King's Business - 1927-12


December 1927,

T h e , K i n g ' s - B u s i n e s s

D ecember 23 “Abana>and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus.” —2 Kings 5:12. TWO broad and noble streams; far superior in eyery respect to the muddy water of the contemptible Jordan! If bathing were necessary, how much better to wash in one of them than in it I So thought Naaman, and most people would have agreed with him.. There was only one difficulty; God’s promise of cleansing and healing, pronounced through the Prophet, applied to Jordan and did not apply to Abana or Pharpar. The world has its Abanas and its Pharpars, still. There are many schemes for the restoration and purification of the leprous soul, which appear much more powerful and more reasonable than faith in the blood of the substituted sacrifice. The cross is still a stumbling- block to Jewish, pride, and foolishness to Athenian philosophy. Many remedies for, sin have been suggested .and tried—schemes that have looked very promising, when considered in the light of hwrnan. reason—in all of them there has Been the same inherent defect; they have not been in accordance with the Divinely ap­ pointed plan. Education, environment,. art, music, recreation, have, failed to pompass the moral regeneration-of mankjnd be­ cause God has not infused them with saving grace. Not even in the waters .of Jordan would there have been found cleansing f.or the lepers apart from the power of the Divine; how then could the miracle have been hoped for from the .heathen rivers? Man mijst put aside his pride and his unbelief if he is' to know the joy of salvation; he musf.act in conformity to the Divine will obedience to the Divine decreie. Every moral and spiritual leper may be Healed, but it.must be in the “fountain opened in .the house of David,” and not in some Abana or Pharpar of his own preference, or of his neighbor’s recommendation. THESE words are true of every real Christian; he has been anointed with, the Holy Ghost. “The holy anointing oil” was put upon the Prophet, the Priest, and the King. It is for thp exercise of these offices that the Holy Spirit has been poured upon us. We are to be Prophets, telling forth the message of salvation, and declaring the will of our Lord to our fellow men. We are to be Priests, offering spiritual sacrifices and acting as intercessors' at the Throne of Grace. Even here, we are of the Royal Seed—intended to exercise at least dominion over our lower selves—and hereafter we are to reign with Christ for ever and ever. Thus the anointing has lifted us into a position exceedingly glorious, and it behooves us to live worthily of the high callings wherewith we have been called. We have a dignity to sustain before the faces of men. The honor of Heaven has been committed to our hands; we must take care that we do not sully it by anything that is dishonorable, or unbecoming to the anointed of the Lord. JEHOVAH has separated us unto Him­ self and, while we have to mingle daily with the unsanctified and the unholy, we must so live that they may feel that we are not of, them; that we are but “strangers and pilgrims” upon earth; that we belong to an unseen city; that our center, our aims, our thoughts, our. hopes,, nre higher than their, own. We cannot hide our profession, any more than Aaron could con­ ceal his priesthood (if we attempt to do so; we are recreant and disloyal to our Lord) and the worldling is watching us with keen and critical eye. Any failure on our part will be ascribed, not to us, but to Him Whose servants we are 1 The thought should drive us to prayer for “more grace” lest we cause our neighbor to stumble, and sin against the Lord. D ecember 24 “The anointing oil of the LORD ,is upon y0«."—Lev." 10:7.



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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los, Angeles, Calif.

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