King's Business - 1927-12


December 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

the gift is denied us; for wealth brings heavy responsibilities, and multifarious temptations, from which the poor man is free; but to rail at riches as in themselves a curse, is to imitate the fox with the “sour grapes,” for it is almost always those who lack money that talk of it as the root of evil. Better far is it to pray that, whether we have much or little, we may use that which we possess in such a way that we shall not be ashamed when we have to account for it at the judgment seat of God. The right use of wealth in this world, be the amount great or small, will fit us for stewardship of higher things in the world to come. RÉSIGNATION is not taking things as they come, but part­ ing with them as they go. It is riot the passive acceptance of present or expected infliction, but the cheerful acquiescence in de­ privation,, when it is inevitable. Cheerfulness is of the essence of resignation. “The Lord’s will must be done”—that is, “I would have it otherwise If I could, but I submit because I have no alter­ native-—is not resignation; it is mere unwilling bowing to fate, tinged with a profession of piety. “The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD,” is the cry of the truly resigned heart. “It must be right, since He hath permitted it; I would fain have it otherwise, but I am per­ suaded alike of His wisdom and His love ; I accept, therefore, His decision with chastened joy”—that is resignation. It stands at equal distance from the apathy that does not care, and from the spirit that would fain rebel. It is not insensible on the one hand to its loss ; it is not morqse, or angry, or unbelieving, on the other. It is the spirit of the child, which recognizes its Father’s hand in the dispensations of life; and which delights to do the Father’s will, though that will run counter to its own. It does not submit because it must, but because submission expresses both its fervent love and its unbounded trust. This spirit of resignation to the Divine arrangements is impossible except to those who know much of God. It does not spring from a mere profession of religion; self-discipline will not produce it; it is not evoked by any sense- either of its fitness or of its necessity : it is, as we have said, the evidence of faith and love, and faith and love do not grow, save in the truly regenerated heart. ■ H H I NEVER mind the evil that men may say about you, so long as it is not true'. “They sayl What do they say? Let them say!” It is not men’s opinion concerning you that matters, but what you are in yourself. We often confuse character and reputation —they are essentially distinct, and may be utterly at variance. Men sometimes threaten to take away our characters ; they might as well talk of taking away our personality. They may rob us of our good name, and so spoil our reputation, but our character is beyond their reach. Some people strive after reputation while they are careless as to character—they are contented to be silver plated goods, instead of longing to be sterling metal. Reputa­ tion is fleeting and perishing, character is fixed and eternal ; a hundred years hence, what men say of us today will be forgotten and,we shall be beyond its consequences; what we are will remain as long as our identity exists. Reputation is thé standard of human estimation, character determines the judgment of the Di­ vine. It will profit us little that all men speak well of us, if we are displeasing to the eye of God ; we need care nothing for the revilings of men, if we are the recipients of the Divine “well done.” The world’s judgment is based upon the obvious; the D ecember IS “The LORD gave and the LORD hath takefi away.” —Job 1 :21. D ecember 16 “Fear ye hot the reproach of men.” —Isa. 51:7.


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