King's Business - 1927-12


December 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

The A B C of Fishing For Men W m . H. R ichie A. The ANGLER,-—the Disciple of Christ. a—His Attitude to All Men. 1—Christ calls us to become “fish­ ers of men.” Matt. 4:19, Mark 1: 17. 2— men to be saved. I Tim. 2 :3-6, II Peter 3 :9., ! 3—The value and need of the hu­ man soul. Luke 12:4-7, John 3:16, . Gal. 2:16. b—His Belief in the Bible. 1— It is God’s Written Word, a ! completé and correct rule of faith and conduct. John 8:31-32, 17:17, Rom. 15:4, I Cor. 15:3-4, II Tim. 3:16. 2—It reveals God’s offer of salva­ tion through faith in the offices of His Son Jesus Christ. Luke 24: 22-27, John 20 :31, II Tim. 3-14-15. It promises God’s Qift of the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ’s power and truth to any who accept the Savior. John 16:7-14, Acts 2 :38; 10:42-45. c—His Consecration to Christ. 1— —Called by Christ to a consistent life and personal testimony. Mark 5:19, John 20:21, Acts 1:8, 11:13- 17. 2—Controlled by the Holy Spirit in thought, word and action. Matt. 10 :19-20, Phil. 2:13, Col. 1:28-29. 3— Study' to: know God’s Will and Method. John 8:31, 15 :8, 9, Acts 4: 31, II Thess. 3 :í; II Tim. 2:15, 3: 16-17. 1—Use tact to get natural contact. Christ’s example, John 4:5-26 (Samaritan). 2— right presentation. Acts 8:26-38 : (Ethiopian). 3—Learn of present standing in faith and conduct. Rom. 6:16, 14: 12. b—The Bible Message of Salvation. 1—A Universal Need; all have sinned and transgressed their “light.” Luke 13 :3, John 16:7-9, Rom. 1 :21, 3:23, Col." 1:21. 2—-A Whosoever Gospel of God’s redeeming love in Christ. John 3:16, John 7:37, Acts 10:43, Rom. 5:8, I John 4:10, II Cor. 5 :19-21. 3—A Permanent Fellowship of “eternal life” here and hereafter. John 5:24, 6:40, 10:28, Acts 4:12, II. Cor. 5 :6-9. c—The Christ with all power to Save. 1—To Forgive the penalty of sins past. Mark 2:9-11, Acts 13:38-39, Heb. 7:25. 2— sins present. Eph. 5 :25-27, I John 1:7-9, 3 :8. 3—To Keep from power of sins future. I Cor. 10:13, II Cor. 12:9, Jude 24. C. The CATCH—The Convert to Christ. a —Acceptance of the Savior. 1—Decision must be faced; no neutral ground. Matt. 6 :24, 13:30, 24:44, II Cor. 6:2. 2— 1:12, 3:14-15, 36, Rev. 3:20. B. The BAIT.—Salvation in Christ, a—The Approach to the Sinner.

Become an Evangelistic Pianist by Enrolling for the Home Study Correspondence Course in Gospel Song Piano Accompaniment Sixty Lessons— M usical Illu stratio n s COMPLETE ACCOMPANIMENTS Send fo r com plete details to ROBERT HARKNESS 1632 H u n tin g to n D rive, S outh P asadena, Calif. WANTED 1,000 WORKERS, m en and wom en, to p lace o u r Bibles, T estam ents and R elig­ ious Books in hom es. Big Profit. Full or sp a re tim e. JO IN HANDS W ITH US. W rite TODAY for FREE inform ation. WILMORE BOOK & BIBLE COMPANY 4 4 3 South D e arb o rn St., Chicago, 111. The Bible Treasure Chest A V aluable book of Bible know ledge, giving co n ten ts of each book. G r e a t ch aracter sketches. N othing finer for boys an d girls. J u s t w h at teachers w ould like to give th eir scholars. 64 pages, 44 beautiful illu stratio n s, m agnificent cover, only 15c. 10 fo r $1.00 p o s t­ paid. G olden Rule Book Shop, Albion, M ich. NEWDISPENSATIONSCHANT Size 10 in. x 2 8 in. on India paper REV. G. A . GRISWOOD 3956-30th St., San D iego, Calif. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, China, India, by N ative' E vangelists and Bible W om en who are being sup p o rted fo r from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literatu re. T O M O R R O W A Preview of the Millennial Kingdom By WILLIAM A . COREY, B.Sc. Member Southern California PremBiennial Prophetic Association This book is unusual. Its writer not only knows his Bible and has the vision of the prophet, but he brings to his writing the skill of many years in the newspaper and magazine field before his conversion.. The book is a trumpet call to action. After you have read (and re­ read) it you will want to gird yourself and go out and tell others that Jesus is Coming Again. Order your copy today. 92 pages, paper covers— 35 cents, 5 for $1.00, postpaid. Address WILLIAM A . COREY 4030 Eagle St., Los A ngeles (B elvedere), Calif. T o w e r C h i m e s Theonemost beautiful form of Standard Sets, $6000up 1. C. DEAGAN, Inc. 191 D eagan B uilding, Chicago SEND 50c FOR

f PelG^bet's Select Notes AMOS R. WELLS, Li«:I>., LLD. T hé world’s greateS.t comm ent­ ary on the Internatioirai L'nifortii S u h d ay S çh o p |L éssQ ^ . foi;I928. If contains everything necessary to a teairher’s preparation. Price $i.90. Prepaid $2.00. ■ | . A Daily D igest of the ' ' S. S. Lessons , . AMOSWR WELLS, I itt.D , LLD ; ;A slÄjrt, concisi- and intensely practical sum m ary of the Lessons for the busy Bible student and S u n d a y S ch o o l w orker! C lo th 55c. LeatherSOe. A est-pocket size. H Know Your Bible? AMOS R. WELLS, Litt D., LLD (E ducational as well as en ter­ taining. • 1500 questions and a n ­ swers and- 21 topical quizzes. Price SI .00. v . AVAU, iiOOKSi11Ius W. À. WILDE COMPANY ttl Clarendon St. Boston, M:iss.

Realizing that God wants all

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Christ is received by faith. John

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