King's Business - 1927-12

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


December 1927

JUST IN TIME FO R CHRISTMAS -----: Higher Fundamentalism A FISHERMAN ’S PH ILO SOPHY A New Book By

Daily M ed itations By Wilfred M. Hopkins [Also Starting “Daily Illustrated Texts for 1928” By Keith L. Brooks]

D ecember 6 “David consulted with the Captains . . . and with every leader.”—! Chron. 13:1. BUT, unhappily for himself, and still more unhappily for those who were dependent upon his wisdom, there was one Person Whom David did not consult. He took ample counsel of men, but none of God. Neither directly, nor from the High Priest, nor from the Book of the Law, did he seek Divine direction. Had he done so, the ark would never have been put into a new cart, nor would Uzza have been tempted to touch it, to his destruction. Had David taken counsel of the LORD, he would have been re­ minded that the Sacred Chest might be carried upon the shoulders of the priests alone. David was displeased with the Lord because of the death of Uzza; it never struck him that the Lord was dis­ pleased with him as an accessory before the fact. Everybody had agreed that what he proposed was the best thing to do, and what everybody said must surely be right! It was very unkind of the Lord not to fall in with their plans, especially as they had been made to do honor to Himself. David had yet to learn, or had forgotten, that human wisdom is no substitute for Divine coun­ sel; that the product is sure to be wrong if God is left out of the sum. If we would be free from disaster, we must ask, not what is right “in the eyes of all the people,” but what is the mind and will of God. “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God,” and “He taketh the wise in their own craftiness,” but to every seeker after His wisdom He “giveth liberally and up- braideth not.” I - j H*. THE phrase accurately describes our relation to our fellow men. We are not isolated units, we are “bound in the bundle of life.” The band of a common existence gathers us into one liv­ ing whole. Hence none of us can live unto himself. None can sin but others suffer; none can fail but others are inevitably weakened; none can be strong but others will be helped; not one of us can conquer but our fellows shall feel the stimulus of our victory. This is at once an oppression and an encouragement. Its responsibilities are almost appalling; but on the other hand, its possibilities are glorious. To falter, to fail, to fall, is a crime against our common humanity; to persevere, to wrestle, to over­ come (in however trifling a measure), is to contribute to the well-being and happiness of the race. Men talk of the influence of the great Departed upon human destinies; it is as nothing compared with the influence of the undistinguished Living. Those destinies are not built, like the Pyramids, of a few huge stones, but, like the coral reef, of innumerable shells; and to the number and character of those shells (and therefore of the reef itself) each one of us is contributing every hour. It is a great privilege to have been bound by the Lord in the bundle of life, but it calls for great watchfulness and for much grace; for constant prayer, and for unceasing trust in God. D ecember 7 “Bound in the bundle o f life." —1 Sam. 25:29.

Dr. John M. Maclnnis Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles "T h e H ig h e r F undam entalism is th a t insight of a living ex p erien ce w hich is th e lig h t of life. It does n o t ig n o re o r set aside d octrine. O n th e co n tra ry , it grow s o u t of a sound doctrine, m aking possible tru e insights w hich provide a genuine a n d a d eq u a te philosophy of life. A n a d eq u a te philosophy o r in te rp re ta tio n of life is th e explanation th a t satisfactorily solves th e pro b lem w hich life itself p re sen ts an d m akes possible th e tru e s t and highest kind of living." READ DR. MAC INN IS* BOOK It is an illum inating, p e n e tra tin g discussion of such vital questions a s: W h at is th e origin an d m eaning of th e w orld? W hy does it seem easier to do w ro n g th an to do rig h t? W h at is th e new ro y alty ? W h at is the goal of history? Is a crisis th eology philosophically sound? S u p e r C lo th $1 .5 0 If Money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. Send for a free copy of our complete Catalog of Books, Booklets, Tracts, etc. BIOL A BOOK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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