently made vacant by the resignation of Kathryn Orr. FREDA SPOONER is teaching the boys and girls at the Rio Grande Insti­ tute, Albuquerque, N. M, RUTH TIBBITS, in addition to some very effective work in the State Prison at Salem, Oregon, has been doing some writing for The Baptist Spokesman, pub­ lished in Portland. She has been con­ tributing the devotional and inspirational articles. HOMER E. VAN LOON is spending his third year at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ken­ tucky. He is pastor of a rural church. We are glad to report the safe arrival in Nicaragua of MR. AND MRS. THOMAS F. DIXON (nee ANNA KRUGGEL ’23), They are to work under

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