King's Business - 1927-12


December 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


children. The set includes the Stories of Luther, Spurgeon, Paton, Hudson Tay­ lor, Wesley and Livingstone. Each volume is priced at 75 cents, —o— Christianity and Common Sense B y D r . C larence E dward M c C artney The author of this unique volume needs no introduction. He is an ardent pro- claimer and defender of evangelical Christianity, and we bespeak for this latest book a wide reading. The discussion upon the great theme of the Christian Religion has been cast into the form of a dialogue between a Christian believer and a visitor irom an imaginary world who has come down to earth to examine the life and faith of man. Into this visitor’s mouth have been put some of those doubts and difficulties which suggest themselves to the mind of man when he thinks upon the Christian revelation and its relationship to our duty here and our destiny hereafter. It is a refreshing method of dealing with those sublime truths which Chris­ tianity has revealed to mankind. Chris­ tianity may be upheld by argument drawn from science. Great names in science have done that. It may be defended historically. Great historians have so done. It may be defended by philosophy and logic. Great philosophers and logic­ ians have so defended it. But only a few men are historians or even in a general sense acquainted with the history of the past, and still fewer are scientist? or logicians or philosophers. And useful as these arguments have been they are ad­ dressed to a comparatively few number of believers. But anything that may be said in behalf of Christianity from the standpoint of common sense has a uni­ versal appeal, for all men are gifted with a degree of common sense and thus are qualified to pass upon any evidence that may be advanced from that source. The Winston Company are the pro­ ducers of this book, priced at $2.00. —o— King John B y D r . G eorge F. R obertson “King John” is indeed a “tale of the South,” a recent book the author of which is Dr. George F. Robertson, “one of the well-known and much beloVed ministers of the Southern Presbyterian Church, who is already well-known as an author.” The book opens with a de­ scriptive word-picture of the Old South, its natural growth of “ripening musca­ dines,” “wild smilax, grape and trumpet vines growing in tangled confusion, of­ ten massing together on some of the small trees so as to afford both shelter and protection for the birds,” then the “Big House” on the hill, surrounded by a splendid grove of massive oaks. The reader is introduced into the home of an ideal Christian family, at whose head stands the “King,” the father, a man who demonstrates in a practical, ¡every­ day sort of way, how to live a really true Christian life—the. happiness ac­ companying same and the rewards even in this life. The book is replete with de­ lightful darky dialect and characteriza­ tions, showing the author’s perfect fa­ miliarity with the true negro. It is a book that will take out the “tired feeling,”


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