King's Business - 1927-12


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

December 1927

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Book Table


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Ministerial Life and Work B y W. H, G riffith T homas , D. D. Published by The Bible Institute Col- portage Ass’ri. Price $1.75. The Holy Spirit B y R. A. T orrey , D. D. Published by Fleming H. Revell Company. Price $1.50. The Coming of Christ B y I. M. H aldeman , D.D. Published by Fleming H. Revell Company. Price $1.75. Here are three books by well-known authors on subjects to which they have given special attention. Dr. Thomas wrote on this subj ect under the title “The Work of the Ministry,” and this is a careful revision and abridge­ ment by Dr. Thomas and is full of good things especially for the young4minister. Dr. Thomas himself was one of the nob­ lest ministers of his generation and rend­ ered a very worthy service to the cause of Christ. “The Holy Spirit” by Dr. Torrey is a restatement of a subject that he has treated in various other books and has been very helpful to many Christians throughout the world. His views of the Holy Spirit are well known and as given in the present book should be of real help to people in a day in which there is a gi;eat confusion of thinking on the sub­ ject of the Holy Spirit. sf'The Coming of Christ, Both Pre-Mil- lennial and Imminent” is a new edition df a book that has had wide circulation since 1906. " ■ '"'i--J. M. M. Every Minister His Own Evangelist B y E dgar W hitaker W ork , D. D. At first the title of this book would suggest the covering of old ground, but the table of contents easily set forth a restatement as well as a new statement ofj vital truths centering around the ever- pressing theme of Pastoral Evangelism. This volume is certainly different. It isn’t given to every minister to success­ fully tell other ministers what they should or should not do. Dr. Work seems to be the one who under God has told some old truths in a new way which demand con­ sideration. Chapter 8—“The Lost Word”—is a case in point. This will make any thoughtful minister think. Chapter 4, “What Makes a Sermon Evangelistic,” is a sharp statement and could be further strength­ ened by the use of much appropriate Scripture. The chapter on “Prayer” is refreshingly true. It is a book of more than ordinary profit and is worthy a place among the “Special Books” in the min­ ister’s library. Price $1.50. Published by The Revell Co. W. E. EDMONDS —o— Bob’s Hike to the Holy City B y D r . F. C. T hompson This new book especially for boys, written by Dr. Thompson, author of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, is pat­ terned after “Pilgrim’s Progress.” It deals with the adventures of a young Scout and

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