King's Business - 1927-12

Ificember 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

the wire overhead for power to operate, so does the Christian need daily contact with the power from above which can only come by having our prayers make daily contact with the Throne of Grace (Heb. 4:16). He Who is our example found prayer to be more important than teaching, healing, bodily rest, sleep, work­ ing of miracles, preaching. The earthly ministry of our Lord was begun in prayer (Luke 3 :21), continued in prayer and end­ ed in prayer (Luke 23:34)., Let us re­ solve one thing above all others for 1928, that we will be faithful in our daily de­ votions. S uggestions for the L eader This service, being a consecration meet­ ing, should be devotional throughout. Pre­ pare a week in advance by asking the members to come prepared to give a verse from God’s Word which they have chosen for their year verse. Have a num­ ber of appropriate verses chosen to give to those who have not chbsen one. Have these written out on slips to be handed out at the commencement of the service. Choose songs of a devotional ’nature such as, “Take Time to be Holy,” “I Am Thine, Oh Lord,” “I’ll Live for Him.”’ Have someone sing as a solo “In The, Secret of His Presence,” music by Geo. C. Stebbins. Use as a closing song, “Have Thine Own Way, Lord.” -

works through us. Let us not set our­ selves to new resolutions in our own strength. They are broken before they are put into practice if we do. “I can do all things, through Christ which strength­ ened me.” Oh, that each Endeavorer throughout the world would grasp the meaning of that verse. All things — through . Christ. Empty yourself of all selfish ambitions and let His spirit con­ trol every action of your life from hence­ forth, and you will have joy, which is part of the fruit of the Spirit. (See Gal. 5 :22-23 for what follows.) “Private Personal Prayer,” says Dr. John McNeill, “is one of the greatest tests of the reality of your Christian life.” Your confidence is in God, but can He have confidence in you? He not only wants us to have confidence in Him, which should be first and uppermost in our thought, but He also wants to have con­ fidence in us. He wants to be able to say, “That child never disappoints me. He is, always on time at the place of prayer.” . As to the values of daily devotions, all that is worth while in your life depends upon your faithfulness in prayer. Temp­ tations are overcome, *“and S a t a n trembles when he sees, the weakest saint upon his knees”—Cowper. No task is too great to the prayerful child of God. “Our sufficiency is of' God.” Just as the electric car needs constant contact with

I ntroduction In response to repeated appeals for ad­ ditional helps on the Christian Endeavor Topics, we will carry a Christian En­ deavor Department in our magazine, and have asked Alan S. Pearce, Secretary of the Correspondence School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, to furnish us with such material. We are not unmindful of the many other young people’s organizations in the various denominations, such as the Bap­ tist Young People’s Union, the Epworth League, the Young People’s Expression Circle, etc., but as each organization fol­ lows a different topic, we will try to serve the one to which the majority of our young readers belong. We are sure that members of other societies will find much in this department that will be helpful and suggestive for their meetings. —o— Christian Endeavor Topics J anuary I st ._ What are the Values of Daily Devotions? Ps. 40:1-8. “In the secret of His presence Is a sweet, unbroken rest; Pleasures, joys, in glorious fullness, Making earth like Eden blest. So my peace grows deeper and deeper, Widening as it nears the sea, For my Savior is my Keeper, Keeping mine and keeping me.” T houghts on the T opics Our committee on Topics have chosen a most timely subject for our careful con­ sideration on the first Sunday of the new year, which also happens to be the first day of the new year. It is at this season of the year that many people make resolutions. Looking back over the past year at their failures, they resolve not to make the same mis­ takes in the new year. Many new reso­ lutions are made. Most of these resolu­ tions are broken by the end of the first week of the new year. As Christian Endeavorers, standing up­ on. the threshold of a new year, what golden opportunities lie before usl Op­ portunities of living a consistent Chris­ tian life, in the home, at school, at play and at Church; opportunities of wit­ nessing for Him who loved us and gave His life for u s; in the many little deeds of 'kindness which we can render to our fellow man. Golden opportunities lie at your very door, golden in returns of joy, peace and satisfaction to the one who grasps them. What are the values of Daily Devo­ tions? “Without me ye can do nothing,” says Jesus. All depends upon our un­ broken fellowship with the one who —Selected.




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