King's Business - 1927-12


December 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

but little. Their passions, their loves, their hatreds belong to the elemental things that remain. To some extent the expression of these may be altered by the passing of the ages, but the characteristics of these men and women of the first cen­ turies abide. “Upon human passions,” wrote Sir Walter Scott, “it is no doubt true that the state of manners and laws casts a necessary coloring, but the deep ruling impulse is the same.’5(f1 The reading of these chapters on Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael, Isaac, Abraham’s servant, Rebekah, Esau, Jacob, Laban, Reuben, Simeon and Levi, Judah, Benjamin, Joseph and others, will serve to remind us that, in the essence of his being, man is today what he has al­ ways been. Those who enjoy the study of Bible characters will be glad they pur?- chased this book. (Price $1.75, Morgan & Scott, publishers.)—B. —o— Ownership B y C lementina B utler Miss Butler is the accomplished and consecrated daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Butler, pioneer missionaries in India and Mexico. Her very excellent book is a Worthy and convincing presen­ tation of the Christian fact of God’s ownership and man’s stewardship. It is the third in the Stewardship Series of the Women’s Foreign Missionary So­ ciety of the M. E. Church. While it is written especially for women and has a strong flavor of the mission field, it deals with principles that are universal in application. It has real literary merit, is clear, logical and direct and based upon inescapable Biblical truth. It brings fresh thought and new interest to a subject vital to the interest of the Christian Church. Fleming H. Revell Co. $1.00. —F. M. C. — o — Beyond the Sunset B y . H erbert B ooth S m ith , D. D. This book, as the author says in the Foreword, is “a sheaf of sermons tied together, picked up from the pulpit of Immanuel Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles.” “But,” he says, “it is a sheaf and not a bouquet,” and by this, of course, we are -to understand that it is grain carefully garnered from the grain fields and real grist for the mills of the gods. It has to do with the future life and what lies beyond the sunset of our brief earthly day. It presents a simple, home­ ly, telling argument for immortality and for the resurrection, including the resur­ rection of the body. It also deals with such popular questions as Reincarna­ tion, Spiritism, Ouija Board, and Shall We Recognize Our Loved Ones in Heaven. These are dealt with in a wholesome way and answered to the satisfaction of all evangelical Chris­ tians. We bespeak a wide circulation for this piece of wholesome sermons by a deservedly popular preacher. Published by Fleming H. Revell Company. Price $1.50. —J. M. M.

By far the best Bible Dictionary for every day use — Amos R. Wells, Lm.D., LL.D. PELOUBELS BIBLE DICTIONARY By REV. F. N. PELOUBET Founder “ Notes on the International Sunday School Lessons’*

LATEST and MOST UP-TO-DATE BIBLE DICTIONARY Published 'This Dictionary is the latest and best single volume Bible Dictionary published. It brings to the great body of teachers and intelligent Christian households, a work fully abreast of the latest modern scholarship, illuminated from every possible source i that can aid the ordinary reader to know and love and understand the word of God. MAKES THE BIBLE PLAIN TO EVERY READER

I t enables anyone to understand every passage in the Bible. In the simplest lan­ guage it gives a full exposition of all topics mentioned in the Bible—every place, a&tion, tribe, person, and historical event: every custom and rite; every instrument and implement; every animal, plant, flower, mineral, metal, etc. Cloth . 812 pages . 508 Illustrations . 14 Maps • Price, $2.50 Book & Bible Publishers i THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY ■299 Winston Bldg., Phila. APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY GIFT! The “ KESWICK” Block Calendar for 1928 6 0 cents each, postpaid $ 3 .5 0 per half dozen, postpaid $ 6 .7 5 per dozen, postpaid

This Popular Calendar Again Ready Back contains charming view, lithographed in full colors, corded to hang. Pad has bold dates with Scripture reference and a helpful spiritual meditation there­ on by prominent writers of repute as J. N. Darby, Prances Ridley Havergal, D. L. Moody, Dr. Griffith Thomas, Dr. A. T. Pierson, C. H. Spurgeon, and others. One sheet for each day. One party writes: “I want to take this opportunity of telling you ho# greatly God has blessed the ‘Keswick Calendar’ to my soul. It seems the Lord has provided through this Calendar day after day just the message I needed at the time. This is the testimony of all here who have these Calendars. I thought you might like to know about it, as they are well worth advertising among your customers."---Mrs. C. D., Atlanta, Ga. Highly recommended by The King's Business. Order yours today. We nearly always sell out early in the season.

CLEVELANDBIBLETRUTHDEPOT, I.C.Herenden,Mgr., 621 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, 0. For Church and Sunday School s o p i s GRACE A HYMN-BOOK that is ideal for Evan­ gelistic Campaigns, Missionary Con­ ventions, Young People’s Rallies, Radio Services, etc. 202 SELECT SONGS— all favorites— 91 Songs of Worship and Evangelism, 16 Songs on the Deeper Life, 8 Songs on Di­ vine Healing, 23 Songs on Missions, 20 Songs on the Second Coming, 17 Invitation Numbers, 10 for Children, 11 for Choirs, 6 Choruses. The very best book possible at a remark­ ably low price. Cloth, 60c each; $40 per hundred ; Manila, 30c each ; $25 per hundred.

A Wonderful Book For Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers

T his book is bound in cloth, A tlas form , size 10% xl I inches, an d is one inch thick. It con tain s 34 ch ap ters, 300 colum ns of read ­ ing m a tte r, equivalent to an o rd in ary book of 450 pages, an d also 42 splendid prophetical C h arts, 9x20 inches, covering tw o pages, 48 one-page C harts, a n d num erous cu ts. The c h a rts a re sim ple, clear, uniform in style, an d p resen t every p h ase of “ D ispensational T ru th .” It is th e resu lt of 35 y e ars’ stu d y of the “ P rophetic W ord.” T he book is SANE, n o t a “TIME SETTER,” contains no speculative m atter, is n o t m ade up of q u o tatio n s from o th er w riters, b u t is b ased solely on the S crip tu res from th e “ FUTURIST STAND­ PO INT.” ^ It is of perm an en t value, an d a m ine of inform ation on “P ro p h etic T ru th ” for the bu sy P a sto r, E vangelist, Bible Teacher, an d all lovers of th e W ord. It is largely used in Bible Schools all o v er th e w orld. C loth Bound— P rice P o stp aid , $5.00. Send for prospectus and testimonials REV. CLARENCE LARKIN 2802 N. P a rk Ave., Philadelphia, P a. (D ept. 15)

A returnable copy will be sent to you fo r examination upon request The Christian

Alliance Publishing Company 260 West 44th Street New York, N. Y.

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