King's Business - 1927-12

December 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s '

B u s i n e s s

our souls from the eternal consequences of sin, He redeems our life from the destruction with which that sin would else in­ evitably overwhelm it. Have we ever seriously considered what we should have •become, had it not. been for the restraining ■grace of God? Into what slough of corruption should we have fallen, what shipwreck should we not have made of life, but that He prevented us from acting upon some of the impulses of our fallen hearts? This redemption, however, has not only con­ sisted in holding us back from the edge of the abyss; it has lifted us out and replaced our feet upon the rock when, as the result of our self-will, we have fallen into the pit of mire. What would David have been if God had left him to his own devices; what would have become of him after his grievous fall, but for the restoring power of the Most High? Whither would Peter’s rash temperament have led him, had it not been checked by Divine grace; how could he have continued in the Apostolate after his cowardice and denial, save for the fact that Redeeming Love was exercised for his rehabilitation? There is, perhaps, something almost more wonderful in this daily retrieval than in the for­ giveness of our sins^rindeed the latter would be vain and valuer less without the former—yet it is the one of “His benefits” which we are most apt to “forget.” We are grateful for our redemption (in the usual acceptance of the term), but we take our preservation as a matter of course, or are hardly conscious of its necessity. . WHICH of us is there who has not had that experience ? Have we not known days when all the waves and the billows seemed to be passing over u s; when trouble followed upon trouble till there appeared to be no end of the disasters and the griefs; days when we were swirled hither and thither by the waterfloods, while above us the sky was leaden and lowering? To add to our misery, it appears at such times as though we had been carried by the wild waters to the farthest shores of exis­ tence, far away from all help or hope, and forgotten by our God. There is nothing to be done in these dark seasons but to imitate the Psalmist and, “from the ends of the earth,” to cry unto Him, that He may lead us to the High Rock and set our feet there­ upon. Such a cry will never be in vain. No tempest that ever blew can drown its appeal or keep it from reaching the ears of Love. No billows that ever rolled and raged can engulf those who put their trust in Him. For the idea that He is afar off, or forgetful, has no foundation, save in our own disordered or bewildered brain. His people never really become flotsam or jetsam upon the tide of life, whatever appearances, or the Evil One, may suggest. “Lead me to the Rock;” the steadfast, un­ changing, indestructible refuge wherein I may hide myself “Till the storm of life be past.” Against the base of that crag, the waves of sorrow and the surges of passion hurl themselves in vain. Sheltered in that cleft, we shall be in perfect peace “When all without tempestuous seems.” These days of stress and storm come to all men, sooner or later: happy is he who has a Helper to Whom he can cry out in his affliction and his helplessness, but ah! how dreadful the position of the man who has not realized that God is his Rock. D ecember 30 “When my heart is, overwhelmed .”—Ps. 61:2.

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D ecember 31 “The end of the days." —Dan. 12:13. “The year has wrought its mystic rede, Its hours have passed with fleetest speed, Its thoughts have ripened into deed.”

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