King's Business - 1927-12

December 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

D ecember 25 “Let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see ."—Luke 2:15. SEE what? Here are no palace sentinels, no pomp of cir­ cumstance, no guardian angels, no obsequious courtiers. A com­ mon baby, occupying a common manger, in the common stable of a common inn! It is magnificent in its divine simplicity; no human imagination would thus have Staged the Incarnation of Deity. For that common Babe is “God, of God; Light, of Light; Very God, of Very God; the Savior of the world!” Truly thè Christian religion will be one whose adherents will need to walk by faith and not by sight! Immanuel, God with us! It needs heaven-given eyes to behold the glory ; it requires divine grace to realize the truth. But once realized, how unspeakable is seen to be the love of which it is a revelation. Who can measure the depth of the descent? From all the height and glory of the sapphire throne and of the Father’s bosom, to this rude cradle and the society of the beasts. From the power that wielded the scepter of the Universe, to the weakness of the new-born babe. From the adoration of the Archangels and the music of the heavenly Choir, to the revilings of sinners and the babel and discords of earth. “Immanuel, God with us ;” that is the evangel (the good news) of the ages; earth has never heard, nor shall ever hear, another message so inspiring as that. Well may we lift up our hearts and echo the celestial acclaim, “Glory to God in the highest;” for this new-born Child is “JESUS” (i.e., the salvation of JAH), Who “shall save His people from their sins,” and deliver them from all the manifold curse which has blighted their beauty and their joy since the day that Adam fell. Mystification, amazement, adoration, struggle within us for the mastery, but not for long—they are overpowered and swallowed up of praise. CHRISTIANITY begins at the cradle. It is the religion of Humanity. Its emblem is a new-born Child. In this manger at Bethlehem we see the regeneration (i.e., the rebirth) of the race. Adam—the father of time—fell, and by that fall we were ruined ; all our prospects of purity, of peace, and of honor, fled, and we trod the downward path that leads to corruption and decay. But this Babe is “the Father of eternity:” He is the new Adam, the Progenitor of a race that shall climb to the highest heavens of immortality and bliss. “In Him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost,” But Christianity is also the religion of childhood, in the sense that it is the cult of the child-spirit and of the childlike heart. “Except ye become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” All childhood is sanctified and glorified by the infancy of our Redeemer so that, ás it has been said, “he that hath touched a little child, hath touched heaven.” How careful we should be that we cause not one of thèse little ones to stumble. How we should watch them as our monitors, teach­ ing us simplicity, humility, purity, trustful confidence. How earn­ estly we should pray that the Christ-child should be born within our hearts, the earnest of that Christian manliness of which His later years were a manifestation and a pattern. That we may begin where He began, and increase in spiritual stature and wisdom as He increased in the physical. Nothing short of this infusion of a new life, even His, will restore us to the Para­ dise which our first forefather lost. D ecember 26 “Unto us a child is born." —Isa. 9:6..



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