King's Business - 1927-12


December 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

the fifth sparrow. And yet, oh, marvelous, Nuestro Senor says, ‘Not one is forgotten before God!’ “I have never heard anything like it, sir. No one but He would ever have thought of not forgetting me!”


“B est” Books

for the Morning Watch and the Evening Devotional Hour

J anuary 3. Texts: Gal. 6:9-10

Daily Light on the Daily Path

A young woman who was a great lover of flowers had set out a rare vine at the base of a stone wall. It grew vigorously but it did not. blossom. Day after day she cultivated it and watered it and tried in every way to coax it into bloom. One morning as she stood disappointed before the plant, her invalid neighbor, whose back lot adjoined her own, called over and said, “You can’t imagine howmuch I have been enjoying the blooms of that vine you planted.” The owner looked and on the other side of the wall was a mass of bloom.! The vine had crept through the crevices and flowered luxuriously-on the other side. There is a lesson- for every Christian here. So often we think our efforts thrown away because:we do not see their fruit. We need to learn that in God’s service -our prayers^ our toil, our crosses are never in vain. Somewhere they bear their fruit and some heart will receive their blessing and their joy. SALVATION is free. “Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” But how is the water of life going to reach him, if he does not know it? Mr. S'. LeRoy Smith, of the Pocket Testament League, told at a conference of the pure, wholesome spring water, coming from far away, that supplies Brooklyn. “But,” asked Mr. Smith, “what good would that spring water do the great city if it were not for the plumbing, the pipe-lines, that bring it to any one antj every one there that needs it?” God has chosen to make the message of salvation, the Gospel itself, dependent upon human beings for its transmission. It is free; but it must be carried. And God is looking eagerly today for unobstructed pipe-lines to carry the water of life to. those who will die without it. Are we pipe-line Christians? J anuary 4 Texts: Rom. 10:13-15 THE beetle and the bee fly over the same territory, light on the same plants. The beetle extracts only the bitter. The bee gathers only the sweet, and stores it up for the pleasure of others. The spirit of criticism grows on one until the few faults hide every beautiful.trait of character. “The man who led my chorus choir for years,” says George Stuart, “had been formerly a brickmason. In passing down the street on one occasion-he called my attention to a slight crook in a brick wall. I was at first unable to see it, but after letting my eyes rest on different points of the wall, under his instruction I finally noticed a slight crook. The next time I walked down that street I looked for the crook in the wall. It was easily dis­ covered. ■Every time I passed down the street1after that I looked for the crook in the wall, and soon I could scarcely see anything else. I finally began to fear lest the wall should fall down, though no change had taken place in it from the first. Don’t look for faults. Look for the better things,: and you will see more and more of them. Look for brighter things, and you will see more and more of them. “A GREEN horsefly flies all over a beautiful dappled gray horse and lights on a little sore spot on his withers. Don’t play, the horsefly and fly all over the beautiful traits of character of a friend and settle your conversation on one. little sore spot,” J a n u a r y ,5 Text: Phil. 4:8

A DEVO T IONAL TEXTBOOK F o r E very D ay in th e Y ear In the very W ords of S crip tu re M orning an d E vening readings on facing pages On Bible P aper, Size 4x2 V 2 inches L arge Type E dition On Bible P ap er Size 5 Vfex4%, inches

Cloth, sq u are corners, w hite edge

K eratol, limp, gilt edge.... 1.75 F ren ch Seal, lim p, gilt edge 2.00 V enetian M orocco, lim p, red u nder gold edge...... 2.25 P ersian Calf, lim p, red under gold edge...—...... 2.50 French M orocco, lim p, red u nder gold edge, gold roll ....... 2.75 Genuine L evant, lim p, gilt e d g e , sm ooth leather lined .........3.75 On India P ap er French M orocco, lim p, red u nder gold edge........2.50 F ren ch M orocco, limp, red under g o l d edge, gold roll.__3.25 F ren ch M orocco, limp, red u nder g o l d edge, leath er lined .i..... ..¿¿¿..¿.i. 3.75 G enuine M orocco, limp, red u nder g o l d edge, leath er lined..........'........... 4.50 T h i s volum e is used fai an d w ide as a fam ily devo­ tional book. It has a page, de-. "voted to each day of the year, containing golden tex t an d a sh o rt, terse serm onette. ¡Choice selections from D r. Sim pson’s w ritings. C loth $1.50 God’s Minute A Book of 365 D aily P ray ers Sixty Seconds Long T his book will be of a s s is t­ ance to C hristian people whose early religious train in g , ed u ca­ tio n an d experience have not been such a s to enable them to give rev eren t expression to th e ir sp iritu al needs. This book is aim ed to aid all such to form ulate th eir th o u g h ts an d tra in th e m ' along devo­ tional lines. C loth 60c K eratol $1.00 K ra ft L eath er $1.50 Days of Heaven Upon Earth

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Daily Text Books T housands of these little p o c k et volum es a re sold a n ­ nually. A Bible tex t fo r each day in the y e ar. U n d er the day and m pnth is an a p p ro p ria te sh o rt verse in keeping w ith th e S crip tu re selection. C lear type. P rin ted in two colors. In tw o inks and gold. O u r D aily F ood O u r Daily P o rtio n O u r Daily L ight ■ : O u r Daily B read O u r Daily D uty O u r Daily Guide D e L uxe 50 c; C loth 25c If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. Send for a free copy of our complete Catalog of Books, Booklets, Tracts,' etc.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los, Angeles, Calif.

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