King's Business - 1927-12


December 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

a book that will give new courage—that the God Whom we love and serve is still on His Throne and ever ready to guide all into true happiness. Price $1.75, Lo­ well Pub: Co., Lowell, N. C. —R. D. —o— Modernism, It’s Relation to Evolution B y J. M. S tanfield This is a review of Modernism from the strictly evangelical point of view and a refutation of the theories involved, including a discussion of evolution and the declaration that this new religion, represented by the evolutionary hypothesis, is developing within the Protestant denominations. Of course, there will b§ a question as to the conclusions reached by the author by the various denominations. There is always a danger in coming to general conclu­ sions on the basis of a few statements gathered at random from the people who undertake to speak for their denomina­ tion. The ones who are most vociferous in expressing themselves are not always the real representatives of the denomina­ tion for which they speak. But making allowance for all of this, there is room for a prayerful consideration of the

20 Names Wanted A ddresses of Sunday-school teachers, church officers and readers of T he K ing’s B usiness a n d o th ers know n to be in te r­ ested in sound B iblical lite ra tu re an d in spreading th e Gospel. Y our nam e n o t m entioned; Y our R ew ard, a good book— if you send 20 ad dresses and MENTION TH IS MAGAZINE. The Bible Institute Colportage A ss’n 8 4 3 -8 4 5 N. Wells Street, Chicago TH E FILLMORE MUSIC HOUSE , 528 Elm St., C incin­ nati, O ., Dept. X , publishers of “The Beau tifu l G a r d e n of P ray e r,” the most popu lar sacred solo of th e day, a re announcing seven o th er new , high-class gospel solos th a t th ey believe to be w h at solo singers will prize. A special cu t p rice on the songs will be given fo r th e p u rp o se of intro d u cin g them . Send p o stc ard now for a full d escription of them . T im e lim ited. Know The Bible Can You Answer These?

“THESANITARY” S B COPS Convenient, Noiseless and Sanitary The individual com­

munion service per- I mits an impressive ceremony. We in­ troduced Individual cups (many state

laws now demand them). We make the finest quality of beautiful polished trays and supply thousands of satisfied congregations. Send for list of these churches and FREE CATALOG with quotations. SANITARY COMMUNION OUTFIT CO., 500-57th St., Rochester. N. Y. SENT FOR TRIAL

. WINSTON-INTERNATIONAL SUNDAYSCHOOL SCHOLARS'BIBLES SELF-PRONOUNCINO Contain specially prepared Helpa to Bible Study andmany Attractive Illua* trations suitable for children. Send fo r Illustrated Catalog THE JOHN C. WINSTON C O „ Publishers American Bible Headquarters 299 Winston Building Philadelphia

P o st C ards w ith a M essage. Choice poem s, S cripture, sentim ent. Supply real need of C h ristian people. 50 sam ples, 25c, p o stp aid . Golden Rule Book Shop, Albion, Mich.

^twilight Stories fo r the Children T H E HOM E SERIES by M rs. Byrum

W ho is known as the beloved Physician —was he one of the Twelve? W ho first rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem? Who escaped the fiery furnace?

Send for FREE BIBLE TEST You’ll be i nterested just as thousands of others have been interested. Know your Bible. Learn how to be happier and stronger through its teach­ ings. 38,000 students have now taken Moody Bible Institute Home Study Courses and are profiting greatly as a result—so willyou. Four­ teen courses—covering every need from the sim­ plest to th e most advanced—one suited to your needs, too. Send for our Free 5-M inute Bible T est and see if you are satisfied with your pres­ en t knowledge.

Over a quarter million copies placed in homes.

Children demand sto rie s, w hich thesebooksabun­ dantly supply.

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HAT precious hour, so full of possibilities for impress­ ing childish minds, can be used to the best advantage by stories from these books. They teach valuable lessons in real character while they delight and entertain. The work of a consecrated Christian mother, who writes from the youthful viewpoint. “Happy H ours a t Home,** Thrilling character stories in a unique dress, told in allegory, with Giants and Knights repre­ senting the traits of character, the Giant Untruth, the good Knight Conscience, etc. For ages 9 to 15 years. “Twilight Talks, Seventeen Stories with Wholesome morals, interesting applications of New Testament Stories, that teach and delight. For ages 6 to 12 years. “ Bed-tim e Stories,” For smallerchildren. Subjects from the Old Testament, with application of the lessons by the children themselves. For ages 4 to 9 years. Each book, bound in red cloth, well illustrated, 60c each.9* Order from,your religious publishing bouse, or write direct. Dept. 12, Anderson, Indiana Kansas City, Mo., 2616 E. 15th St. Atlanta, Ga., 804 Edgewood Ave., N. E. Sacramento, Calif., 2541 Sacramento Blvd. «■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IBHHHIKSiH■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I M ail nearest office. D ept. 12 Gentlemen: Please send volumes on attached list for which I p enclose $ ...................o r for which [ ] I will pay postman plus a m few pennies C. O. D. Fee. It is understood that if not entirely Jj pleased I may return books and you’ll refund full amount paid. ■ DCheck here for general catalog ‘DCheck here for catalog of Church of Books. Bibles, Wall Mottoes, and Sunday School Supplies and ■ and Scripture TextGreeting Cards. Equipment. ■ ■ Name............................................................................................... J® Address.............................................................................................. 8 ■ City.........................................................State...................................

The Bible Story Book By Elsie E. Egermeier. 233 ever- new stories of Bible times. Fasci­ nating. Vivid, Dramatic. Told in simple language, beautifully illus­ trated in color. Attractive to young and old. Cloth Binding, $2.00.* Home Study Edition, with 64 pages of test questions, etc. $2.75.* Kraft DeLuxe Edition, with home study features, $3.75.* Christian Hero Series A fine collection of the life-stories of w orld-renow ned religious leaders—Wesley, Paton, Taylor, Spurgeon, Moody, Luther, Liv­ ingstone, Judson. Examples of purpose, idealism, and vision. Thrilling tales, dramatically told. Each 75c.* 8-volume set $5.50 postpaid. Beautiful Qirlhood

MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Dept. 4209, 153 Institute Place, Chicago, III. I Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School Dept. 4209,153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. I Please send me, Free, your 5-Minute | Bible Test. N o obligation. | Name________________ ________ ___ .....__ j Street and No....;:,.'........,_......__ | City I S tate......___________________________.....----- -- TORREYSORIGINAL

By Mabel Hale. For the teen-age girl. Inspires to high ideals. De­ velops character, personality,lead­ ership. Thousands of copies sold. The demand is increasing. Price $1.00 each.* * P o s ta g e 5 c e n ts fo r o n e b o o k a n d 1 c e n t fo r e a c h a d d itio n a l b o o k o r ­

d e r e d a t th e s a m e tim e . Christian Agents — w rite for our m oney-m aking plans.

F A D 1Q 9fi International S. S. Lesson text I 1 oLO jn Full. Exposition. Seed — Thoughts. Teaching Helps. Accepted Datesand Places. GoldenTexts. Prayer - \ MeetingTopics. Changes in RevisedVersion Shown. F. H. REVELLCO., 158FifthAve.,NewYork; 851CassSt.,Chicago

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