King's Business - 1927-12


December 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

D ecember 27 “Commit thy works, unto the LORD.’’ —Prov. 16:3.


“B est” Books —The Kind Christians Should Read and Give to Others Books by “An Unknown Christian” THIS IS THE WAY —A book which sets out, in plain and direct language, the wondrous possibilities and privileges of the Christian life; a book to inspire and encourage the soul-winner; of reference for the^ preacher and teacher; a book to put into the hands of all who are longing for the rest and peace of the pardoned soul. It is, in fact, a book for all sorts and conditions of men. Lest any shadow of self should fall upon this and the following books, the author desires to be allowed to remain “An Unknown Christian.“ C loth $1 .2 5 HOW TO LIVE THE VICTORIOUS LIFE..... ...P a p er 75c HE SHALL COME AGAIN.........a................... P a p e r 75c THE HAPPY CHRISTIAN............... . ..1..,....... P a p e r 75c THE GLORY CHRISTIAN................ .......P a p e r 75c THE KNEELING CHRISTIAN............................. P a p e r 75c THE POWER-FULL CHRISTIAN...:................ ...P a p e r 75c

A TEXT too often overlooked. - We have heard of commit­ ting our way unto the Lord, but we imagine that we have to" supervise our works ourselves ; at least those which are not dis­ tinctly “religious.” Henfce come much worry, many mistakes, and a rnultitude of failures. When shall we learn that there is nothing that concerns us which does not also concern Him; that He desires to be made the predominant Partner in all our affairs? We are to commit our works unto Him; not Our work, merely, in the aggregate, but every detail of it—and that every day. What has been somewhat erroneously called “the trivial round, the common task” (for there is nothing trivial or common in connection with the Christian life), is to be submitted—point by po in ted ' the Father. Nay, more, it is to be handed over to Him; He is to be allowed to have the sole charge of it. True, it is we who are to accomplish the duty, but we are to do so under His' guidance and direction. The wisdom and strength nécéssarjt for the various tasks are to be supplied from His inexhaustible storehouse. The responsibility for success or fail­ ure is to be flung upon His shoulders and left there, that we may go out to the daily employment free from anxiety and care. This is a new view of life, radiant with many possibilities of hope and blessedness. Before it, the worries of the business or the domestic outlook melt away as the mists before the sun. Energy, instead of being frittered upon a hundred wearing per­ plexities, isi henceforth centered upon the one endeavor to catch the guidance of His eye and to act according to His will. All fear as to results is gone, once we have committed our works to Him; if He takes ¡over the concern, the issues must be right. UPON the literal obligation of this command there is no need to dilate : cleanliness is so essentially part of godliness that it needs no insistence. But there is deeper meaning to the words, which we shall do well to Consider. In spiritual typology the body signifies the life, the visible manifestation of that inner ego which the Bible designates the soul. This exterior life of ours is to be pure and clean. In all our words and works we are to be cleansed from the corruption which is attendant upon sin. But such purity does not lie within the compass of mere human endeavor. ■We are not able of ourselves to produce a life free from the pollution of iniquity. Hence the necessity of that life being washed with pure water; in other words, of its being cleansed by some influence external to ourselves. We need hardly remind our readers that this pure water signifies the Holy Ghost. It is by His power, and by His alone, that we can be freed from the stains of sin, just as it is only by the application of the precious Blood that we are delivered from its guilt. But while the latter operation is momentary and complete, the former must be continuous. We need but one sprinkling of the blood for the forgiveness of our sins ; we require the daily washing of the Spirit to produce purity of life, ■For, unhappily, we are bound to become more or less defiled as we tread the dusty highways of our earthly existence. It is in the laver of the Word that this cleansing of the Holy Ghost is to be found; happy are they who daily bathe therein. D ecember 29 “Who redeemeth thy life from destruction.” —Ps.103:4. HOW shall we estimate our indebtedness to God, not only for His saving, but for His keeping power ? He not merely frees D ecember 28 “Our bodies washed with pure water.”—Heb. 10:22.

Your Thoughts and You

By K ath rin e R. Logan T he a u th o r’s purpose in th is book is to a s s is t th o se seeking choice th o u g h ts to find them . Thé c ita tio n s hav e been gleaned from m any libraries. They are th o u g h ts ch arg ed w ith cheer, courage, faith an d pow er, an d b o th the a u th o r’s ow n statem en ts an d th e sections given o v er to q u o tatio n s a re g reatly enriched b y h er know ledge of th e w orld’s b e st literatu re. C loth $1.35

How To Use Your Mind

Mexico Today

By G eorge B. W inton This is a profusely illu stra t­ ed an d intensely interestin g volum e containing m uch first hand inform ation a b o u t ou r neighbors to th e South. The a u th o r believes th a t to know Mexico’s condition a n d to lend a hand in th e sp read of ed u ca­ tio n a n d tru e religion, is far b e tte r th a n to th re a te n her w ith violence. C loth 75c

By H a rry D . K itson T his m anual is fo r th e use of stu d en ts and teach ers in th e adm in istratio n of su p erv is­ ed study. It is generally agreed th a t th ere a re c erta in “trick s” w hich m ake fo r m ental effi­ ciency. M any of them can be im p arted b y in stru ctio n , and it is fo r th e purpose of m ak ­ ing them available fo r s tu ­ d en ts th a t th is book is p u b ­ lished. C loth $1.50

Things New and Old

By D r. C. L Scofield A com pilation of O ld a n d New T estam en t Bible S tudies co v er­ ing v ery in terestin g h isto rical po rtio n s of th e O ld T estam en t and th e F our Gospels. They a re w ritten in th e excellent sty le and w ith th e fine illu stratio n s fo r w hich D r. Scofield is fam ous. C loth $2.00 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods are to com e by m ail ad d 10% for postage. Send fo r a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T rac ts, etc. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los, Angeles, Calif. NOTE: If a second choice is perm issible, please in d icate your i preference an d thereby avoid delay a n d disappointm ent in th e event we a re o u t of an y of th e books w anted.

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