King's Business - 1927-12


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

December 1927

Your C h r is tm a s G ift Prob lem

T imes for one year to five of your friends at the club rate of $ 1.50 for each subscrip­ tion— $7.50 for the five. A single sub­ scription is $2. Just indicate that sub­ scriptions are Christmas gifts, and we will gladly mail to each recipient a beauti­ fully engraved and illustrated Christmas card with your name and this wording;

A re you beginning to wonder what Christmas gifts you can send to some of your best friends? Have you thought of subscriptions to a religious paper of just the right sort? Here is a journal of which a subscriber writes— and thousands of letters of the same sort keep coming: “Your paper means more to me spiritually than I can express. Often, in these troublous times, your firm, unwavering stand for the truth and integrity of the Word of God has been like a strong, sustaining arm; a breath of pure mountain air; a draught of clear, reviving water to the weary searcher after tru th .” You can send T he S unday SCHOOL

W ith C hristmas G reetings

% j t a g M w l f c s will come to you as a weekly reminder of my hearty good wishes for a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year of abounding blessing in life and service.

Orders should be sent very early, so that the first copy o f the paper and the greeting card will reach your friends before Christmas. The T im e s contains a dozen unusual helps every week on International Uniform Sunday School Lessons; tells how ablest Sunday-school workers get results in their schools; gives latest news of archeology, world surveys of religious life, sane study of Bible prophecy, discriminating book reviews. T H E S U N D A Y S C H O O L T I M E S C O M P A N Y Dept. C, 323 North 13th Street Philadelphia, Penna.

Beautify Furniture PROTECT FLOORS an d Floor C overings by atta ch in g G lass O nw ard Sliding F u rn itu re Shoe to y o u r fu rn itu re. If y o u r dealer will no t supply you, w rite us. ONWARD MFG. CO. Menasha, Wis., Kitchener, Ont. in order to introduce our LATE8T MODEL LIBERTY PIPE-TONE FOLDING ORGANS e i t h e r leatherette covered, or 3-ply oak case, we will accept for a limited' time orders at $40.00 each (list price $70.00). A. L. W H ITE MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chieago, III. Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 Octave Double Reed

things that are called to our attention in this book by Mr. Stanfield. Published by The Christian Alliance Publishing Company. Price $1.50. —J. M. M, — o — Memories of the Mission Field A ,very interesting and inspiringly written book by Christine Tinling with foreword by Dr. F. B. Meyer, published by Morgan & Scott, London, England. Price $1.25. Snapshots of missionary activity in Syria, India, Japan and China. It is writ­ ten from the viewpoint of an onlooker rather than that of a missionary, vividly describing many of those things about which a missionary would not write be­ cause of the tendency to minimize the hardships they are called to undergo. This book contains a most interesting chapter on -the unusual evangelization program carried on by Dr. Frank Keller, Superintendent Bible Institute of Chang­ sha, China, a branch of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. It is. unique in its picturesque descrip­ tion of the country about which the au­ thor writes.—A. S. P. —o— Since the World Began B y R ev . R. G. R a m sa y , M.A. “Characters of yesterday. and today” would be a good title for this little devo­ tional volume which takes up the leading characters of the book of Genesis. In essentials men and women have changed

Special Christmas Offer H ow to Give CHALK T A L K S 12 Easy Les­ sons. Supplies Included, O n ly $1 5 .0 0

T a u g h t by th e nationally know n a rtist- p re a c h e r L. E. D urham . F ifteen y ears of successful p latfo rm w o rk . Five y ears as a teach er. F o r p a rtic u la rs w rite L. E. DURHAM, Box 7, H int, Mich.

Fall and Holiday Specials Over 100 Christmas items at great reduction. Also new number never before published. A card brings the offers. t h e g l a d t id in g s PUBLISHING CO. C alhoun & S uperior Sts., F o rt W ayne, Indiana

Any church, school or class can publish a parish paper by using our co-operative plan. A parish paper fills empty pews, keeps community informed, speeds up church work. Free Samples and Particulars. Our plan provides a paper for your church without cost to you. The National Religious Press Grand Rapids, Mich.

Surpassing a ll others in New Songs, Solos, Hymns, Duets, Q uartets and Chor­ uses. (3) Bindings. Silk Cloth. Gold Title, 55e Red Rope, 45o Manila, 35e Write for quantity prices Send for Sample and Be Convinced BILHORN BROS. 136W. Lake St. Chicago

T H E N A M E O F J E S U S A new du et of m edium range, universally loved b y all w ho sing o r h e ar it. Going into th ird edition. Two copies 50c. No stam ps. C. E. BRAUN, Box 500, E a st L iberty, P ittsb u rg h , P a.

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