King's Business - 1927-12

December 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

heart in the order of their tribes. So Christ bore all men, as men, upon His shoulders ( “He bare them and carried them all the days of old”) until the day that He hung for them all upon the ac- curséd tree; He carries His redeemed ones upon His heart as He ministers in the Most Holy Place. Upon Aaron’s shoulders the names were all on one kind of stone—there was no difference —upon thé Breast Plate of Judgment (i. e. Discrimination) they were on stones of various colors, properties, and values. As a Savior, Christ bore all men as men, without distinction, but as our Intercessor, He bears all His people with discrimination. The .weakest and the feeblest are there, as well as the strongest ; but while He loves us all alike (for we are all upon His heart) He realizes our diversities of gifts, and talents,, and dispositions, and deals with us accordingly. The great thought, however, to the Believer is that he is carried on the heart of Jesus of Nazareth; that he is dear to the Christ; that his name is indelibly graven upon the breastplate; that hè is so imbedded in it that he is irre­ movable; that he can never be absent either from the vision or from the recollection of his Lord. Comparatively poor and valueless he may be in the world’s estimation (for not all the stones were; rubies or diamonds), but he is precious to the heart of the Redeemer; and while his name is there, bound to the body of his Master and his King, he is safe from all the as­ saults of both earth and hell. D ecember 11 “I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands.” —Isa. 49:16. THE heart is'the organ of affection, (see Dec. 10), the hands, are, organs of power. Not only are we borne upon the heart of Christ, we are graven upon the palms of the Divine hands,, This spells,: first of all, protection. Those Almighty hands ate engaged for our defense. It suggests direction; we are written upon the hands of One Who leadeth His people like a flock; Who shall point out to us the path wherein our feet should tread; Who shall “be our Guide even unto death.” But, further, it indicates usefulness. We shall surely have our share in the operations of those hands upon which our names appear; a share not attempted in our pitiful weakness, but accomplished in His almighty strength. Safety, direction, service; these three things constitute the true blessed­ ness of life, and they are assured to us by the declaration of the text. Graven upon the palms of His hands! Then we can never be forgotten; the memorial of His covenant with us is ever before His eyes. Moreover, that memorial can never perish; that which is tatooed, or deeply scarred, upon the palm of the hand abides, indelible, as long as the hand itself remains. Let us never forget that these hands are the hands of Love: whatsoever they do shall be for our greatest, good and for our highest happiness. We may indeed go singing on our ordered way in peace. m D ecember 12 “How great . . . is his beauty.”^- Zech. 9:17. THE love of the beautiful is akin to the love of God, for He is the God of beauty. This attribute of His shines in all His works; the earth is a fair place, and every detail of creation re­ veals the Artist’s eye and the Master Craftsman’s hand. To be surrounded with the morally and physically beautiful is otfe of the most refining forces of human life. All that is gross and ugly should be banished from the earth, as far as such banish­ ment is possible. Hence, the adornment of our dwellings and. our persons, within reasonable limits, is not only a source of pleasure, “Hidden in the hollow of His blessed hand, Never foe can follow; never traitor stand.”

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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